Hello, I work for a news agency and I'm writing a column about the radicalization of America's youth via online platforms. Could a few users please share how this site has influenced your political or moral views? As you know, a young man from this site was the culprit of a shooting in Quebec. Did users know this individual? Do you think that the content of this site caused him to commit the murders?
Yea we call everyone niggers and faggots, then go back to our normal non edgy lives. Its called roleplaying faggot.
Parker Cooper
This is a board of peace, we disavow any and all violent acts done in the name of our board, we only use violence if in absolute necessity of self defense. The actions of this man are unacceptable and we disavow it. Good day sir/madam.
Nolan Baker
Let me tell you about the group known as "the jews"
Tyler Price
Tell me what you think of this info graphic and I will give you a very long detailed in serious answer with my email address attached
Lucas Bennett
People usually come here because of the views they already have, faggot.
Hunter Parker
Kevin Moore
Faggot nigger lovin kike
Ethan Thomas
Sup Forums isn't satire. Get out, stupid newfag.
Nathaniel Garcia
Yeah, we were butt buddies. I'd swing by his house once a week and we'd have anal sex while while slathering maple syrup on one another. Once we were done licking each other clean, we'd go out and groom his pet moose. Good fucking times. I'll miss him.
Henry Kelly
No one answer this cunt
Levi Perry
Only post redpills
Adam James
> Could a few users please share how this site has influenced your political or moral views?
Sup Forums made me kill my parents
Henry Williams
Hitler did nothing wrong
Cameron Diaz
I used to be tolerant and anti-racist but now I want to gas all jews and mass-murder all muslims. Heil Hitler.
Thomas Watson
Aint that nigger got nuffin to do with dis site, gnomesayin. He a hoodrat nigga tryin act all bad and shieeet
Chase Phillips
Mason Gutierrez
Anthony Jones
A question to civic nationalists:
First of all, im not an ethic nationalist, white supremacist, right-winger or any of that.
What are your thoughts about what is happening right now? All this mass protest, all of this stubborn hatred of Trump, these black people that want to burn down the white house. You yourselves said that Trump was a civic nationalist. Does it appear to be working? Is it because Trumps ethnic nationalist tendencies are making the transition rough? If he was more smooth like you would your system work out? At what point would these people cooperate if you merely are passive and carry on as you are? These people are so stubborn that it doesnt appear they would cooperate at any point, no matter how smoothly and correctly you carried out your civic nationalism. At some point or another you would have to round them up and kill them. You may say that some would cooperate, yet look at what is going on. Look at how stubborn these people are. I just cant help but realize that it wouldnt be any different and the real reason why any of the minorities are cooperating are not the reasons you think. They are still motivated by the movement the others are, if you took that away they would be just as violent. They are still carried on by the motive that one day they will be dominating the white man they just hide this and are pacified because they are being paid and they have position etc.
If you take the submissive role, as you have been in the past and you will in the future, what then is stopping these people from over-taking you? At what point will you draw the line? The tyranny is already happening and has been going on without end. For all intents and purposes it seems pretty clear that a passive role will never bring about this line and will just continue indefinitely as it has.
I fail to see how this is going to "just work out".
Jeremiah Sullivan
>share how this site has influenced your political or moral views?
I was once a violent anarchist. Sup Forums and Sup Forums specifically taught me non violent protest is the acceptable way to fight the power that be.
Peace unto my user brothers.
Henry Campbell
Christian Flores
I used to be a good go..boy, I meant boy.
Connor Foster
Sup Forums is a board of peace faggot, the only thing we do that's a radical is kick flipping on the halfpipe
Brayden Lee
more like not giving a shit anymore
Justin Rogers
Suck my dick you piece of propaganda writing shit. I hope you get hit by a bus you mother fucker.
Michael Watson
If you want violent feminist faggots like that guy you should try reddit.
Dylan Wright
We dindu nuffin
Jayden Ward
>>yes, ive gotten more legit things here than from ANY lamestream media platforms, THE END!!!
Logan Long
Sup Forums is a board of peace
Jason Morales
Any community that gets its laughs by pretending to be idiots will eventually be flooded by actual idiots who mistakenly believe they're in good company.
Also, kill all arab pieces of shit. Fuck the media, too.
