>mfw Trump is going to send back all rapefugees, issue national voter ID, make the mainstream media and academia irrelevant, make illegals self-deport, put Pedosta and all the other crooks in jail, cause Democrats to never win another election ever again, while maintaining a 60% approval rating, and there's nothing Soros or David Brock or any cry baby libtards on Reddit can do about it >mfw he gets elected for another 4 years and does it twice
this is going to be the greatest 8 years of our lives
Matthew Wright
>national voter ID This is a violation of states rights.
David Campbell
no it isnt, david brock. its over for you.
Cooper Thompson
Did you ride the short bus OP are you still in middle school?
Gabriel Smith
Boy sounds like you want us all to be half retarded meth heads like in the red states.
I'll pass
Hunter Green
when has the left cared about state's rights? they don't even give a shit about individual rights.
Noah Scott
>when has the left cared about state's rights? they don't even give a shit about individual rights.
How the fuck does Trump or alt-right fags who literally worship Hitler care about individual rights?
Christopher Powell
Selective application of the law has always been a primary tactic of the left.
Caleb Lee
Not gonna happen because he's going to get impeached. Republicans want Pence. Trump's will be used as a political sacrifice to ensure Republican control for the next 4 years at least.
Isaac Roberts
>Selective application of the law has always been a primary tactic of the left.
So you are ok with Trump making weed illegal federally?
Brody Martin
dyed hair, nose pierced, face tattooed, faggot is calling me a meth head........ lolololol
nice try CREW
how are your jew overloads today?
Angel Peterson
>how are your jew overloads today?
Ask Trump
Hudson Sanchez
>muh impeach david, you are having delusions. trump is going to rape you and reverse all the damage youve done in 4 short years. then hes going to do it again for four more years.
and theres nothing you can do.
Jason Parker
America agrees with Trump.
Noah Sullivan
Sup Forums is filled with libertarians and liberals that support Trump because he is the candidate that stands for those things. Actual liberals though, not the "liberals" we see now.
Caleb Cruz
and then bankrupts the US finishing what bush started, also, what about the mexican/muslim-americans that are naturally born in the US, the ones that don't need a green card to live here, then there's the ones where at least one parent was already a US born citizen, and those adopted by US citizens, oh and the indian people who have been here before the colonist. trump may as well deport every american out of the US and i know what you'll all say >get out of here leftist scum before i summon the mighty power of kek to destroy you
i was neutral on this election, i have been since bush
Jordan Mitchell
Brandon Morgan
its legal if its for federal elections.
Ayden Cook
>having ID violates rights
Oliver Young
well now I have to post pasta since your id is so gay
>I can prove you dont actually hate jews, and are just pretending so you can browbeat Sup Forums because you're so new you think making a jew accusation is just that easy. fact is the jews, of the ccountry with the most jews voted against trump > so suck a dick jew
James Cruz
I'm ready
Austin Nelson
>Trump because he is the candidate that stands for those things.
Owen Davis
He is for Israel, and it's the one thing I don't like about him. Calling him the donor candidate is so wrong it hurts.
Robert Carter
the retarded fucking argument is that it's a de facto poll tax, as an ID would be something people would conceivably have to pay for. I live in a state with voter ID and when you register they EXPLICITLY SAY if you do not have an ID and cannot afford one (they're like $20 and last for years) the registrar will give you one for free and you just have to go get it. Then they claim that having to pay for the transportation to get to the fucking registrar is a poll tax, etc, etc. It's just dems knowing that if a nationwide voter ID law were enacted it would destroy them.
Leo Green
Is this really their rationale? Holy shit
Thomas Lopez
lmao he doesn't fucking care it's all over
Aaron Nguyen
All those decades of planning all comes crashing down because of one man, one desire, one mission "I need to build that wall" Donald Trump comes to take out the trash and setting it all aflame "make america great again bitches". The elitists hate him, the media despises him, they go all out, little do they know he gets help from a little green rascal."mister president we need to get out of here, they are coming for you" "not on my watch they're not *kablamo*" The Man and The Frog Coming to theaters soon ,rated PG13
James Ortiz
pretty much this, that's why we MAGA, we are the true liberals
Zachary Cox
>the left try to ignore the constitution so i can too!
Yes There is nothing in the constitution which prevents a state granting goldfish the right to vote.
All the things in the constitution that deal with voting elegibility, all the things in the amendments that deal with voting, list people who must be allowed to vote, it doesnt restrict anything. A state could let you vote at 10 if it wanted to, the constitution is very clear that the state legislatures get to decide these things, its only certain minimum things (18, both sexes, all races, in good legal standing) that is unconstitutional to deny.
And no, an illegal alien, while breaking the law, is not automatically not allowed to vote, its only not unconstitutional for a state to deny them.
SO basically we need to make a constitutional amendment that stipulates only lawful citizens of the united states can vote for federal elections, and that congress has the power to enforce this. That would make national voter IDs constitutional.
Jonathan Ross
They spin it as "poor people cannot afford to get IDs or they live alone and have no one who can take them to get IDs and you don't understand how much spending one morning to get an ID can impact you when you're poor also it's racist because poor people and black people go hand in hand so yeah this is just a racist republican plot to keep old black grandmas from voting and not keeping the millions of fucking illegal mexicans and dem voters bused in from across the state from voting"
Leo Price
How will Trump demolish the MSM though? On what grounds? MSM spun an executive order to the point it caused mass hysteria or something stupid like a call to revolt?
Asher Wilson
you kids are really fucking delusional. Trump would never have ran in the first place if this was the Republican strategy, and if you don't think Trump knows exactly what he's doing you're delusional.
He will definitely not be impeached under any circumstance, he's too smart and too careful for that, there will not be any legal precedent for it.
If he chooses to run again in 4 years he'll almost certainly win.
Go ahead, screeshot this. In 6 months take a look at it. Then in a year. Then in 2 years. Then in 3. You'll begin to understand.
Ethan Ortiz
The MSM is already demolishing itself. Public faith in them is at an all time low. They are trying too hard and are making too many mistakes, many people see through their lies
Henry Allen
>people donated to him >he supports them ?
Hudson Baker
>gay in id Try harder CTR.
Jordan Sanders
Oh, so Trump is gonna PUT it IN straight into muricans butts, this gonna be very interesting. Haha, commies sold Alaska to USA, USA sold USA to commies, lmao. By the way ZSSUSA, you lost again a war in Syria, cause now Russia has full casus beli against muslims there. Another war that has been lost, have you won anything recently? Looool!
Kevin James
So then why did women need a special law passed for them to be allowed to vote?
Ian Moore
To ensure they could vote.
The state federal relationship is very simple. The state has all authority over everything unless the constitution says the fed has authority.
Before that amendment, states could deny women the right to vote. After that amendment, denying women the right to vote is unconstitutional.
Currently, it is explicitly not unconstitutional to deny a criminal the right to vote, and so a state can deny a criminal (an illegal) the right to vote, if that state legislature wants to, and the federal government cant force them to let them vote, but because it doesn't say in the constitution that you have to be a us citizen to vote, the federal government cant also force a state to ensure only citizens vote.
So right now, a state can give a drinking bird the right to vote, if they wanted to. The federal government can neither deny this, nor require it, of any state. To do either an amendment would have to be passed because nothing in the constitution gives the federal government the right to blanket dictate voter eligibility, this is why amendments had to be passed in the first place when they did want to ensure people could vote for sure at 18, could vote for sure if they were previous slaves, etc. They dont set voter criteria, the states do, they can simply make some criteria count as unconstitutional criteria, which the states must then comply with.