As an Asian, who do I side with in the upcoming civil war?
>Alt-right faggots hate all non-whites
>Leftists don't give a shit about us
As an Asian, who do I side with in the upcoming civil war?
>Alt-right faggots hate all non-whites
>Leftists don't give a shit about us
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Neither. You let whites and non-whites destroy themselves and enslave them when they're weak
The alt-light, probably.
Look back at footage of the LA riots.
The Asians and the alt-right have a common enemy: the niggers.
You forge a temporary alliance with the alt-right, and focus exclusively on defending your enclaves from the liberal hordes. Then, when the hordes are dead, you negotiate with the alt-right.
There won't be a Civil War desu
Japan never disappoints
theres no civil war that's reddit tier shit.
however, pol loves asian people so you know who's got your back.
Alt right, no fucking question.
Alt right just wants whites to fuck whites and asians to fuck asians. Otherwise, they don't care.
Leftists want to take all of your money, spend it on stupid shit and call it justice.
Haven't you been watching the HWNDU stream?
The alt-right isn't quite what you might think.
I'd side with the ones that aren't actively trying to destroy Western civilization.
Welp I would say just be yourself user. And remember you'll always be good at math
chill on rooftops and shoot looters
>honorary aryan doesn't realize he's honorary
Join us chink brothers
The alt-right doesnt exist.
Sup Forums isnt 100% white any more than America itself is.
This is all obvious shit that libtards cant handle because they're the real racists who thought all conservatives were white men who want to lynch nignogs and gas jews.
Communism is 100x worse than Fascism and we should fucking shoot Antifa on sight.
Take the red-pill comrade. We are all brothers and sisters in the fight against capitalism
you NEVER side with whites, they will always stab you in the back
>Alt right
You know that is just a front for the left, right?
>t. I pay no attention to politics on a political board
Liberals are everyones enemy besides themselves. They hate white men and secretly hate minorites. Alt-right is the answer to support.
Mate there is literally only about 5 white people in the world that actually genuinely hate every non white
Asians are honorary Aryans and are to side with whites.
as an asian you have no soul and will just follow whoever wins and is most authoritarian
however , i've noticed asians band together against whites in more elite circles. but more as part of the diversity process which forms alliances between groups of non-whites against whites
I unironically think that even the heaviest part of the alt right would cuck for asians.
You're honestly fucking harmless when you're not being economically aggressive like in australia, probably one of the only groups capable of integrating.
Fascism was working fucking great until the entirety of the rest of the world got up and broke it, since it didn't benefit the zionist cause.
as an Indian man, I don't know what to do either.
Once China takes over the world, they'll probably put me to work at a factory and I'll eventually die from malnourishment.
They will not divide us
user, half of these alt-right faggots are non-whites themselves. Have you not seen the HWNDU stream? There's like one white person and the rest are gooks, spics and Arabs.
Rooftop Koreans are pretty dank too
Asians vote overwhelmingly democrat. You are pretty much stuck with the left. Too late to change sides now.
>>Alt-right faggots hate all non-whites
stop being a faggot, faggot. you side with your countrymen like you were taught.
unless you're a shill, then you fuck right off.
the new ctr is in town, share blue. they're trying to sew division. stand strong, my brothers and sisters.
their arguments all fail to stand up to even casual scrutiny, lies and deception is all they have.
sage shit like this
I like Asian people.
I've fucked 4 asian women and spent time with their families. They're kinda fucked in the head emotionally, but I like them. They assimilate to white society and go to college/work.
fuck off faggot
Roof Koreans are based. Our Nips did good in WW2. Laotians, Vietnamese, and Cambodians make fantastic fucking donuts for some reason and work hard as hell.
If you're Chinese I dunno what to tell you, but I don't have anything against you personally.
t. chink master race
Alt-right is fine with Asians, especially if you're Japanese.
We're not gonna kill you. Fight with the right and you'll get a share of the loot, probably be able to negotiate for student loan forgiveness and a free plane ticket back to gookland
Neither. Both sides are controlled by the Jews.
Support the civic nationalists
stop talking you subhuman swine
Nah, dude. Non-muslim Asians are good bros.
We just needs to clear out the nigs and the jews...and the muslim people.
Bullshit rooftop Koreans are honorary Aryans on this board. Ask yourself this would you rather have to live with blacks and Hispanics afterwards or white people? That and white people tool up like this for a race war do you really want to be on the other side?
Spoken like a true honorary Aryan.
Yeah nah, krautcunt. Full blooded Anglo Saxon here.
>these are the people you share a board with
>As a CHINA what do I do in trump's USA
You go back to CHINA
Be an honorary white.
This though personally I support the Rooftop Koreans.
Too bad redpilled Asians never fucking vote.
Just keep your head down and let the crazies kill each other off.
^ What Schlomo says.
As asian you are more intelligent than the euro-white..but will be subservient to the more intelligent jew.
>hate all non whites
Wrong, honorary aryan, just embrace western culture and values
>>Alt-right faggots hate all non-whites
Nah, you just need to go back to your own homeland and make it great while we make ours great, then everyone can have it great instead of everyone fleeing to the one great place and letting their own homes become shit.
>le alt-right doesn't exist meme
alt-right are like 1000 people, they will either die or side with civic-nationalists/right-winger.
just side with the right-wing
Nah bro, certain Asians are fine. Hell certain blacks are fine when they swallow the redpill (ex big joe).
If you're willing to join the RWDS I will be happy to March alongside you
sushi nigger, pls go.
Alt-right faggots are actually all shitskins anyway. You will fit right in faggot.
>As an Asian, who do I side with in the upcoming civil war?
why are you on Sup Forums asking things like this? you're participating in some pretty shameful behavior if you ask me. have some pride and decency
you should be doing something valuable with your time unlike all these pathetic white boys . yeah i came out of the woodwork to say it, me and you both have no business being here but the thing is it's sorta fun to come to Sup Forums and read just how stupid people really are.
Gee iono:
>this side hates you
>this side doesn't really care one way or another about you
Arab Christian here, mudslimes and whiteboiis both hate us. Form alliance, asianbro?
make animu and unite teh world