Jose White
I wish Sup Forums was satire, like old Sup Forums was... unfortunately it's not.
Christopher Miller
Hi, welcome to Sup Forums.
First off, Hitler did nothing wrong. Second, race is not an arbitrary social construct, but is rooted in real, and important, biological differences arising from our divergent evolutionary histories over the past 50,000 years or so. Seig heil brother! How is Sup Forumsand?
Jackson Campbell
Me before: I am a moderate liberal supporting Bernie Sanders and before that, Barack Obama.
Me now: Full communist following the ideological line of Marx-Engels-Lenin-Stalin-Mao-LinBiao. Anti-revisionist third worldist revolutionary. Fascist beater and milquetoast liberal hater. In favor of gulags.
Thanks for radicalizing me, /pol.
Leo Price
I heard he was really into Reddit. We don't do that stuff here.
Chase Myers
shit-tier bait sage
Noah Brown
If this is bait - fuck it I'll bite. This board (I'm not talking about the entire website because there are a variety of different boards, almost all of which are non-political) nothing more than a semi-satirical board that has spawn its own culture, lingo (memes), and does have a bit of a hive mind mentality. But this is not without reason. This board tends to go against the grain (hence politically incorrect) as a counter-balance to the current media, political, and cultural climate in the Western world - mainly.
Some people come here to justify their views because humans have a tendency to want to be morally superior. This is nothing new - and I'm sure you're well aware of this 'circle jerk' that occurs in the broadcasting community.
Personally speaking, this board has opened my eyes to the strong ultra left-leaning bias of the mainstream media and education system. And, the fact that left-wing advocates are pushing even harder left - and demonizing right-wingers in the process - you're effectively destroying our means of dialogue and thus creating a very hostile and tribal political climate.
Radicalization of people on this board occurs when they realize the obvious bias and the tribal mentality that the rest of society (mainly Lefties - who control the education system, Hollywood, media culture, and the news) are out to get them. When you put a lion in a choke hold, don't expect the lion not to react. And this is simply what's happening here. This is a projection and manifestation of the human psyche onto politics and it's because the Left are going too far.
And by the way - do you wonder why Lefties tend to gather in huge pacts to protest? Because they: 1. have nothing better to do in their little snowflake lives; 2. they have an even bigger hive mind than the rest; and 3. they tend to have more compassion (which is not a good thing in society when you have too much of it).
Asher Howard
>the shooting in Quebec was perpetrated by one extreme Muslim on a more moderate Muslim mosque! Get your fucking facts straight shitposter
Juan Garcia
Go fuck yourself you MSM piece of human garbage. Do you have any idea how much I look forward to firebombing your TV stations and hanging you people from streetlamps? YOU ARE UTTERLY HATED HERE. I WOULD LAUGH IF YOU BURNED TO DEATH. Why? Because of your incessant narrative pushing, you simply cannot help yourself. White countries and their cultures are under assault and you are the drummer in the enemy army. You cheer as we are demographically replaced, you cheer as our cultures are destroyed.
I hate you.
Ryan Brooks
>full communist
Juan Roberts
Hello trustworthy journalist, we have such faith and respect for your profession around here. I knew the leaf. He was always posting about how the left was right and how one day he would do something to shut us down for good.
Mason Foster
Idk. Personally, I just created my Sup Forums account a few weeks ago. I enjoy browsing Sup Forums, it seems to have very tolerant individuals who are open to unbiased political discussion. As a Hillary supporter myself (#ImWithHer), I was delighted to see how everyone on this board was understanding of this support. That aside, From what I have seen on this board, it appears that there is no connection between these unfortunate events and Sup Forums. But that's just my two cents Edit: WOW!! RIP INBOX!! THX FOR THE GOLD KIND STRANGER!!
Lincoln Cooper
Huffington Post,vGawker Media, and others turned me to hate.
They always say that I am the problem.
Jason Parker
Get the fuck out you corporate owned kike
Jaxon Anderson
In the words of Martin Shkreli - "lol suck a dick"
Jacob Hall
Michael Gonzalez
I learned that 3D=PD and that the superior 2D Waifu is the only way to go.
Anthony Gomez
Lurk moar, faggot
Ayden Morgan
The 88's are strong in this thread
Ryder Carter
>At last I truly see
Benjamin Edwards
It's because they've been lied to, and their culture has been rotting away since the 1960s. Fix the culture, spread the truth, and peace will reign. Trump knows and advocates this.
