Really gets the neurons firing...
america first, neil
saved western society
we built a wall that you can see from sace
We were doing serious scientific research and not being a pop science celebrity on the Internet all day complaining.
At least wait until you hear Elon Musk's announcement, pompous space nigger.
wuz... wuz... wuz...
You're the fucking "TOP SCIENTIST" Neil. You do something.
>Trusting a meme scientist to account for the political and social climate when talking about scientific achievements
Okay this guy is officially a retard. Science has advanced more in the past 10 years than all of the post WW2 era combined despite not having anything flashy to show for it.
we made America great again
We made astounding advancements in digital communications people in 1972 would never have even imagined.
as a scientist he should know that a lot of equally important events/discoveries have occurred in the last 45 years
pls tell me someone else runs his twitter account. I dont want to believe a meme-astrologist like him would so easily overlook all the advancements of physics, chemistry, mathematics etc in such a rude and callous way
It was the congressional black congress that blocked future spending on moon missions.
Negroes like Le Black Science Man are directly responsible for defunding space exploration.
And now this uppity piece of shit has the gall to stutter while asking where all HIS money went.
>muh... muh... muh...
We're trying to defend the last bastions of scientific advancement from the hordes of sub-humans flooding in from across the world to leech the benefits of their better in the name of equality.
Not really
Maintain a vast information network that allows people to coordinate and communicate with people around the world. wew lad that was an easy one.
Musk is going to shit away his money on divorce lawyers and alimony.
In 2017 elon musk fires a spaceship to Mars but first making a stop to the middle east to nuke and defeat ISIS and trump builds the biggest and baddest wall in the world
if if if if if if
End welfare
Went to Mars.
Lindbergh was redpilled as hell.
kangz... kangz... kangz...
hahaha, this mans "scientific" career is laughable. had benefited society more than he has in my third year.
>the only event that has happened in 45 years is the election of Trump
>ignoring every scientific breakthrough, ever
It could advance more and most of us wouldn't even notice it because many of us middle class plebs who aren't in the technology sector just don't see this insane level of productivity and solutions on the civilian consumer market.
>forgetting that Obama gutted the space program in 2011
It's literally Obama's fault that we don't have a legit space station on the moon for testing Mars tech
We altered the fucking timeline. Too bad this tard will never know.
The year just started, get a grip Neil
Artificial start date. Artificial period of time between.
Also this
>45 years later we pretended niggers were scientists
>landed a probe on a comet
>landed rovers on Mars
>sent probes to get high quality images of the moons of Jupiter and Saturn
>actually learned what Pluto looked like
>discovered extrasolar planets
no hadron collider?
The alien overlords told Nixon to stay off the moon.
This desu. He's just a meme scientist, just like Bill Nye. I wish they'd fuck off
it's le science nigger guy... I tell you, all these years and I am still impressed Carl Sagan taught a simian how to talk.
hopefully trump will shoot illegal immigrants into outer space