Well i'm fucked guys

Well i'm fucked guys

>on the phone with gf
>some fucking how the topic of racemixing gets brought up
>she tells me her neice is half hatian and her sister gets dirty looks every time she is in public
i tell her
>burn the coal, pay the toll
>i bring up genetics and i ask her why she wouldn't rather have a pure aryan child with me rather than hypothetically having a nigger child
>she loses her shit and hangs up on me
>before she does she tells me not to call her back

Than she messages me and calls me a racist fuck.
This isn't the first fucking time I've revealed my power level to her.
>She was talking about some literal fag she works with
I told her im glad he has aids, and she just giggled.

How fucked am I Sup Forums?

Other urls found in this thread:


You did the right thing, stand by your beliefs seppo.

ignore her, she'll either disappear proving herself to be a waste of time or come crawling back

Why is she with you,if she supports race mixing? Why do you want such humanoid?

You have to be subtle about that red pill. It's a big one that you can't just force down the throat at once with no water.

shes going to get BLACKED now

Don't get caught in trojan hoes

>why she wouldn't rather have a pure aryan child with me rather than hypothetically having a nigger child
He asked her plain and simple, my child or nigger child. She made the choice.

Get her a BBC like she needs

nice slide thread, larp cuck

eventually she would have betrayed you for african pipe. i'd say you got off easy

>I messaged her, and asked her if she was really that mad because I choose to believe differently than her.
>All she said was "grow up"

what the fuck is wrong with liberals?

Why the fuck do you niggers always reveal your power levels

It never ceases to amaze me how many of us willingly fuck ourselves over just for the hope of redpilling someone who is too far down the rabbit hole

im not even larping dude.

Sorry you are a neckbeard virgin and cannot possibly believe people other than yourself actually live normal lives

>nice projection btw
How many larp threads have you made this week?

>have gf
>on /pol

Nice try

Good. Never compromise your beliefs for a woman

well, you aren't now

Dam bro that suks let's see how this plays out. I feel lucky that my gf doesn't do shit like that when I flex my power level practically on a daily bases

>what the fuck is wrong with liberals?

she dated you


Fuck off Brock. This is a bored of piece

yeah you are probably right

ignoring women usually works out for most situations.

show her this and shell forgive u

Her loss is your gain. Good riddance.

You want to get your dick sucked from now on, save your pennies and buy it.

About a dozen...

After one of the most graceful and respectable presidents , the American people chose Drumpf. Drumpf who is a
>racist bigot
>climate change denier
>a moron
>an oink-oink
>supports the murdering police
>believes in the second amendment
>admires hitler
>thinks white people are superior to everyone
And he defeated Hillary Clinton , probably the most qualified candidate ever and a woman. Hillary Clinton was too intelligent too win , of course rural and suburban retards would vote for a orange baboon who thinks vaccines cause autism.


Grow up is a terrible thing to say to a manlet.

btw u dont want a potential wife that will liberally brainwash ur children so that ur daughter can end up marrying mohammed

My ex jew gf kept giving off red flags for me later on when we dated, things like this are major warning for these women; example with me:

"Hey user, my co-worker has a little boy and hes so adorable! I love mixed race kids so much!"

"Hey user that half black half white baby girl is so cute! I want a mixed baby so bad!"

Be careful user, leave before its too late

It's okay user you can find a cute aryan cutie 3.14. On a semi related note my girlfriend had sex once with a half nig. It pisses me off so much but she's the nicest girl I've ever met. Burn coal pay toll sounds nice on a Mongolian fishing forum but in real life it's fucking complicated. What do I do pole?
>inb4 stupid cereal meme

>she messaged back

lmao you're fine

Withholding attention is the most powerful tactic in love, apply it

The nazis were wrong and needed to lose.

im glad you leafs are getting banned soon, only aussies and nips deserve to shitpost

t. Chad

Fucked? No no my loyal crusader.

You are free.

Yea she was going to fuck a nigger eventually judging by your post. Good riddance to her.

Redpill your girl.

Sounds like you got out of a toxic relationship with a degenerate whore. Good luck mate.

>she wouldn't rather have a pure aryan child with me rather than hypothetically having a nigger child

Yo go shoot up another mosque you fucking leaf.
You fucks think we're the problems when you go around executing people as they pray.

t. Ahmed

>burn the coal, pay the toll

drop the pill
forever alone with no family, forced to become emo gay nazi.

t. Paco

His holy digits have blessed thee, crusader.

A sign that your tale is just beginning.

Glory upon you. In the name of Kek.


You can't back down now, or she will see you like a total beta and lose respect for you. You have to own your beliefs and rub them in her face.

She's not the one, dude.