Joseph Cook
Your image is retarded. You can clearly see the one on the left is "The Post's View," and is written by the editorial board. The one on the right is an opinion piece aka garbage they'll publish for ad revenue
Xavier Cruz
I would say that any person who has nothing to lose will inevitably undergo any process of unbridled radicalization and harm himself and others in the process (this could be alcoholism, drug abuse, gangs, prostitution, religion, work). The personality of the person will dictate what kind of response they will have. The shooter was not justified in what he did - and quite frankly it is so sad to see that the MSM is holding a vigil for all Muslims and yet, if there were an attack on whites from Muslims, there would be a rally of "peace and consolidation" to show Muslims that they are welcome.
Just think about that. Can you understand how fucked up that double-standard is?
Chase Kelly
how mad does it make you? please tell
Austin Sullivan
>two reported shooters >two are arrested >one while "attempting" suicide >second parked in a remote location 20min after incident >apparent mass shooting with 6 dead 8 wounded out of 40 approx >gun laws are heavily restricted in canada >ak-47 "like" rifle was used >apparently shooter left and returned multiple times >all within a time frame of approx 3 hours >after which, one suspect released as being a victim >framed on a single white male
Oh okay.
Jose Stewart
The people here are the most non-discrimating people I have ever met. We expose the truth by exposing weakness in all view points. Violence is not something Sup Forumsacks condone. Its not needed to drop the redpill. If you seriously think Sup Forums is raticalizing anyone, you are seriously cucked. I would turn you attention to FB and Twitter. Those cucks are radical. I'm sure the shooter used those as well, and probably drank Starbucks.
Tyler Bailey
You cant fix the culture without fixing white demographics. The two are linked; any moron can see this now. Japs produce Jap culture. Europeans produce European culture. Africans produce African culture.
Noah Foster
Michael Young
Fuck your narrative. You fucks are doing to Sup Forums what the Republicans did to arabs in the 2000s.
This site is a shithole but it does not deliberately "radicalize" people or repeatedly encourage anyone to kill anybody but themself.
Parker Morales
And you think those distinctions matter?
Grayson Campbell
It's unfortunate, but I think you're right. Lately it has seemed like American youth exhibit increasingly radicalised behaviour. I've seen the videos and posts on social media. It's such a shame..
These young people could have had such bright futures, but instead they've let themselves be driven by anger and hate for those who disagree with them.
And why are no one doing anything about it either? Have the parents failed these kids? Where are they, when their sons and daughters go shouting in the streets, calling for bloody revolution!? It's crazy...
Leo Parker
No influence what so ever. Here you can speak your mind and be genuine with out the risk of getting doxxed or fucking up friendships. I can show my true power level and the bottomless hatred i have for mudslime savages, and the braindead cucks that perpetuate the jew's lies and schemes
Michael King
I don't give a shit, I'm just pointing out that your image is only going to get your argument torn to shreds by anyone who opposes your viewpoint. You can't compare an op-ed to the actual content endorsed by a news outlet's editorial board. Not to mention there's plenty of shady media outlets that will publish op-eds that are really retarded and flawed just so everyone will laugh at the piece and they get delicious shekels from clickbait articles
Aaron Davis
We are mostly pro-Hillary here. Most of us hate Trump. Were the future and the good guys. We welcome refugees here.
Josiah Watson
why dont you ask the feds. they usually know shit years in advance and dont even do a "probable cause" search to deter anything.
meanwhile the local pigs will plant crack on a black man or tear your shit up just for thinking they smell pot on you.
Carson Howard
Americans produce American culture.
Daniel Evans
yep it was a false flag if ever I heard of one, or a shitty attempt at one, I think they are getting lazy now!!
If your looking for radicalism, why don't you investigate some brainwashed communist liberals
Nathaniel Gomez
It gave me unfiltered information; factual and factual, and made me sift through it all to find the truth. In the process I developed critical thought and an appreciation FOR critical thought and for the site itself. This place has been a wonderful playground for years, and I truly enjoy being here.
It's quite possible that he was influenced, you know. A look around at the site might confirm as much; it's kind of incendiary to people who are already on the fence, even though lots of users are just regular people.
