This isn't funny anymore. I've had all I can take and it's been only 11 days of Trump's America. Anymore and there will be mass revolt and potential shooting war. I'm not fucking joking anymore, there is gonna be a fucking communist revolution in this country if this doesn't stop.
This isn't funny anymore. I've had all I can take and it's been only 11 days of Trump's America...
Other urls found in this thread:
Fuck off faggot.
It's only a revolution if they succeed.
They won't.
More like a communist genocide.
I just looked out my window.
Looks pretty quiet. Comfy even.
I think you are full of shit.
Fuck off
>communist revolution
Leftists wet dream.
Then a lot of communists are going to die.
You can try
Its going to be a long 8 years for you if you keep this up.
They will probably adopt the isis method of 18 WHEEL TRUCKIN'
This leftist emotional incontinence really makes my dick hard.
liberals dont own guns, the only people getting shot will be them
>countries leftists are going to revolt
With what, research papers on transectionality? Gender neutral battle cries? A brigade of pink hatted hamplanets?
lol I hope to God they start a fight. Will make the next election that much easier.
Jesus Christ you'd think he'd rounded up all non-whites into death camps and proclaimed himself the new Fuhrer.
All he did was temporarily ban immigrants from certain countries and the tards are really this wound up.
There was an "impeachment" talking point memo that disseminated.
Ignore all shill thread.
He's become a dictator, that's what happen. He's now KING TRUMP I, everyone must OBEY KING TRUMP I and his EDICTS!
Good. Look forward to all the fucking Commies getting wiped the fuck out!
I was thinking something about truck tactics.
Like, if you were a radical jihadi, these protests would be awfully tempting if you wanted a high horse power body count. Like, a bunch of degenerate western scum gathered tightly on roads by the thousands.
I get it would probably make it harder for your jihadi bros to get in later, but still, it's gotta be at least tempting.
Side note
Up until yesterday's fireworks at the mosque, I didn't think that white supremacy types were stupid enough to engage in the violence. Seriously guys, the one advantage that whites have over muzzies blacks is the lack of frequency of self-righteous violence, political or criminal, against innocents. Don't fuck it up, don't interfere. Let the enemy destroy itself.
>west coasters assmad about Trump
>It comes to a "communist revolution"
>libtards die en-masse because they hate guns and simply do not have time to train and arm themselves.
>many simply kill themselves because they were already depressed enough to cut their dicks off for being trans
>"revolution" stopped dead in it's tracks by the US army and the entire east, south, and midwest of America.
>Housing bubble popped because chinks all fucked off back to China or moved to Canada, west coast living affordable again.
>New tech jobs because Pajeet fucked off back to India the minute shit went south.
>masses of people realize minorities are only ever in it for the money.
>America is saved.
Sounds ok to me. Nothin' like a war to thin out the weak and the sick.
The truth about immigration, by the numbers:
Cultural Marxist Jews Admit Organizing White Genocide
The plan to eliminate the white race:
Cultural Marxism in action… Political Correctness, the tip of the blade:
Cultural Marxism & Social Justice Explained:
Why are we in Decline - Cultural Marxism:
also see
The facts about slavery in North America:
Cultural Marxist Jews fund media propaganda against whites on an enormous scale:
Does this sound familiar at all? (starting at 6:52)
The Holocaust:
War against leftists you say?
>being this clueless
You mean a massacre of communists in this country. Yeah, I'm fine with that.
I hope this potential shooting war is better than our last slapping war.
fuck off shlomo. no kike shills allowed on this board.
"Say *anymore* one more time".
>cries about impeachment
Where have I heard this before... oh wait, I know!
Leaked documents from David Brock's new CTR
Let's be more realistic
>CA descends into war
>Vandenberg Air Force base
>camp Pendleton
>all the others I'm forgetting
2 e z
that shit is straight out of idiocracy.
good, then we can root the dirty bosleviks out snd destroy the rats. start stockpilling weapons my friend
The far left is weak, the situation is nowhere near a communist revolution. The vast majority of leftists are too comfortable with their lifestyles to pick up arms against the government.
