Make us laugh emu warriors
The sight of your pathetic flag makes all of us laugh
Weak bantz.
>not including the part where the Canadian tries to join in but is too drunk and makes a fool of himself and ruins the entire mood of the party
Choose one
American comedy is tragic. The pinnacle is Louis CK or some ghetto guy who just talks about white people.
why do american suck australia's dick this bad ?
>germany and sweden
>> white
Australians aren't jesters for others' amusements.
They're just like you, only witty and not obese.
Fark off mate. We're full.
Why? Why do you want their bs? They just go around saying cunt and everyone flips their lids. There shit isn't funny. Its stale and frankly kinda sad too.
Melbourne is absolutely fantabulous. Oh my gawd.
mart sharting and shit posting go hand in hand, it's why we are so close to that continent of scum
Nobody likes you dumb cunt. We all fucking hate you.
Aussies are better at banter but you shine in the 1 post by this ID that get 40 (you)s category
your country has the lowest population density of any country with an established government . You are literally 8 spots above Antarctica in population density by country
>ID: Brat
Makes sense, you're sure acting like one.
I was almost killed by an ostrich when I was younger. Had to hide in a ditch for an hour before my uncle came and blew it's head off.
The emu meme needs to die.
This kills the Australian.
didnt you hear? we're not emu warriors anymore we're a "multicultural" society
The centre of Australia is desert. Send the immigrants there so they are in an environment that they are used to. Fucking leaf cunt
>88 deaths