Is it really gonna happen, Sup Forums?

is it really gonna happen, Sup Forums?

I'd much prefer civic nationalism, but maybe.

Civic nationalism is jewish

No, that's the Hillary universe

You're jewish.

The country should remain white majority, but I don't want to genocide brown or yellow folks.


There have been like 19 opportunities in the last 2 years. We're all waiting for some distinct line to be crossed to justify an uprising but that's not how things work. No one wants to break this vicious cycle of inaction and when one does they're labeled a CIA false flag crisis actor jew. It's not in whitey's nature anymore.

So to answer your question for a second time, no, never. I'd bet money on it.
Will never. Fucking. Happen.


In 2015 I'd have said the same thing about Trump and Brexit.

Eat me.


fucking leaf

And? Build wall, cut off welfare, they have to go back, MAGA. White birthrate rises, black and hispanic birthrates drop like rocks. And we only had to kill a few of the brown people instead of all of them.

Sup Forums is a board of peace.

t. shitskin

>statistics show hispanics becoming the largest minority
>accompanied by a bunch of images of BM/WW couples and kids

californians fleeing to texas

I'm a german/irish/scot mongrel, but a shitskin I am not. Present me with an argument instead, fag.

Not happening. Civic nationalism began in 1965 and got us where we are now. Your dumb ass still doesn't get it. Welcome to South Africa 2: Electric Boogaloo.

Maybe I guess, I think its gonna be more of a right wing vs left wing war and of course all the minorities are gonna be on the left wing

We President now.

But that's how things always work.

All wars, insurrections, revolutions are started by a single battle.

The American revolutionary war was started when General Gage marched upon Concord Massachusetts attempting to enact the nations first "Common Sense Gun Control" and confiscate the colonists muskets and powder.

The colonists did not put out tweets, or yell "Mike Check", they did not stage a sit in, or upvote, or like and subscribe.

They shot the red coat BritCucks right in the fucking face.

The left will do something heinous soon, and the right will fire back 1,000 fold.

There is a limit to all tolerance.

Civic nationalism coupled with massive communist subversion, sure. Kill the commies and see where we stand then.

Lmao I bet you think of yourself as a racist, that you know we're not all the same, but you're okay with being the only race that isn't allowed to be racist. The only race that buys into civic nationalist kikery. The only race living by a double standard in their own country. Good goy.

Audio book was good. Kinda doofy at points but interesting even if you aren't a white supremacist

Your bait is weak, but I'll bite anyway for the hell of it.

I think it's possible to force the other races to conform to a dominant, white culture provided that we can into nationalism again and get rid of the liberals, and provided that those races remain a minority. America is a white nation and should remain majority white, but if they're playing by the same rules as everyone else and adhere to our cultural values I see no reason not to allow small minorities to remain. I wouldn't mind seeing some niggers hung, but there's a difference between niggers and black people.

Being majority white is the key word here

Where can I read the Turner Diaries online? Web based. I don't really want to download it.

Exactly. Which is why we need to cut welfare and send these illegals back, then work on restoring the nuclear family and raising white birth rates. I'd just like to see an end to this that isn't complete ethnic cleansing, even though it's hard to picture at this point.