Holy shit I'm almost in tears listening to this where did everything go so wrong did the Jews really morally fuck us up this bad that in 30 years we are full of degenerates on both sides of politics?
Holy shit I'm almost in tears listening to this where did everything go so wrong did the Jews really morally fuck us up...
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This is what it will be like 8 years from now when Trump steps down.
ronald gayfag was a shill cuck actor who was put in place by (((them)))
the fuck are you talking about they almost killed the guy
look at him and listen to him. he's a faggot.
it's like the intro to mr rogers.
>Anything other than neocon trash
Get the fuck off this website.
Why is Ragean so idolized in America? On paper in history books he basically gave the biggest amnesty to illegals on record and didnt do anything to stop the white decline or any other Sup Forums talking points. What was so good about this guy? He basically bent the knee after the assassination attempt and was another ZOG puppet.
Fuck Reagan desu.
>Why is Ragean so idolized in America?
he was a nationalist that btfo the commies
very similar to trump coming in as pro-US after years of the left hating the US and apologizing (see carter), only it was amplified because the soviet union at that time was a real power and threatening