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I'd say quite the opposite

>All the shitty people are on the other side


I thought liberals hated Christians, but I guess that doesn't matter and the Pope is a wonderful person once he agrees with you on a single topic.

>The Pope
A conman who makes money off of religion
>Michael Moore
A guy who blames K-mart for people shooting each other

Man how dare the world not be on their side.

oh so now the left loves Cheney
this is fucking nuts

(((Lipschutz))) should keep his Lips Schut

>retarded globalist sock puppets are united against you
>somehow this is bad

imagine that. a fat faggot liberal hypercuck, a neocon globalist opportunist hawk, and the debased leadership of a false religion are all against you.

sounds like you're the hero of this story.

This, they called him Darth Vader. Replace Chaney with Darth Vader and see if people still repost on fagbook


This is the part you all cannot seem to understand, like some kind of Dunning Kruger effect where you are too stupid to know you are too stupid:

Americans are not followers!
And EVERY American is an ASSHOLE.
Donny faggot is so stupid he thinks the Presidency automatically means he gets respect, when in fact the president is the Least respected position in America, because there is always at least 100 million who think you are a dick!

Because we are assholes.

And assholes don't have leaders; we have public servants who damn well better kiss our asses!

All of you who don't get this are obviously Russian plants...

My own Pope is against the god-emperor. Doesn't he realize that he will fade into obscurity without the god-emperor? Fuck, I'm converting.

Okay, so we have a socialist filmmaker and a corporate whore, joined by a man, proclaiming to have been selected as Gods representative for a faith that believes you need to confess your faith to a priest, and take communion on a regular basis, or you go to hell.

Yeah, I'm fine disagreeing. Any other stupid questions, OP?.

not to draw a line in the sand, but if a commie cuck, a neocon, and a commie cuck are against you, you're probably doing something right


Not to draw a line in the sand but if you have Michael Moore, Dick Cheney, and the Pope all on your side. You are probably an asshole.

With enemies like that, how could you be wrong?

> 50 million Russian plants
We lost the cold war, we just didn't know it.