Literal man-child.

Other urls found in this thread:



shit bait OP

shit president that's going to be in the hot seat when America gets knocked off it's pedestal as #1.

Trump is the best thing to emerge, world wide, for over 100 years
Finally Americans have made a wise choice
World loves Trump
Entire world wants a Trump of their own
Love Trump
Women want to have his babies
Guy is a hero

LOL you just realized this?

Looks like Soros scrapped up more welfare funds for CTR. Been a lot of these shit posts lately.

You didn't even try desu

Nope. But we did it to ourselves. I refused to vote for the Shill because she is a lizard person, but anyone can see she was the only person qualified on the final ticket. Not that she ever should have been on the fucking thing to start with.

You are just as out of touch with reality as tbag himself if you can't understand how people could disagree with you. You just can't fire me to keep your narrative straight, unlike the preztle.

Kek, stay mad, cuck.



Is that pooty poot's personal pac for hairpieces in office?

Why do you try David Brock?

shit bait for a shit president

Yep. That's you.


He's certainly getting a lot done for a fake president.

You'd have to have a job to get fired, loser.

The amount of liberal butthurt is just so awesome. And it's only been a week. What a great 3 years and 51 weeks we still have ahead of us.

Trump is gorgeous
Women want his babies
Men want his style
World wants a Trump of their own
Smart US for choosing Trump. Best decision US voters ever made
Make America Great Again
Then send Trump to fix up our broken countries
Trump is the man
Love him


Literal sage thread

already happened under Onigger. Nice try user, you get a special star

Wtf I'm a #cruzmissile now

This is a totally serious post.

Trump can't handle when things don't line up with his narrative. As a television host and producer for a reality TV program, his job was to decide what was real. That's cute and all, and works for entertainment. However now that he has the job of president, he is faced with actual reality, and needs to realize that both facts and people are going to disagree with him, and that if he only surrounds himself with yesmen, he will be a weak president that is easily manipulated by stroking his ego or playing against it.

>says the leaf

>Women want his babies
>2/3 wives are eastern european gold diggers

I agree with you, but I think Trump realizes the role hes stepping in to, and will handle this as maturely as he can.

> I was only 9 years old
> I loved Trump so much, I had all the merchandise and movies
> I pray to Trump every night before bed, thanking him for the life I've been given
> "Trump is love" I say. "Trump is life"
> My Mom's husband hears me and he calls me a fascist
> I knew he was just jealous of my devotion for Trump
> I called him a cunt
> He starts crying and runs off to his safe space
> Mom comes in and slaps me, says to keep it down because Jamal hates noise
> Im crying now, and my face hurts
> I lay in bed and its really cold
> A warmth is moving towards me
> I feel something touch me
> Its Trump
> I am so happy
> He whispers in to ear, "China is ripping us off in trade"
> He grabs me with his powerful hands and puts me on my hands and knees
> I'm ready
> I spread my ass cheeks for Trump
> He penetrates my butthole
> It hurts so much but I do it for Trump
> I can feel my butt tearing as my eyes start to water
> I push against his force
> I want to please Trump
> He roars a mighty roar as he fills my butt with freedom
> My Mom's husband walks in
> Trump looks him straight in the eye and says. "America is great again."
> Trump leaves through my window
> Trump is love, Trump is life

We LOVE how he treats you guys,don't you fucking get it? He's doing everything he said he would and eviscerating Obama's legacy at the same time. It's pure fucking awesome. Obama will be known as the first black president, nothing more cuz it'll be all gone!


Oh hey guise it's another anti trump post.

So edgy
Much wow

'man child',you're the one constantly whining smdh

everyone is a child but the mark of an adult is when they can put away childish things.

Aside from that finding dory incident Trump is pretty mature for his age. You have to remember he's a grandpa and grandpas get nostalgic for their youth. I hope one day you get to experience this for yourself amerifrend.

this was done at noon on monday

1-in-2-out? What kind of childish shit is that?

We need a stronger military? This election proved that it's far easier to control public opinion with information warfare than traditional boots on the ground.

Ban people from traveling with no notice and no immediate threat to homeland security? That's a goddamn humanitarian issue.

Hire a tin-foil-turned-talk-show-turned-campaign-manager-turned-advisor Wormtongue? check.

Order a "26G$ wall"? Sure, just were did that magic number come from. And no shit Mexico isn't paying for it, the American people will when they dick over their #1 trade partner that forgoes shit for China.

Defund PP? Fuck him. That shit is necessary for the greater public health and welfare of everyone. Abortions aren't easy for anyone, especially the fucking people that sometimes have the unfortunate circumstances to need one.

Hire PR people who are calling the media fake news? Well you know what, nothing here shows Trump is capable of being president. He's an impostor that the American people voted in because the alternative sucked and they are so ADD they can be led by their noses with the drop of red herring.

The man is a joke. He's worried about not being a legitimate president. Well, the thing is, he's not. He's a man who has to be lectured about international politics from Merkin.


Btw, did you guys watch the WH yoyo on that travel ban? Not only will it be struck down as unconstitutional, but they are acting like goddamn children scribbling Calvinball notes in class and correcting them when people throw a shit fit.

>70 years old
>still insecure about his pasty skin that he has to ridiculously tan himself like this
>pathetic combover to hide that he's balding
Sup Forums elected a literal nu-male
