8 years of this.
Insomniac Games: Immigration ban is 'deplorable, discriminatory' and 'unconstitutional'
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Why the fuck do I care?
If theyre the ones making them, no wonder modern games suck
Really, who are they
Another one for the list of game companies I'd never work for.
>likes and comments disabled
these people are beyond fucking helpless
A numale Californian company making LGBT games for Sony.
Just like my office. Mediocre people who think they are smarter than everyone.
These people are responsible for the next Spider-man game. Fuck.
[Citation needed]
Does anyone even buy Insomiac Games' comments anymore?
Also, they blocked comments and disabled ratings. What a joke. Gaming and game devs have become shit.
Can't wait to play Ahmed and Clank
Known for Spyro and Ratchet and Clank. They haven't made a good game in over 10 years and are resting on these laurels.
Its over Drumpf, Ratchet and Clank is pro immigration. Video game (The most respected media in america) developers are coming after you. You're finished.
If I am not mistaken their best "work" was ratchet and clank or whatever
You still find some decent developers in japan though.
Next Vidya Crash When?
>video game devs
they couldn't even beat a bunch of autists from Sup Forums, hell they STILL think the gaymergate boogyman exists
Evalion got fat.
muds to the front, whites to the back
The game (series) only had so much media attention because it was the only above average PS2 platformer
Oh some nu-male game devs are constitutional lawyers now, got it.
You find good nuclear bomb testers in Japan too..
>Google insomniac games
numale faggot manlets and ugly dykes think they're constitutional lawyers now
comments, likes and dislikes disabled for the jewtube vid.
It's a shit studio anyway. They just rehash their Ratchet games who are mediocre collectathlon from the N64.
I want to see how cucked GTA6 will end up being
what game do they make
The amount of virtue signaling has gotten out of hand
>Western games
And fuck off Insomniac, you haven't made even a decent title since the first Resistance. Even Sunset Overdrive was a total flop. Sad!
It's literally in the first amendment.
See thats the issue guys, these people think they're making a difference but people who work probably dont even play their faggy games.
Shills accuse us of being an echo chamber but these fags are in a literal echo chamber, who else but maybe kids and the fags who buy their games would care what they think?
So many constitutional law experts all of a sudden
Yeah that makes sense
went to shit after spyro desu
the federal government does not have the right to intervene with people coming over unless we're in the middle of war. And when they do come over and apply for citizenship that's when they do get involved.
>$13 million
None of the people in the image are responsible for any good games. That time is 10+ years in the past.
I can't wait for E3 to be an anti-Trump freak show and people end up fed up with this
Microsoft and Sony will bankrupt eventually for trying so hard to make money out of LGBT gamers.
>Likes and comments disabled
up your arsenal is a truly classic game
What is?
>Waaaaahhhh.......we want to keep hiring foreign slaves completely unimpeded
I can't wait until Trump drops the hammer on H1b visas and these faggots really start to squirm.
they made ratchet & clank
Neat opinion kid
Shut up. SSOD was great. The spiderman trailer looked great. Its going to be amazing. Peter will have a daughter and be married.
Rachet and clank, spyro, sunset overdrive and the new spiderman game
Peter will raise his wife's black son.
welp, guess I will continue to not buy American made vidya
Another example of Poochie mascot that aged like shit. The games do ok because they're the only platformers with a budget that isn't indie shit on playstation.
They made a game I liked when I was five. Guess I gotta betray my principles now.
Seriously companies and celebrities need to stay the fuck out of politics. Also, I'm not buying anything from anyone anymore except Wendy's. Not a fuckin thing.
Best thing that could happen is these companies moving to Canada
1) They don't produce wealth to american people
2) A bunch of weak numales making money is a bad idea in the first place
3) better and more competent companies will replace them eventually
this explains why the sly cooper movie hasn't been heard of in 3 years
Come on sunset overdrive was complete garbage
Shit, I didn't mean comments, I meant games. My bad.
