At the Narita Airport

at the Narita Airport

"Where are you from?"
"I'm from France."

"Where are you from?"
"I'm from Brazil."

"Where are you from?"
"Seattle, Washington"

this arrogance

We say that because Americans from blue states dont want to be associated with the country. When I travel I always say "Im from California", not "I'm American". Don't want to be associated with red states.

Urbanite liberals have no affinity for their nation or people.

It was ok when Obama was in office, I started saying "I'm American" again. but now with Trump, since nobody likes him, its better to say "Im from *insert liberal America*" or just lie and say "I'm Canadian."

When I'm asked where I'm from I say Calgary, Alberta. Canada is a very large country and each part is different. Much like America.

This. Especially with Drumpf in office, I need to make it clear I'm a city person and not a rural or suburban retard.

Check these digits drumpsters

I'm from San Francisco, California, and I travel internationally quite often. I always say I'm from "America" or "The United States". Why? Because I'm not a transgender who puts on a dress and wears lipstick. I'm a fucking American, deal with it pussy.

One time in Italy someone got mad, calling me an "uneducated American" on their phone because I stopped someone from trying to cut the museum line. I was tall enough to see over their midget body and the Facebook post. I said, "America rules the world, what are you going to do about it?" and she just started sending even angrier messages on her phone, after claiming I "had no right to look at her phone." It was a glorious day.

It's a big diverse country, saying from you're from the USA is like saying "I'm from Europe." Besides, we're famous, everyone knows Seattle, Washington or Chicago, Illinois is in the USA.

That's not too bad really. Most Japanese know Seattle well as it's a Pacific coast city.

> when your country isnt important enough to be known by provinces

the only country that is allowed this privilege other than america is arguably canada, and maybe australia


respectable digits. Shit meme

sankyu Ichiro

I tell people I am from North Dakota. They either find it too boring to ask questions about or they find it fascinating enough to ask questions about (Do we still fight Indians?).

Even though we are a solid red state... we aren't relevant enough to really do anything of note to get much hatred.


I know that tv show. Isn't that where they find foreigners and then follow them or whatever, to raise awareness and a positive image about them? It's pretty interesting. I forgot the name, though.

That's just standard American parlance. What really irrationally triggers me is Hollywood movies that cut to a wide panning shot of Westminster and Big Ben with a caption of "LONDON, ENGLAND", or the Eiffel Tower with "PARIS, FRANCE".

Fucking hell, everyone knows what countries London and Paris are in, American education isn't that fucking bad.

Being this bad of shills

You guys needs more training before you guys are allowed to post here again

If someone said they were from London, or Paris, or Tokyo, or Beijing, I wouldn't think they were arrogant

>now that we are taking back our country, it's time to cuck harder than ever before
I can't wait for the purge.

CTR is being way too obvious right now

I "I'm from Akita."

how do you feel?

Some cucknadians think their London is important, and pretend to get confused.

arigatoo gozaimashta

>I'm from Texas
it's fine because nips love us cowboys.

That's because it doesn't matter you stupid farm fuck

You watch cinemasins too?

When someone asks me where Im from I tell them that Im from Montreal



>haha le ebik digits right Sup Forums

I think I've maybe seen one or two of their videos, not one about that specifically. It's a pretty common complaint, I think, it just seemed tangentially relevant and it really gives me the shits.

>travel internationally
>talk to strangers

itt: things that never happened

i went to amsterdam a couple months ago. people asked me where i was from i said cali. fuck those swamp niggers though. they hid anne frank.

>San Fran
>not a transgender
whatever you say, sally.

>I'm from Texas
Any other Texans do this?


And this

Yes. We have world famous bbq, rodeos, chicken fried steak and country music.

Fuck off redneck.

I wish I was from Texas so I could trigger libshits double time with my right leaning views.

I say I'm from Los Angeles because people have heard of it and have maybe visited. I was actually born there but moved during childhood.

Yeah not much you can do with four people huh?

I have always said, I am from Texas.

>live in cali
>unlimited libtards to troll
not like i would ever shitpost irl though.

Some Americans do like to travel. Just like how you Chinese like to appear in giant tour buses then disappear the next day.

>Any other Texans do this?

Yes. Always. Sometimes I'll toss in "Houston" but usually Texas will suffice.

>four white people

Fixed that for you. Highest IQ in the nation... however it is a facade because it's simply because we have few non-whites.

They usually point it out so I figured I'd ask.

I always say my state or city first. Being from the South that's how it's always been. State > Country.

Protip: you're a citizen of your state FIRST and the union SECOND. That's how it fucking works.

I suppose it might be more accurate to say "The State of Washington in the United States of America".

As a side note, it's hilarious at Narita airport there's a guy who has refused to leave and his house is like a fortress on the runway. I couldn't believe my eyes, how does he ever sleep.

