I'm an Eagle scout and so is my father...

I'm an Eagle scout and so is my father. I wanted my son to be in scouts because there are so few masculine influences left in the world, and now they're defiling the institution with this degenerate filth. I've had it with these fucking spooks.


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WTF is this shit?


Just take him lifting, or do guy stuff with your son. Or better yet, set up a new alternative scout group. Call it the lion scouts after Donald

Trump youth?

I'm happy for them, kids don't need to deal with autistic screeching. hopefully this will keep them out of the molesting hands of the left by teaching them some life skills

(((Goy Scouts)))

rex tillerson was head of the boy scouts when they lifted the ban on "open" gays

gays have always been in boy scouts you fucking moron

top kek

Baden Powell scouts look them up they are like when I was in scouts circa 1980.

This. Why would you give your child to strangers when you could just teach your son the importance of being a man?

Father-Son bonding and family strength is more important than anything else.