Will you be spared in the upcoming manlet genocide?

Will you be spared in the upcoming manlet genocide?

6ft is the cutoff.

Can you wait until we're done winning with Trump? Then I'll go.


I don't want to live in a world without snusnu


5'11, I will be killed.

5' 7" here, I'm ready for death

thats like 90% of the population

There are a lot more manlets than 6'+, you'd get BTFO

We've all been getting taller, just from our hormones and food portions.

Are there really people out there shorter than 6ft?

White,Upstate NY, All shortfags are jewish,brown, or italian

I'm fine. 7'3'' 410 lbs master race reporting in

Same, bring me sweet release

I have a 12 inch dick and work at Wendy's for a six figure salary.

You realize how many manlets there are in U.S. SOF?

You would btfo by them, and I wouldn't have to lift a finger.

5 10 here

im pretty sure the cut off is at 6'2"

you fucking leaf manlet

a fucking leaf


and i have the coolest ID

So you mean to say that not only will I still be on of the most physically attractive guys in the nation but that all competition shorter than me will vanish?

Nigger you messed up. In 15 years there will be 1000+ teenagers running around with my genes. I'll breed almost all of you out of existence.

>tfw literally 5' 11' 1/2

Come on guys don't kill me If I wear boots I'm one of you!

A fucking manlet

When will you learn?


Closer to 95% if you look at a global scale.

5'10" is the perfect height. Literally everything of worth is designed first for a man of this size.

Enjoy your cramped legs and bumped foreheads lanklets.


The manlet uprising is coming, and all enemies, lanklets and traitors alike, will hang.

if you wear normal shoes you are 6 foot.

This picture is so sad. That guy literally defines manlet. Look at that short stubby neck that makes it so much worse.

>be a 5'6 chink manlet
can my death at least be painless

5'3 here, i've slept with 46 women, including all of your girlfriends. They're lying when they say they'll never do anal.

off to the labour camps you go, rey mysterio

Yeah I know I was joking because manlets always wear boots to make themselves taller.

>MFW this kills tons of nonwhites by default.

Not a problem for me. I'm a 6'4" chef at Wendy's™ with a 9 inch cock making over $130,000 per year.

I'm 5'11'' which really blows. I've never been able to tick off that 6' box but I'm so close I can taste it whenever I get a physical

I'm 183 cm, but I actually appear closer to 188cm with the boots I wear which add 2 inches

Now that is a success story

I was never supposed to be one of you. My doctor told me I would be around 6'3. He lied and I turned out to be a manlet

>TFW you are 6' 3"

5'8 here, you're free to try, cuck

5'5" here

Good luck finding me

Slide thread. Sage

this except i'm a 6'6" line cook at jack in the box with an 11 inch dick making $155,600.28/year.




Will probably kill self before this could become a reality

>implying it will be short and sweet

Manlets must suffer a slow, tortuous death for being born too small

I wonder if manlets can die from embarrassment, by being mocked by dozens of chads and stacies

When everyone under 6ft is gassed, who's gonna be short then, shorty?

5'4" good luck finding me I'm behind 7 lanklets.

>tfw only 12'3
Why did I have to be born a manlet?

It's those subhuman southern italian genes

So many traps waiting to happen

Barely surviving, luckily not done growing either so might be promoted

I really like this idea of a manlet genocide to be honest

Hickok and John laugh at your puny cutoff height, then crush your bones to make into bread.

Good luck getting inside my hobbit hole.

What about short women?

It wouldn't be so bad if only he had a neck.

fucking try it leaf,

Honestly, they should be the first to get euthanized.

>6 ft is the cutoff
That's not what makes you not a manlet tho

I'm 5'11, but women don't know that. I was asked by some women at an old job to raise some hanging potted plants 12 inches so people would stop bumping their heads, but I only raised them 6 inches, and they didn't notice. They just said "thank you".

are you really working with half inches?


I'm closer to 5'7" then I am to 5'6"

do I call myself 5'7", no because that would be lying and that shit's pathetic

also the cutt-off is 6'7"! that's 2m for us metric-dudes

B-b-but why

>tfw 5'6 with 5'9 gf

You're still above average. Comsider yourself lucky.

If you think 6'0 is tall you're fucking retarded lol, you look like a kid beside me

You'd be left with an awful lot of Nigs, now why would you want that?

reminder this is (((shitposting))) trying to divide us

>White as snow (there is no Sun where I live, yes I go outside)
>Bright blue eyes
>Black belt in Bujinkan Budo Taijutsu
Yeah I'm going to be fucking fine. Kind of waiting for the shit to hit the fan so I can carve this world a new asshole.

>kill all

I disavow all forms of violence and discrimination.

>ITT: Insecure manlets getting butthurt they're less valuable then normal people


feels good man. I'm half kike though. I don't look it so I'll hush about that fact.

Editor's note: A few weeks ago, we were approached by a prolific Thought Catalog essayist who writes under the byline "Anne Gus." As it turned out, Anne is a young Swedish man whose real first name is Jakob (he wouldn't give out his last name).

"I feel it's time for me to branch out, spread my wings and hone my skills as a humor/satire writer," "Anne" wrote, "so here I am, on the hunt for a new challenging project to take on."

I explained that while we didn't generally publish the kind of satire he undertakes at Thought Catalog, we'd be very interested in a piece about his experience writing articles like "You're Not A Woman Until You've Had Your First Abortion" for the personal-essay site.

Funny how all the manlets in my unit insist on carrying the biggest guns

Have fun trudging through bushes taller than you with an MG

[spoiler] just wear lifts in your socks [/spoiler]

6'7" sous chef with a footlong dong making $1488.00 a day at chik-fil-a here.

i'd prefer we just kill the ugly ones

desu 99% of people above 6'3" who I've seen are total skellingtons

Oops, that's why we invented genome testing.
Get in the oven. Now.

5' 7" USN Veteran
I will dick punch you all before I go down, and I don't have to punch to low for a bullseye.

why havent you killed yourself yet, manlet

183cm reporting in. Please don't shoah me.

>Manlet genocide
Hitler was only 5'9 you fucking leaf
You're definitely not going to be spared during the Day of the Rake


but I can teach the new generation about western supremacy

that high IQ can help the gene pool pham

found the Russian hacker

Put me first in line please. Not for my height. I guarantee I'll die with a bigger dick than you though mr long tan and handsome (: thanks God

6'2" is perfect. Anything more is lanklet tier. Anything less is a manlet in waiting.

Batman is 6'2".

Are the females in your family attractive?
Do you carry qt genes?

>tfw 6'3
Feels good mang

>mfw 5'11"

It was nice knowing you faggots

>Be 6'2"

Guess I'm not gonna make it.
Neither is my father. Or my grandfather...
And the best part is none of us are related but we're all still manlets

Why wait?


I've never heard 'manlet' used irl
I get around

No genocide
I need the 5 foot whatever cucks
Otherwise I'd be the Manlet

if you kill everyone below 6ft, who will serve in all the new reichs panzer divisions?

I'm exactly six foot if I stand on my good leg
t. chad goebbels

my mom is a trophy wife and I carry her attractive genes. my dad is a German Jew with blue eyes and massive frame which I inherited

>mfw inherit moms brown eyes


I'm 5'11 but I'm closer to 6'0. I'll just lift myself up a little.

Just go on your tippy toes like Jeb! mate and you're good