Thanks for asking! If you're really working for an agency (probably), please tell them next time that you're not going to get any good answer from such a composite.At any rate, good luck.
Luis Watson
>Polish person praising Hitler You're a fucking uncle Tom
Because you fucking double faggot niggers keep writing anti-white racist clickbait.
It's like you want someone to shut your lying Jewish mouths.
Jaxon Lewis
Leo Wright
You're a drug addicted looser m8. Get help before it's too late
Caleb Campbell
Uncle Tom? Go cry some more on reddit you liberal scumbag
Oliver Sullivan
That's a really fucked up double standard.
Evan Taylor
Samuel Lewis
It honestly hasn't influenced me, it's going in the other direction. I was already like this. It is past time for your cult to admit that they tried too much too fast and now everyone can see that you do not have the answers you claim to have. We are not evil Nazis, we are ordinary people who do not like perpetual war and police state torture when Bush does it or when Obama does it. The three most important accomplishments at pol are the book threads (from which a rough consensus can be inferred), the Syria Generals, and the Trumpening, all of which can be checked out in the Archive. The greatest accomplishment of pol is our linguistic technology, which allows us to recognize one another, discuss complex ideas quickly and amicably, weapons sophisticated concepts, and be truly honest. Here, anonymity guarantees honesty. You normies lie your way through life, terrified of saying the wrong thing. Drop that pointless fear and join us.
Lucas Hernandez
I like killing spics and beating up nigger everyday. Trump is my new Jesus.
Luke Johnson
Sup Forums is a board of peace. Extremists have nothing to do with Sup Forums. Alexandre Bissonnette was a lone wolf that does not represent the billions of moderate Sup Forums users worldwide. To paint us all with the same brush would be bigoted and racist and 4chanophobic.
Cooper Butler
>Full communist following the ideological line of Marx-Engels-Lenin-Stalin-Mao-LinBiao.
Ryder Howard
*"weapons" = "weaponize"
Liam Sanders
>Serious answers only please. fag. nice digits though. checked.
Daniel Price
It taught me to investigate and learn this. History isn't what we are told.
Sebastian Campbell
>Do you think that the content of this site caused him to commit the murders? >people are not personally responsible for their actions >leftist faggot gtfo
James Perry
>God damn I hate potheads so much. nah faggot, you just suck at making friends and being cool.
Christian White
I was with you until that.. aaaaaand dropped. Gas yourself you worthless nigger-faggot
Jack Jones
One post by this id.
Joshua Adams
Fuck off Kike.
Dominic Rodriguez
HURRR DUUURRR; The 'magic soil' makes the people living there part of that special soil. HURRRR Its not genetic at all, once a Chinaman sets foot on the tarmac at LAX airport he is on the magic soil so he is American. Just like an Anglo-Saxon that grows up in China is Chinese BECAUSE HES ON THE MAGIC SOIL. HURRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR.
Logan Baker
>needing drugs to have friends >implying drugs makes you cool
Ryder Lee
There was a video I watched once, it ended by saying that it is too late now. For kids like me, who grew up on the 90s, technology was one of the last things we cared about. Now that technology is everywhere and available, you can stop it.
Everyday, one person reads something on the internet that changes their thought process. Generally, they tell another, corrupting a second. Each day, that doubles and continues to double for as long as that information is available. The truth in the material is not at question, but the availability and currently. It is to late to do anything about it.
Liam Howard
We have free helicopter rides.
Michael Williams
Nobody knows anybody on this site. Almost everybody here posts as Anonymous. So we did not know Alexandre Bissonnette, much less anything about his plans.
It's possible he posted here sometimes, but nobody here could tell you when or on what subject. We certainly didn't put him up to what he did.
We hope Alexandre Bissonnette will get a fair trial. We'll thank you for not putting the patriots of the western world on trial with him, or making his getting a fair trial any harder than it needs to be.
James Martin
>Could a few users please share how this site has influenced your political or moral views? It's made me more open-minded to being a illogical liberal
>As you know, a young man from this site was the culprit of a shooting in Quebec. Did users know this individual? I am not sure what Québec is, and not sure what user know this individual is.
>Do you think that the content of this site caused him to commit the murders? Yeah his computer came to life and said to, or maybe his brain told him to. You pick.