Look at you. Your grandfathers fought and killed the Nazis just for you to become one

Look at you. Your grandfathers fought and killed the Nazis just for you to become one.

You fucking boot licking fascists all had to die the first time, what the fuck makes you think you can escape history this time?

Other urls found in this thread:


We've been fighting commies for a lot longer than we ever fought Nazis, and we're still fighting them today.

Facts about my grandparents:

- Racist
- Hated niggers
- Hated Mexicans
- Hated arabs.

I can promise you none of them would lift a finger to support modern America.

Good to know trash is genetic then.

my grandfather lived in franco's spain cuck

It turned out he defeated a wrong enemy.

And you would consider my grandfather a facist for his views that were completely normal at the time. Fuck off my grand father and his buddies were patriots they hated gays and they didn't let their women sleep around. They killed nazis, go kill yourself.


Both my grandfathers fought the Japs, lived in the south, and were not particularly fond of negroes or poofters.

You really think the specific races and religions you picked this time are a meaningful distinction?

My grandfather was in the SS. He was part of something called Panttipatalijoona


>stop doing stuff we don't like or we'll kill you you fucking fascist

Are they being unironically ironic, or are they just retarded?

Naa those colors are already taken. Anti-capitalism is yellow and black.

What do you mean?

ctr pls go

They fought for capitalism, not for socialism

My Grandfather who killed in WW2 watches the news and tells me to kill leftists. Fuck you and your kind.

I killed towel heads. What have you done?


I'm saying I want to kill you and you still have to pick a different boogie man to pretend i am? Mother fucker I am already your enemy, what is your goal?

Fuck you my great grandfather was part of the Luftwaffe in the battle of Stalingrad. We killed Communists for sport.


I would say something mean about antifa, but my mother raised me to not pick on or bully the retarded


You keep on saying that word, but you don't know what it means.

lol, I'm sure we're worth more then you.

Yes. And it needs to be understood they never fought WW2 because hitler was a big meanie, but because hitler declared war on the US. What ever germanys internal policies were, I doubt they cared that much(certainly not enough to fight a war).

What if my grandfarther was a nazi fought the allies and now im a leftist?
Am I a bootlicker leftist?

>tfw blue eyes dirty blonde
my grandfather more likely was a nazi

my grand parents were nazis though

>I want to kill you

Where do you live?

If you don't give address, you're a larping faggot.


Right wing are cuckolded men who have Nazi fetishes, funny how they throw around the word cuck to the left wing but don't even realize they fetishize a country they had a war with, disgusting literal cucks.


Commits are a special breed of evil in that they're literally a cohort of broken people.
Like, their political philosophy is the result of a long list of personality disorders that compound onto one another to produce a sick husk of a person that longs to inflict force and terror on others. Commies are sick fuckup monsters that need to be expunged from this planet before they can drag everyone else into a statist pain-cage.

I fucking hate commies

>Your grandfathers fought and killed the Nazis just for you to become one.

Actually, i have strong German roots from
German great-grandparents who moved to Australia
a little before World War 1 broke out.
They moved wayyy in the outback so they couldn't be found by the Australian authorities looking for Germans living in Straya

I was always mean't to be a Fascist


the only boot coming close to a mouth will be the one stomping your face, faggot.

Mine killed japs then norks a decade later. My dad killed gooks and I got hadjis.

If the only good fascist is a dead fascist, then why aren't they killing themselves?

He had brain cancer and died.

Also this:

commies are worse

WAY worse

If they could look into the future they'd have swapped sides in a heartbeat
A friend's grandfather said as much to me himself


So you don't understand basic economic. Wow that took a lot to say that

If my grandfather was a leftist faggot like you, I'd strangle him myself.

My granddad told me before he died that he realized that he fought on the wrong side.

my grandfather did fight in WW2 and would say YOU are the ones acting like Nazi's

>Your grandfathers fought and killed the Nazis
He was one of them and fought against the Communists.

My ancestors fought commies.

Commies killed over 100 million people in the 20th century.