This desu. If they have a negative opinion of the US, they can be interested in your state at least. Maybe they're smart enough to know the country is pretty big and each region is pretty unique


I spat out my drink, that's fucking awesome.

Truly Japan understands personal liberty and FREEDOM.

I say NYC because it gets women wet and everyone is always like OMG NEW YORK I ALWAYS WANNA GO THERE.

I'm an actual New Yorker though, not one of those faggot Midwesterners that move into Harlem or Brooklyn and live in a shoebox for 2k a month.

The union is literally that: a union. The states are all their own nations that contribute to a union that provides services for the greater good. You are a state citizen first, and a union citizen second.


Wish the flyover states would stop sending us their rejects but I've given up on it at this point.

I'm from an east coast state and when I lived in Japan I did the same thing.
It was just a habit. I eventually broke it.

If they're just traveling they probably did it as a force of habit. We usually think of our state before we think of our country as where we are "from" moreso than other countries, because this is a big fucking country.
Saying "I'm from America" is so unspecific it seems absurd.

Brazilians are also very proud to be brazilian and those European countries are small.

China does the same shit

Oh shit someone went and stepped into a shill mound. This place is swarming vermin, and we've exposed their pupa

Also, Based as FUCK

>tfw I always say I'm from Texas even though I'm actually from Kentucky
>tfw no state pride

Thats because if you say "Washington" half of them will think Washington D.C. You have to specify Ichiro Washington

Found it at: 35.768192, 140.397016

What a badass

disgusting degenerate faggot. not a statement on your sexuality.

>be me
>get asked in broken English 'where from'
>reply casually Australia.
>'fucking kangaroos'
>'ahh Melbourne'
every fucking time. None of the fucking nips know Australia is on the map, it's like I'm talking to sepos.

You're why this country failed in the first place. That mega-quake can't come soon enough.

Fuck off cuck, back to the rat hole sham of a city you crawled out of.

>tfw fat
>tfw everyone knows I'm American anyway

I can just imagine some aussie saying exactly that
>where from, gaijin-san?
>yee I'm frum fackin Straya mate, nah mean? None a that Melbourne shit
>it's the big fuckoff place with the fuckin kangaroo and koalas you coin-slot eyed cunt, Jesus, were you dropped on yer head as a baby?
>ohh, merubanu-dayo, naruhodo.

Usa is big you chink loser

America is huge. It covers a fuck huge mass of land. Saying you're from America means you could be from anywhere like a swamp in Mississippi to a frozen wasteland in Alaska to a desert in Nevada. If you're from France or from Brazil you pretty much know what climate they are accustomed to. It also stops the followup question of "What part of America are you from?" by answering it ahead of time.

Get a real job, CTR

>Coin slot eyed cunt

Kek. Haven't heard this one

White people voted Trump even in cities.

Cities leaned blue because they're full of blacks and mexicans.

The only white people who voted Hillary either had a connection to benefit from the corruption or were still in or barely out of school (freshly brainwashed).

Well when you think about it each state is basically its own little country in the US.

This was far more true 150 years ago. Now the federal government likes to stick its nose in everybody's business. Let states handle state problems.

I can't tell if this is bait or terrible shilling.

Bro, we nuked you because you committed the worst atrocities in human history, we can come to your country and say whatever the fuck we want. We can kick your grandfather in the dick and still have the moral high ground. You eat bugs.

Believe it or not, people in "developing" areas often won't have a clue what "California" is (seriously).

Easier just to say U.S. or America

well...uh...are you from Melbourne?

Sauce user.

Considering most states have more landmass than the country you're teaching in and your native england, it makes sense.

if you got right down to it, washington/seattle has a gdp and is physically larger than some countries, therefore being specific is a good thing.

do you know ichiro?

America is America
Be proud of being united

>since nobody likes him

how he elected?

I live in Seattle. When I travel abroad I say I'm from America.

This is fucking madcap!

His driveway is literally a secret tunnel underneath the runways! Imagine bringing bitches home to this fortress.

It's not fair.

When I was at Narita 2 weeks ago for my japan vacation I didn't see them interviewing

Why do japs do that?

To be fair I tell everyone I'm from Quebec. I sure would not want to be grouped up with the cucks.

USA is not Europe
merely one country

only Dallas though



also, kek, I hate this pasta but not going to lie that made me snort

>a glorious day

and then i finished turning in my books at la sapienza and went back to my hostel all alone

It's because the US (and Canada to a lesser extent) is FAR more internally diverse than any Euro nation. The distinction actually is reasonable: a Portlander is as different from a Brookoyner as a Wop is from Mick.

arrogant waito piggu gaijin every time in japan

This is how I know you never travel to Europe before or outside of a hasty short tour.
Your stupid is showing.