> Peter will have a daughter and be married
There's gonna be some non-cishet bullshit wedged in there somewhere
Faggot nu-males and ugly feminist cunts
>Spyro, Ratchet and Clank,
>and Resistance.
Literal garbage
>Insomniac is currently developer a Spider-Man game for PS4.
Shovelware dogshit
Great! I really need these guys hot opinions!
notice 99% of the people bitching are on the west coast?
Something is just wrong with that coastline
No it wasnt. Jak was even better than R&C. Up Your Arsenal was extremely good.
Wrong. The executive is authorized to deny entrance to any foreign national, my stupid little antifa brainlet fag
It seems like they drug that lady into the front just for the "diversity" factor. /puke
>they're not US citizens
>make sure to put all the token minorities up front so people see how progressive we are
There needs to be a campaign to make them change their version of spiderman to the new latinX genderqueer version.
Now they're making a stand for social justice it's only right that they don't promote patriarchal white male stereotypes in their games.
Nah it was funny and the platforming was good. The only problem was the repitive mission structure.
How many of those employees do you suppose are in this just cause they don't want to lose their job?
If you combined all their arm muscles into one arm you could maybe make a normal human bicep
Uhhh..thanks random game developers..I'm not going to take your opinion on politics but when you want to make another Zombie Death game, let me know
Its not going to be shovelware. Its not activision and its not a movie game either.
Who cares?
looks like I know what games IM never going to buy or play
Why do companies feel the need to push political agenda? Why are they okay with potentially committing corporate suicide?
So how many Mudslime devs do they have?
Also, what fucking idiots, no one cares for lgtbwxyz characters or political commentary.
People just want good games.
>Insomniac Games
Console only peasants. This will be an easy one to avoid....I don't use consoles.
PC Master race FTW!
what do you do if you work at a company that does this and they make you be in the video but you are a trump lover
Well, it's easy to buy drugs there. Modified marijuana fucks up your brain and you turn into a literal leftist zombie
Plus I wouldn't doubt they use cocaine and psychedelics.
All that plus living in a place where multicultural propaganda is everywhere you end up creating a bunch of hipsters with low productivity that live off fast food and marijuana.
You shouldn't be eating fast food in the first place desu
>8 years
The delusion of you white nerds
I wish companies who have nothing to do with politics stay out of politics
>unironically having your "diversity" in front while all the beta cucks hang out in the back
it's like poetry.
Hide in the back, were a non-red Trump hat
like shit not even my part of the country is this retarded, and I live in New England
there were practically no protests during the inaguration, there were a couple hundred at most, and the police cucked the protesters at the airport in Boston
All good games this year are on ps4 and theres zelda
Man, I liked Spyro and Racthet & Clank. Likes ike I have to boycott them now.
Mr. Trump, I'm JEW.
>you're trying to close the borders to save your nation
>yet they want them wide open
>so wide open they don't mind if terrorists, drugs, or guns enter
>just so they can selfishly virtue signal to their friends about their white acting brown friends
its all so tiresome to want to save your ancestors country when you there is no longer one left...
Look at all of those white men. That room is 90% white men, fucking disgusting. THIS is what is wrong with America. YOU. ARE. THE. PROBLEM. #roomsowhite
Yes I'm sure they hire lots of Somalians.
>This is deplorable
These people are retarded. It's not like they've done anything in the last 5 years anyway.
you just lost Ace Combat 7, the one worthwhile game that would have came out for your system
damn I used to like them too
fuck you ted price
Just buy them used from an independent games store. Insomniac won't see a dime, and you'll be helping to support a local business. Tell them you did that on Twitter or Facebook. Game devs love that!
who gives a shit about this cuck, half his staff is probably immigrants and H1B employees that he pays 50% of the standard market rate.
I'm planning to go into the game industry in the future, and am trying to study game design. So out of curiosity, what would you want from a gaming experience with something such as an RPG or Adventure style game? (I can already tell that forcing a political narrative most likely isn't a good idea)