I'll fight them now, I'll fight them forever.

Antifa is just modern commies. They must be wiped out.

Yer a feminazi, tho.

Nazi nazi yahtsee

I never really was a radical leftist but I might be now.

Righties are just embarrassing on a global stage

My grandpa was only in WW1

Are you salty and worried because of our recent comeback, my friend?

Don't worry, it's only the beginning.

>Your grandfathers fought and killed the Nazis

Goddamn retards...


more docks than a shipping pier

Why are commies so autistic?

My grandparents were racist as fuck and would probably be fashier than me.

I definitely make more money than 99% of pol and still want to crush capitalism

Daily reminder that all Antifa are SHOOT ON SIGHT

>Your grandfathers fought and killed the Nazis just for you to become one.
Lot of assumptions in this statement m8.

you're australian, your thoughts feelings and political views are of zero impact and importance. go throw a boomerang at a kangaroo or something.

oh and who is you pinnacle of leftist strength, fucking trudeau? get real faggot.

leftist scum like you are weak, and you'll break easy when the time comes.

Pretty ironic that people who call themselves anti-fascists are fascist as fuck.

"Hey, you are a nazi."

> wow. Good post

K autist

You know antifags are useful idiots for the banking elite, right?

The death of small businesses from large corporations and taxes, and reversing this, should be something the left would support.

It's arguably the most important factor in giving power back to the little man.


My grandfather wouldn't have fought the nazis if he knew that our nation would have diversity shoved down our gullets.

Thats a New Zealand flag you uncultured swine

fpbp. My grandfather fought in the war and he even said liberals have become the core of anti american values, fuck these antifa pieces of shit I will fight them for the same flag my grandfather fought to protect. Fuck communists fuck liberals and fuck open border pieces of shit.

No, sorry my dude I'm not really into wearing tinfoil

Fighting fascists is an objective moral good and duty of all good men and women


>we fought the germans because they declared war on the US


Not really ironic, more like carefully crafted and coordinated

National identity doesn't matter Cletus

dont you realize most ww2 veterans got cucked at home. a lot of alpha men stayed at home. cops firemen, college football players, etc. watch jarhead and you will understand me.

The real fascists are the lefties. When will you realize you will all be put to death.

>your grandfathers fought and killed the nazis
They were under orders you faggot cuck, they couldn't give less of a shit what they thought about race. I'm sure they would have been less supportive of their countries if they knew what would happen after the war. Also, my grandparents only fought the japs, so your argument is invalid :^)

He says while licking the boots of his elite masters while defending their interests

Fighting communist is an objective moral good and duty of all good men and women

I don't really disagree, but imposing physical violence on people for their political opinion is still pretty much textbook fascism.

>Be A Lefty
>Always Compare America Negatively to countries with 98% blue eyed blonde haired people with extreme socialist policies

He was silenced for these beliefs btw.

>says we're embarrassing on a national level
>says nation identity doesn't matter

Pick one

>Japan bombs PH
>Germany declares war as a symbol of friendship.

Ancaps are anti capitalist?

t. cuck

>i don't really disagree
You are everything wrong with today's society.

But my grandpa was a fascist that came here after a deal with the allies.

>tfw Silesia will never be German again.

Good post, OP. When I come to the US next year we can go on a fash bash together

Went full Sup Forums at the last family get together, and said these exact words.
It went over well, surprisingly.

>take a break shlomo.

It's just going to get better and better. Conservativism is dying boyo



Hi /natsoc/


>implying the left isn't simply a mass amagalmation of the useless, crippled, transgendered, diseased, STD ridden faggots that whine about racism and making money.

Please do go on.

I breath economics, roach.
That's why I advocate for a free market.

Sorry you fucking suck on a human level and need a gun pointed to the competition's head because you're an incompetent sadist.

Look at you. Your grandfather killed and enslaved niggers just for you to become one.

Yellow Black is Anarcho Capitalist, not Anti-Capitalist.

I feel like this was a failed bait post but just incase you don't know.

Is that code for fucking each other in the ass?