Don't confuse leftists signalling by standing around holding signs with prolonged armed warfare.
I don't understand why the Jewish media care about Israel's being banned from the US.
A war? No. But every miniscule action that leaks into the public sphere is going to be an uproar. The complaining will not end. It's just kicking and screaming. It's just growing pains. Don't forget that.
do it! libtards do it! do it! do it! do it! do it! do it! do it! do it! do it! do it!
yeah I'm too lazy for that level of autism, but still do it mass revolt.
this, the left has no teeth now that the democrats are out of power.
>Cali cucks.
>armed forces of any kind.
I think you give them too much credit. And I have a sinking suspicion that most military personnel are more in favour of Trump than the state of California.
Trip-dubs. Praise the will of KEK, for he has graced the First and therefore Best post.
Has he even done anything impeachable?
Will Drumpf beat William Henry Harrison as the President with the shortest term served?
We're putting a ban on trump attacks to protect our borders from shills.
Not a very hard concept to understand, since the exact same thing is happening in the US right now.
ahahahah retard faggot
Its more like its a reaction against a communist revolution. A reaction to stop such a thing.
>Shooting war
>Stop it right now! We are going to have a violent communist revolution if we don't get our peaceful one right now!!! WAAAAAH
would only empower the government to unleash the national guard and military. I can't wait.
Listen carefully.
If a communist, antifa, or otherwise radical left anti-Trump revolution ever were to happen, it would be over in moments.
The Antifa who rioted, protested, and rampaged through DC knocking over trash cans and lighting them on fire were permitted to do so. About 200 of them were arrested, and they are now in jail.
This result occurred because the police permitted them to vent until an opportune moment presented itself, and then they stepped in and ended it. Decisively.
The reason these rioters are now in jail -- and not chalk outlines getting scrubbed from a DC sidewalk -- is because the police are required to exercise restraint. In the event of an armed rebellion, one that is organized and intended to directly harm the President of the United states, there will be no restraint. The police themselves could quell this rebellion. But that's just the beginning.
The left are weak. Despite their grassroots rhetoric of oppression, the loudest voices of opposition hail from the wealthy echelons of society. They are sheltered, meek, and pampered. Their occasional violent outbursts are met with measured resistance. The second the violence becomes distinctly politically organized, it will be met with violence in kind. There are simply not enough leftists willing to fight and die for this absurd cause to make a revolution happen. They may want it; they may agree with it; but when they're staring down the barrel of gun in the hands of a man in a MAGA hat who just wanted to make it to work on time that morning, they will buckle.
For all their grand rhetoric and aggressive posturing, the left are timid and cowardly. They have neither the balls nor the know-how to make this sort of thing happen. The majority of them are teachers, social workers, and union bureaucrats. In a revolution, the weak die first. A revolution created by and consisting entirely of the weak would collapse in moments.
You guys do know the cops, regional federal police and the national guard will respond at a moments notice with or without the approval of their governing bodies.
A pension is worthless if there isn't a country.
The majority of the red pill is in the military and most levels of law enforcement. There will be no mercy and no survivors.
Any leftist SJW uprising would be quelled before it even started. This protesting faggotry is annoying and wearing thin but it is easy enough to ignore...but if these fucking retards took up arms it would be over so fast they wouldn't even know what happened. Don't fucking kid yourself, the armed and silent majority is without a doubt with Trump.
What do you this Sup Forums's end game was you shill? It's being fast tracked and you will be casualty
>low energy leftpol memes
America's tree just needs fertilized again. with blood.
Yep. All someone has to do is to watch one of these anti-Trump protests and look at the people protesting to realize that a communist revolution won't happen.
>Anymore and there will be mass revolt and potential shooting war.
yes please
if there is civil war, we will win.
if there is not, we win anyway.
ignorant libtards need to be shown what we've put up with for the last eight years, and trumps plan needs to be seen through. i feel only pride in my country, for the first time in a long time we are getting the job done.
Has Trump honestly done anything that bad? I mean does anyone feel like Trump is somewhat inexperienced in rolling things out, but everyone is overreacting to Trump's intentions?
