We will need a calexit general today, like right now, to make calexit happen!

we will need a calexit general today, like right now, to make calexit happen!

You're from canada fuck off


At rate the Orange Lord is going both those arrows will be left

40% of Cali is Republican anyways.

>when they go towards the sun we retreat into the dark

fucking cockroaches.

You mean we can finally be free of the commie bastards? Good, I hope they all wash up on R'lyeh.

>lovecraft was right.

Pretty sure 98% of the US will be estatic if Cali leaves the Union


Let it happen. Why not

and yet it's still considered a blue state

where should I go?
t. jefferson state resident

Nobody in California actually wants this you fucking retards.

>college students press "like" on face book and make hashtags
>dont actually go out to vote
>commiefornia stays part of the US

i do, anything to get away from trump, then again, bet he'll annex canada after he walls off mexico

>this will devolve in a civil war killing millions of spics and leftists

please happen.

Bad idea. You won't be US citizens anymore thus will be available to enhanced interrogation techniques as well as all manner of suffering once we move to take our land back from your pedophile elitist celebrity leaders.


eyy take it easy on those right wing canadiens they take their meme activism seriously enough to shoot random people

I'm just amazed how quick we go from texit to calexit.

Seriously people if the right can take 8 years of Obama, then the left can take 8 years of Trump.

Already thought about this, we gotta steal a viking cruise line and sail it to their shore if they secede. Then we will raid and pillage their cities and live like kings.

>implying trump will allow it
>implying (((they))) will allow it

Maybe us Americans can make a national ordeal out of calexit to put the vote of secession into our hands. Then we can BTFO Canada once and for all.

Think of the problems this could solve... A republican majority, leftists everywhere make pilgrimage to California leaving behind possibly millions of fresh jobs for the unemployed to reap. It would be a godsend for the rest of us, and a deathblow for them.

>Then we can BTFO Canada

Fuck me it's late and I called California Canada. There isn't really a difference I suppose, but we need to btfo Cali before we pick up the rake.

Us republicans need to be FOR Cali leaving so we can make them all leave forever.

>didn't have a choice to be born in commiefornia
>shit state, get bullied through my elemntary school years and middle school years
>be sad cause parents divorced in high school years
>high school years sucked
>currently going to college
>nothing but close minded liberals, hippies and drug users

>calexit happens
>finally have a chance to move out of this god forsaken state

fuck it, make it happen I hope cal exit happens so that this fucking state can rot in hell

>welfare state, all those dindus no longer getting their welfare.
>drug lords seize California near Mexico
>no guns, so protection falls to a small militia
>college idiots and professors no longer funded by federal tax dollar, have to quit work or work at an ivy league.
>no more medicare you fucking ingrates
>no more state tax, forests and beatification process comes to a halt, everywhere in california looks like shit, cause you can't pay your illegal workers through federal any more

I can only hope I can move sooner.

Welcome to the electoral college.

day of the rake is coming faggot

When they go up we go down. When they have real compassion we have hatred. That way we can never get along but you bet your ass we'll preach about having love all day long and scorn others for not having it even if they actually do.


Welfare in California


Of the nation’s welfare recipients live in California but only …


… of the U.S. population resides here.

>also many spics, leftists, and niggers will move there right before it goes to shit

Highest poverty rate in the nation

OP don't u have mosque to shoot up?
If you think Cali will be a Canadian "province" think again

No one leaves the union

There would be even more once they open their border to every taconigger who wants in.

fuck off leaf. i live there

Honest to God, I wish you could fuck yourself. I truly wish you were capable of just ass-ramming yourself to death for that fucking mongoloid of a response you just presented to all of us. You fucking sat there, and typed out that fucking abortion of a post and probably chuckled to yourself as you went about your day. I seriously just called an old friend to find a coke dealer for me so I could properly verbally acoste you in the feverish state Im currently in. No shit. I just stopped for an hour to buy some coke and came back home to tell you how fucking terribly cuntish and off-putting whatever the fuck you just wrote was. I hope your dad died when you were young and your mom married some refugee from North Korea who became your step-dad. Because you clearly were taught by a sub-human on how to act like a fucking person. Youre a miscarriage of a fucking person. Your fucking refugee father failed you, and failed us. So fuck off with that shit you call an "opinion", and next time just look at pictures of Rome or space or something instead of deciding to contribute anywhere. Because why the fuck not? It would have more of an impact than whatever the fuck you felt you did here today. Fucking cunt.

Meet me at timmies so I can fucking fuck you up. This is why people hate us

The north stays.

So do all the military bases and any Federal infrastructure.

>if the right can take 8 years of Obama, then the left can take 8 years of Trump
This. But the more I think about it, Texas loves America enough to wait out 8 years, California hates America.