Find a real white girl.

>being this autistic

This is a very old CTR template.

This is the only thing you can do at this point desu.

Never compromise your beliefs for women.
If they admire you and want to be with you they will conform to your political beliefs.
Women only hold political beliefs for social gain, so if she refuses to side with you then she sees you as less than her social group or she respects another man more than you.

Cheer up, its for the best. It's better that you learn about her true values sooner than later. Stand by your beliefs.

>wouldn't rather have a pure aryan child with me rather than hypothetically having a nigger child

Why is she with you in the first place then?

Let's play "is my gf degenerate??"

lol, well done retard

how come blacks say they love their race but as soon as they have the slightest chance (eg rich sportsplayers) they marry a blonde

>that free space

if you defeat your enemies they win.

This, my ex was crazy and I should have gotten out of that toxic relationship way sooner but to this day her political "beliefs" are still just a copy of mine

You did good user, you did good.

Don't explain yourself to her if she messages or calls. Only take her back if she accepts you for who you are.

>Not over 18 years old

I know this is supposed to be about girls going off to college and riding the cock carousel, but it just comes out weird.

You faggot you need to ignore the bitch. It fucks their heads up so bad and usually come crawling back.

no its fucking not lmao this literally happened.
Have any of you tards ever had a gf?

oh thats right

>tfw no gf


>tfw my gf has 8 of those things

Never have kids. You're too much of a sperg.

>op here

she has 8 as well

r u me?

I never challenge my S/O directly but I always comment sarcastically

She supports gun ownership for self defence now, I guess it's something.

she did the right thing you racist fuckwad

You came out and said that nonsense right in the open? I don't believe you

i want to give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you're not that dumb to ostracize yourself

>You did the right thing, stand by your beliefs seppo.
but try not to be an asshole about it.

Just Trump them with emotion like...
White people are 12% of the world population the only one compassionate enough to care about immigrants, id rather have more white kids because of that and etc....

Not all of us are fortunate enough to be loved fucker...

I've been drinking user, I think thats why she is so mad.
And i thinks why i came right out in the open like you said

Is it the same girl?

god i hope so, i want to be eskimo brothers with a Sup Forumsitician

Anyone up for cucking me here pretty soon?

Can't be a nigger tho

>I've been drinking user
that's the excuse you're going with?

you're either a lightweight or can't own up to what's really inside, either way completely pathetic

>you NEED to have my children or the niggers will get you!
>y u mad?
wew that tism

To be fair though, consider your own logic; wouldn't you rather have children with someone who shares your beliefs and will help to instil them in your children?

Yea ignore her for now mate.

You fucked up big time though mate. You can't just toss someone the whole bottle of Pills. You have to slip it in slowly.

some girls can get red pilled though but it has to be done gradually

I drink every day of my life you fucking retard.
Obviously you have never been drunk in your life if you can't accept that drinking loosens your tongue.



You're good. You came off as alpha by telling her your true redpilled beliefs.

Convert her, be sure about the sincerity of her conversion. Then marry her and produce white kids.

I don't think you understood that user's post.

>I'm 6'2 and can trace my lineage back to 400 ad frankish tribes.

not even memeing

Hahahahahaha at least you broke it off, I dont agree with you about racemixing but I do think you should have broken up.

>I say all sorts of retarded things when I'm drunk kys
that's your fault pussy

i can handle my liquor, unlike you

What race are you?

The girl I'm talking to has a sister with some kids that are albino niglets. Purple eyes and blonde hair with nig features.

Whenever she brings up black people refuges or politics i change the subject



hope ur not planning on marrying her


and its fun to play this game of not giving a fuck

>How fucked am I Sup Forums?

you're not. you don't need some coalburning whore in your life. good thing to get her out now.

you can pay for pussy if you need it.

Or it could go the other way, him socially beaten into hiding his beliefs while she raises his children to oppose everything he stands for.
I mean her sister already has a mixed kid she seems supportive of so you have the family and probably friends working against any significant turn-around and backing her up against op.

How many is salveageable?

>mfw fem user scoring 3

>>she loses her shit and hangs up on me
>>before she does she tells me not to call her back
>Than she messages me and calls me a racist fuck.

So now you know she's fucked a black dude.

Hue Hue Hue

>dating women with mixed race relatives

Unless that person absolutely hates them already then there is no hope for them to come around. Women will always choose family first.

They absolutely HATE IT. It also leads them to doing really stupid shit, in that moment do not let her use your ignoring of her as an excuse for what she does.

You are lucky you separated yourself from that race traded.

However you should probably cut your dick off to prevent aids.

If you don't act desperate, she'll come crawling back and agree with you.