There are 3 kinds of Jews

There are 3 kinds of Jews.

Normie jews (think gordo from lizzie macquire or Jerry from Seinfeld)

Zionist Jews

Globalist jews.

Elite jews are either Zionists or Globalists. Both are satanic pedophiles. However is some differences.

Zionists believes Israel should be a strong Nation inhabiting the planet with other Strong (albeit slightly weaker) nations than Israel.

Globalists believe Israel is meant to be the only nation (NWO)

Both want to enslave you but Zionists are ok with giving you a little bit of autonomy.

Globalists want the planet to themselves.


thx ilearned something new today.

Bailey is the only man I would openly have sex with


Because you have a small asian penis

what is her name?

His name.

That is a man (transexual male to female)

His name is Bailey Jay

It's basically rothschild vs. soros.

Fuck em both.

Ive seen stranger things

This is a good example. But the Rothschild are not as bad as you think.

Yes they have been controlling things but its for the collective good.

The greater their foundation is the greater they are.

They (rothschilds) have not been making the goyim weaker, but the opposite. They are making us stronger so they are stronger.

Soros just wants to enslave the planet for his tribe. Rothschilds understand they are not infallible.

>thinking Jerry is a normal jew
We all know he's really the one behind it.

Who is this semen demon?

cute girl user


Thats a man.

It got married far out. RIP in pepes to your dreams. May you sleep soundly pippon nippon while the sun sets your cucked pinky cock.

It's true that there are different kinds of Jews.

But the exact taxonomy is a secret that Jews never tell outsiders.

Sorry, goyim.

Finn wolfhard

There's only one response to all forms of Jewry...

Sad but true when you can't use logic or reason in order to stop an insane group of people you HAVE to use violence.

Globalists dont rule through Israel. They rule their banks and corporations.

t. Zyklon


Correct Zionist rule though Israel

oh god MOAR who is this goddess? would impregnate

Bailey Jay, a tranny lol

The Globalists aren't Jews.

Oh, some of them have Jewish DNA, all right, but they think the Torah is a book of fairy tales and hate Israel as much as any goatfucker. If the globalists have their way, there'll be no room for Jews in the New World Order even as slaves.

You can be a pious, patriotic Jew, or you can be a globalist. You can't be both.