RCMP here


We are conducting an investigation on this website.

If you know, or know anyone affiliated with Alexandre Bissonnette, please provide us with information.

We will be monitoring posts and tracking your IP.

Thank you for your cooperation.

Post proofs

Yes there was one guy he always brought up, he said his name was OP, and that he was a huge leaf faggot

lol ok

>Post poofs

Nevar change, Tranada.

Alexandre Bissonnette received instructions and training from known mass murderer and far right terrorist Samuel Hydeux

come fucking nock on my door m8 ill show you some invasion of privacy fukwits

Here he is.

Tits or GTFO




I heard he used to play bball with Justin Trudeau

I'm the famous hacker known as 'Sup Forums'. Bask in my glory, mortals!

Take a hike to Tim Horton's red coat, we got jurisdiction over here mountie.

I'm currently emailing your supervisor, as well your department head, and our legal department so its clear that your menial organization has no authority here. Prepare for the fire, you bag of hammers

Post proof you're with the RCMP.

Don't you have some 25 round 10/22 mags to hunt down or something?

If we have any information we will certainly assist, officer. Thank you for asking. Although I don't think anyone from here has any legitimate connection to that individual. Have you tried Reddit or 9gag?

I'm gonna be in a database!
Hi Database!

monk pls

Are you a mountie? Are all Canadian cops mounties?


His last post on here said "I LOVE /MLP/, 9GAG AND THE DEMOCRAT PARTY!" Those could be your leads.

what's a rcmp?




The RCMP is the mounties. The Red Uniform is only a dress uniform.

Quebec and Ontario are the only ones that have their own Provincial Police.

I don't, sorry.

I also think it's a fake lead/ just a way to bash the site.

I may be Trump supporter, but my condolences to any non-extremist, wahabbisit Muslim hurt.

Moderate/ reformist Muslims are good people and I have some as close friends.

Best of luck with your investigation.

Those faggots on the horses that still use pistols.

A bunch of faggots who can't tell the difference between a Mossberg Blaze and an AK47


Post Red coat, Lobsterback.



So apparently you sell AKs in newspaper kiosks in Canada?

no idea what you are talking about

All fucking niggers must fucking hang.

Think of British Redcoats as Cavalrymen.

Those are mounties.

Alaska is watching you. If you don't shut the fuck up will will come for you.

Sup Forums is a board of peace, besides this places is all about anonymity.

You'll probably find this place to be a dead end, desu.

go home, milo

I met him once. He always posted here about he was fed up with Muslims, so I offered him training. He came the America where I taught him how to remove kebab. He has done well.

>Quebec and Ontario are the only ones that have their own Provincial Police.
exactly, which is why OP, moreso than ever, is a faggot. RCMP wouldn't be involved in this if it happened in Quebec.

Pic related is Ben Garrison who told us on this board he personally trained and provided guns for Bisonette earlier today.

Yeah Ben Garrison posts here all the time

It's like anuddah shoah

If I have to mouse over your flag to see where you are from you are irrelevant.

The Montreal Police, Quebec Police, Sureté du Québec (provincial police) and the RCMP are involved with the Quebec Mosque case.

Keep in mind that the RCMP act like a highway police, but it can also act in National security matters, just like the FBI.

I love how everyones like
>muh right wing Sup Forums
Meanwhile, I go to page 1, first non sticky "Communism General"

Yeah okay. The catalog is like 10% right wing stuff, 10% left wing stuff, and 80% slide.

Bwaha. Rolling.

Btw Canadian FBI wannabees... Heil Hitler!