>Leftist intellectuals
>Right Wing intellectuals
Fox News talking head
Milo Redditopolos
Richard Spencer
Game Theory youtubers
>Leftist intellectuals
>Right Wing intellectuals
Fox News talking head
Milo Redditopolos
Richard Spencer
Game Theory youtubers
Other urls found in this thread:
>no stefan molyneux
I can't even meme him as an intellectual. He's indistinguishable from Alex jones now
well his show is not in vine format so
>no Dr. Michael Savage
Right Wing should include the followoing
>A. Rosenberg
>de Gobineau
who did i miss
Alexandre Dougine
Oscar wild?
You think Nietzsche and Hegel are Leftists?
Also, Zizeck is a crypto-fascist who thinks arabic countries should handle their own refugees.
>Oscar Wilde
>Right Wing
>Literally the most flaming gay anarcho-socialist
>Right Wing
>thinks arabic countries should handle their own refugees.
What does that have to do with fascism?
Absolutely disgusting.
Hegel is the foundation of Marxism
Zizek is authoritarian-left and not all leftists are liberals who #refugee themselves
zizek said himself he voted for trump and nietzsche was a conservative
I've been told by my Commie friends that is yet another sign of his fashiness. He also publicly endorsed Trump.
Wtf man
The young Hegelians "reversed the dialectic," meaning they reversed Hegel's entire view of the historical process. Have you read Hegel directly? Or just secondhand from Marxists?
>leftist intellectuals
Zizek seemed to like Trump.
Richard Spencer, has he said anything thought provoking or relevant?
Also Orwell should probably be on the left.
Hegel is literally right wing, Marx deformed his thought.
They are obviously right wing libertarians. It seems like you have taken them from somewhere on the interwebs and put them on that list without even knowing about their writings.
nietzsche was a literal cuck
Cool, this doesn't make his philosophy any less viable.
Zizek didn't like Trump. He just wants neoliberalism to destroy itself, and he thinks Trump will do that faster.
This caused a lot of ass hurt from "radicals" in the U.S.
sure it does
a cuck has no valid opinions
Leftist metaphysics? What's that?
No. Just no.
This guy was a top-tier shitposter and contrarian. He would be a polack if he lived today.
>doesn't know the real meaning of truth
Heigegger, Heiddegger was a boozy beggar who could think you under the table
Moron, a handful of Hegel's students got caught up in gommunism and reshaped all of Hegelian thought to fit an atheist (which it isnt) framework.
Hegel was a theist who had absolutely no communist leanings. Absolute Consciousness doesn't imply collectivism. He was all about being fully individual.
>leftist intellectuals
Jason Unruhe
Noam Chomsky
Libertarian Socialist Rants
Peanut Butter Gamer
Right Wing intellectuals
There's also Vilfredo Pareto on the right. Machiavelli. Any of the political realists. Hobbes.
Machiavelli where faggot?
Ayn Rand
Nietzsche quite explicitly denied that there was a "real meaning of truth" you fucking retard.
Ayn Rand?
You forgot to mention David Brock, nerdvirgin
Mishima, probably.
Using one word each, describe left wing and right wing.
>really tickles the brain
Not a single nigger in that list
Read Roger Scruton's book Fools, Frauds and Firebrands. He introduces all major leftist intellectuals and provides traditionalist alternatives.
Shit and fuck, respectively.
>amazing athiest
>right wing
Have you even seen any of his videos? Fucking retard
Pareto, Machiavelli, Hegel, Nietzsche, Kant
He did say that the Ubermensches of the world create truth. If you're a pussy faggot you can't claim that your truth is truth.
And if you pity anyone, you surrender all rights to manhood. Behold why he would like Trump if anyone doubts it:
>But he who is hated by the people, as the wolf by the dogs—is the free spirit, the enemy of fetters, the non-adorer, the dweller in the woods.
>Right Wing
Zizek didn't necessarily endores Trump for his policies, but supported him as a way to shake up the system, forcing the democrats to produce new strategies and return to what he sees as a more honest left.
He isn't right wing, he's just a critic of modern liberalism
LMAOing your left/right dichotomy
You forgot
>Right Wing intellectuals
>Entire cannon of the Catholic Church
Hell throw in some of them Orthodox dudes too
Jacques Ellul
>Leftist intellectuals
wew lad
Thanks for clearing that up for me, I just heard that from a friend. It's been like 10 years since I've been interested in him.
>Right Wing intellectuals
Robert Nozick.
Why no Burke?
>muh gommunism is not dialectic guyzz i swear
there's only one being who can face Hegel on a 1v1
>not a reactonary concern troll
Left wing intellectuals
>cenk uygur
>rachel maddow
>old colonel sanders
Right winger:
>de maistre
Weininger would wreck him t b h
So you are speaking german and french fluently ?
