Apologize, filthy white males

Apologize, filthy white males.

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That's like a nigger chimping out because you called him a nigger, proving the point correct.

Or a muslim beheading you for saying Islam is a violent religion.

"you're a nigger"
>no I'm not
"yes you are"
>dude you're pissing me off stop calling me a nigger
"see the fact that you got mad at being called a nigger means you're a nigger"


>"you're a nigger"
>beats you unconscious while his 6 other homies jump you and rob you of your $12 pair of shoes

In kindergarten, I beat up some girl because she played with toy cars and the teacher said to her that I was right, girls shouldn't play with boys toys.


To nigger:

>You're a nigger


>No I'm not

This conversation has played out zero times in real life you faggot.

Because females are dumber than males.

Why are they ignoring activities that are said to be for smart people?



>ywn experience a Russian childhood

Why even live?

You and your teacher were right to do that.

>and rob you of your $12 pair of shoes

This opportunism reminded me of a webm I saw here the other day of a nigger who accidentally hit a woman on the sidewalk with a scooter. She was unconscious, and what did he do? He stole money from her purse and left.

>white males
Arab Muslims are white?

Oh no those poor girls and their low confidence



What are really really smart kids supposed to do? I know for a proven fact I'm really really smart and I never did much different from other kids at that age.

Why are white males filthy? What did you mean by that?

We need to purge the academy. There are no facts anywhere in that gibberish.

God bless.

Genius-level IQs are less common in women. It's a biological fact. Women are also less likely to be retarded so it evens out to around the same average IQ.

no u

Sup Forums serious question, if you had a little girl right now, what advice would you give her about life?

>we have found that little girls start ignoring activities for smart people at age 6
>oh well this must obviously be because they are internalising patriarchy

>we have found that girls in high school consistently outperform boys in standardised tests
>u-uh well... this must - uh - be because... um

Even if that was a real result of an actual study, it would be retarded.

Of course, it's fake as fuck. No link is given, no study referenced. Most primary school teachers are female, all Western curricula take extra special care to ensure that kids are taught about women's suffrage and feminism, not to mention stressing the point that men and women are equal, and the vast majority of parents back up that teaching.

What a load of utter horseshit, you should get fucking banned.

"Listen to your grandmother, don't do hard drugs, and never let anyone tell you what to think."

Around blacks never relax

Men in commercials and entertainment are portrayed as bumbling idiots that can do no right unless it was unintended, and women are portrayed as the smart problem solvers that have to put up with the man's shit.

Also link to the study or it's bullshit.

>B-but how come boys get more money than me? My teacher told me

At 6 my daughter's knew that boys were different than girls, now as teenagers they think they are exactly the same. It's criminal

That was an interesting book to read. It's about a lesbian who put on expert makeup to look like a man, to date women as a man, and see things from a man's perspective. She ended up becoming a woman-hater. She quickly stopped approaching women in bars, it was too psychologically draining to keep being judged and rejected, she had to go on internet dating sites. She was pissed when she saw that women showed up for dates while bored and with no motivation, just to have attention like she was a free therapist.

Work hard and you can get power. Also, remember to control your emotions but not suppress them; rage can be a great power with enough willpower.

Today's advice was "Don't open the car door while I'm driving."


All the girls at my grade school were stuck-up pricks who thought they were smarter than everyone else. (I went to catholic school)



>all stereotypes are bad

aren't you stereotyping stereotypes?