The only problem in this country is the media and the people who listen to every word of it.
it's only because the man on the glowing box told them trump was equal to or greater than hitler
>trucks of tolerance
liberals can't even kill their own food
how will they survive a communist revolution
trump can't take a shit in the white house without the left screaming for his impeachment over it
Brainwashing is a real thing
Nobody is scared of liberals. They are soft pussies.
Sleep tight porker.
They can't afford trucks, they drive like VW bugs and other super cheap ass cars.
I hate all of you. Leftwing faggots, and Rightwing retards. You're all the fucking worst.
Trump is a shit president. He doesn't know what the fuck he is doing. He didn't even ban the country responsible for most American deaths. WTF?
And he didn't even work in coalition with local authorities. International airports are a fucking shit show.
Notice I'm not even talking about policy in a way that democrat or republican. I'm just annoyed that he's bad at his job.
Even if you agree philosophically with this guy, you voted in a fucking idiot. And some of his cabinet nominees are garbage. I mean, a few of them are fine if you lean right, but the ones for Education and the EPA?
>muh communist revolution
There isn't much in the way of "means of production" to seize, shill. That's why the country is behind Trump and not people promising gibsmedats.
America wants to see means of production return, and wants to see right wing death squads stomp on the throats of any who stand in the way.
>Anymore and there will be mass revolt and potential shooting war.
Muslim liberals own guns
the memes are just beginning, user, and most of America's military, LEOs and gun owners support Trump
No Civil War. No revolution.
The DNC are so far up their asses, they can't see a little under half their voters fucking hate them. And the other half hate Bernie because they STILL believe he cost Hillary the election.
In other words, the Democrat voters are split down the middle over this election. Which is great for the Repubs.
There's a few Republican plants that are running this narrative into the ground and it's working, which is fucking astonishing.
Republicans are brilliant because they can basically shit on the chess board and the Democrats will still keep trying to play by the rules regardless.
Trump is going to be impeached. The Republicans are just waiting for the right moment when Trump does something that is straight inexcusable. They want Pence as President, but can't get rid of Trump because he still has a fuckton of support. Get rid of the support, then get rid of Trump.
All my money on Pence getting ready for his inevitable Presidency right now.
The Republicans are going to be winning for awhile, all because the Democrats are fractured and the DNC doesn't want to accept that they need to be more progressive to win.
Trump will be impeached, Pence will take over, and Republican voters will be happy, and Democrat voters will be too busy yelling at eachother to do anything.
The Republicans will control the U.S. for the foreseeable future and Trump will go down as one of the most disgraceful presidents of all time.
>Giving up on what you believe in because commie liberals are mad
This is why i fear Trump was elected, the backlash will start the world socialist revolution, and bring about the new world order.
He was a stooge all along.
man or woman?
I still find it funny, my favourite bits are when morons cry about the person they voted in!
what did liberals mean by this?
>I bought a handgun and now I'm ready to rebel!
They'll die worst than Negros.
Shut the fuck up.
Liberals don't have guns only their criminals do.
they have the emotional maturity of adolescents
I voted for Trump because I knew he'd be a huge pain in the ass for everyone up in Washington. Chaos gives me a huge sloppy boner.
>being scared of leftists
Liberals want Trump impeached because he's a wildcard.
How hard is this to understand.
If a standard Republican was in office (ex. Pence, Cruz, Kasich), you would know what to expect. You may disagree with them, but you'd still know the country was in good hands.
With Trump, it's impossible to know. It's painfully obvious that Trump has no idea what he is doing.
This isn't the 60's anymore, retard.
die CREW faggots. You will be hanged as traitors. i hope your paycheck is worth it.
A "shooting war", as opposed to whatever other kinds there are in your mind, would be welcomed for me.
>be me
>work at firearms manufaturer
>just get stock options and loaded up
Sleep tight porker.
its too late to remove trump and bannon, unless the impossible happens, and america literally rises up from their iphones and marches en masse on the capital and hangs the motherfuckers. come on america, you gotta do it at least once in your history. lynch the bad guys for once.
sleep tight porker
And meanwhile EEUU is more irrelevant each day.