Or how are you able to compare european intellectuals to american ones without even understanding their works ?
>B B But muh translation
Translation is always an interpretation
The complexity and beauty of the german and french language can't be transferred into your pathetic McDonalds english.
Never heard of him
>killed himself at 23
Ok now im interested, can you make a quick rundown of his ideas for me?
You only need to know that he mentored the Bogdanoffs.
Hegel vs the Bogdonaoff Bros
who wins?
Confirmed bogthread
>no lackpilled monarchist intellectuals
How can they even compete?
half memeing half not, pls give me a clue, wikipedia is just autistic ranting about antisemitism
bogdanoffs, but thats cause they are holograms of kek's will
Joseph de Maistre
Who /tomwoods/ here?
A strawman to put Fox News, Milo, Spencer, Game Theory, and Amazing Atheist (and if we're being perfectly honest, Zizek and Hegel on the leftist side), but either way there are NO serious thinkers on your entire list.
wanna know how I know you haven't read shit?
Hard to sum his stuff up. You should read his book "Sex and Character"archive.org
or take a look at his aphorisms huzheng.org
J.S. Mill
Utilitarianism is basically Talmudic logic applied to ethics. Fuck off kike.
>he hasn't gone full bentham
Jose Antonio Primo de Rivera
Corneliu Codreanu
Ernst Junger
D H Lawrence
Ezra Pound
T S Eliot
C S Lewis
Ted Kaczynski
Pentti Linkola
Richard Wagner
Fillipo Marinetti
Wyndam Lewis
Joseph de Maistre
George Lincoln Rockwell
Ivan Ilyin (the Russian not the Jew)
Anthony Ludovici
Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn
Giovanni Gentile
Oswald Mosley
Let's be real here
Alex Jones is smarter than Molyneaux
Nietzsche believed in natural hierarchy, that is literally what differentiates right and left wing
>but he didn't like the christcuck!
He also talks about what a cancer socialism is and how it will result in feminism
But Talmudic logic is right-wing nationalism for the Jews.
Intelligence is a spook anyway.
>tfw to smart to be intelligent
I have to agree. Stefan just has a Scottish accent that makes him sound smarter and Alex's Texas accent makes him sound red neck and dumb.
>he still hasn't released his "Truth about the Holocaust" video
I'm only giving him $1 worth of Bitcoin.
Greatest writer of all time was certainly not "left-wing".
Are you suggesting lefties have to work much harder to rationalize their garbage positions, where even the dumbest shits can justify the right?
Literally all philosophers and intellectuals from ancient Greece w/ the pre-Socratics all the way up to the 19th century would be considered rightwing, far-right, Nazis, racists today. Why are there none today? There are but you have to hunt for them and leftists will just dismiss their work as racism without listening to one word or reading one page. The Jew dominated media and academia won't let real rightest gain prominence in any sort of platform like Zizek. Ask yourself this - if he's so edgy, why is he allowed to all of the establishments and given such a public platform? Because nothing he says really challenges things - he may seem crypto-fascist but if he spergs out and says something that seems un-leftist it's because he is tactless and he will back it up by saying something safe like "don't get me wrong I hate Trump and think he's the most disgusting person in the world, and the open racism he has caused etc." It's a shame, because I like him and think he is quite original. Unfortunately, he's a pathetic coward at the end of the day.
Carl Schmitt
Ezra Pound
T. S. Eliot
Julius Evola
Guillaume Faye
de Benoist
Kevin MacDonald
E. Michael Jones
Ernst Junger
Gottfried Feder
Alexandre Dugin
Seriously OP is a fucking retard.
Ayyy he rayciss
He verbally bashed people in polyamorous relationships, cuckphopbic fucking nazi.
Hated welfare = rayyciss.
Literally nazi.
A. Rosenbaum
Do not besmirch the name of philosophy with that pig's name.
(Seriously, her arguments are what would result from reading Wikipedia pages on philosophy and thinking that makes you qualified to write on philosophy.)
J.S. Mill I would definitely consider to be right wing. On Liberty is essentially a libertarian manifesto.
Nicely written. Don't forget Richard McCulloch and Ernst Jünger.
even zizeks a stretch, by his own words
and i dont even disagree with the point youre making but you did it so terribly you should be embarassed
He also came up with the most popular version of utilitarianism, which is certainly not a right-wing ideology.
The reason there are so many more leftist than rightist intellectuals is because left-wing thought actually requires, well, thought.
And anyone that thinks Ayn Rand's works are worth a single shit is an uneducated swine.