This is a thread for Trump supporters who are not white supremacists or fascists...

This is a thread for Trump supporters who are not white supremacists or fascists. Just regular normies who voted for Trump for one reason or another.

I have just one question for you: are you concerned that the US government may be couped by fascists?

If you aren't, then give your reasons you think Trump won't become a fascist. You don't need to give 100% facts, just judgments on personality or whatever.

Other urls found in this thread:


Fuck white people


>trump supporter
>you dont need to use facts
story checks out.

So you basically mean all Trump supporters but a few. There really arent too many true white supremacists in the world. Most people who voted for Trump would come on here and spout 1488 shit because they were angry as a reaction to the bullshit tyranny of the left. Probably only a small fraction of that would be considered real white supremacists.

I don't know if he will. If he does becomes fascist, at least it's from the right.

Having America become nationalist and fascist is a better doom then the Muslims or SJWs taking over. Whatever happens it will take a while to trickle down anyway. As far as our lives are concerned, I think we are good

white people youve been put on notice

Won't happen, too many corn fed white boys in the military.

The ban on sanctuary cities is unconstitutional! All non Americans have the right to impede on American soil

I think a few Trump supporters feel a bit conned. Everyone expected he'd fall in line once he came into office and now he's doing everything he promised to a tee which is unexpected

Not even a cuck, i wanted him to win but fuck the guy does seem a little off the handle, especially in not considering the implications of any of his actions

I see, so are you genuinely fearful of muslims/niggers/sjws or whatever taking over and destroying western civ? Or is it something not as dramatic.

He will but I don't care. I'm bored and I want something to /happen/.

Although I realized, if they put Mexicans in camps and start executing them I wouldn't be that mad desu. So maybe I am actually a Fascist. I dunno, just make it entertaining.

Wouldn't a White America please you?

Give your reasons that I should think you won't become a rapist.

>are you concerned that the US government may be couped by fascists?
Yes, I worry what they will do against Trump.

Who is acting like the fascists?


Define fascist.

Sure. I'm a caring but tough guy in my twenties and I'm just trying to hold down my job.

There. Now you try. This is the sort of answers I'd want.

What is a fascist to you?

I agree with this, mostly. I mean everything he is doing is technically to uphold American law, but damn he just ripped a couple of well-meaning, innocent people from their decently comfy lives, to bring them back to their shithole countries.

I admit, it hurt when I heard that. I just hope he doesn't keep doing outlandish shit, outlandish for the President that is.

Why should I believe that you're caring? Everyone describes themselves that way but twenty-something guys rape all the time. Try presenting some real evidence, rapist.

I think his actions are a result of his inexperience and the MSM/leftists are labeling it as fascism... Our previous presidents, both Democrat and Republican, have all done terrible things, but didn't get much heat for it because they aren't as easy of a target as Trump. I can't really say I regret voting for him because the other option was no better. There probably wouldn't have been mass protests or riots, but behind the scenes the corruption, secret deals, and lies would go widespread. Trump's beliefs may not be ethical in some contexts, but at least he's sincere about them

I don't care as long as it wasn't hillary

I am very fearful for that. I don't think it's paranoid to be. Look at Sweden, look all around us. Muslims raping and killing in the streets. SJW taking over schools and teaching people these harmful argorant ways of thinking.

It won't end good. We had to pick our poison, I chose Trump.

Because I'm ready to demand as little evidence from you, if you demand none of me. This is a virtual discussion, not a ontology lesson.

If the outcome of this election is that Trump indeed becomes a fascist, and say, eventually orders a clandenstine extermination of all niggers - would you still have preferred that outcome, to Hillary being shady and corrupt behind the scenes? Is it the lack of knowledge, the not-knowing-secrets part that bothers you?

>post about feelings
>complaining about lack of facts
Why are shills always so braindead?

This. It was either endless refugees or none at all.


We were very much voting for the lesser of two evils this election, more so than any election prior (imo). There is absolutely a chance that the power goes to Trump's head, but I think it's less of a chance than for Hillary.

I'm not fond of him, but I stand by my choice to elect him.

Hillary would have sold the country to the highest fucking bidder. Fuck her.

I am going to sound like a huge pussy but I mean it. I have come to believe that I favor stability over meaningful change. I voted for Trump because I was scared that the USA was going to turn into another Sweden with all the immigrants. I felt like the racial denialism of the left was going way too far.

But seeing immigration bans put into action, seeing actual lives affected, it feels kind of fucked up. I probably would feel more at ease with Hillary.

I don't think The USA will become fascists and i don't think Trump is a fascists because The US has checks and balances and even republicans who voted for trump will call him out. i like to think that the constitution will always regulate becoming one atlest. the only fascist i am worried about are the Radical Left

Yeah I recognize your attitude among a lot of Trump supporters. I agree with the SJW part. And I agree that Islam is not a religion of peace. But I don't think it's going to destroy us. Those movements are way too disorganized to do any harm to our American society as a whole.

The maximum damage some sandniggers did was to kill 3000 people. That's an awful lot for a dedicated act, but not so much in terms of total deaths.

>But seeing immigration bans put into action, seeing actual lives affected, it feels kind of fucked up.

Concern shilling - the thread.

Reporting in.

I just wanted safer border security and an end to identity politics. It was tearing our country apart. This place was cool because the satire was so funny. Leafs will always be leafs I guess.

I don't think it was necessarily the Muslims or the diversity as the reason that Trump won. It was mostly to make progressives shut the fuck up.

How does this sound?
->Wow, sorry. I actually totally missed that.

I can only reply every 10 minutes, so I was only concerned with replying quickly. I apologize.

I think that with most things like Trump, he started talking before he even had a solution yet. He said a buzzword that he knew would get attention. When he won and had to create something regarding the immigration reforms he promised, he came up with a relatively tame short term plan. 7 countries already "technically" at war with, known for guerilla styled insurrection cells, and Iran. A country he has already made public his distaste for.

If his back room politics with Putin allows Bashar al-Assad and Syria to agree to create the "immigrant safezones" that, I believe, are Trumps real plan. Having large swathes of land in the area these refugees are escaping from could potentially end ISIS as a regional power. Kurds, Syrians, and Iraqi's would have their own hegemonic territories instead of going to Europe en masse as they have been. This would be extraordinary diplomacy, so we shall see.

A few of the regional powers have already given tacit consent to try safezones, and I think his ban this week was to work on something like that. I dont believe he will look stupid for months without having something planned that isnt a completely unique concept. If this doesnt happen, or some other solution thats not so obvious....then Ill be on the streets fighting garbage cans too. But that hasnt happened yet. Maybe other countries wont allow it that he didnt bank on, and the whole thing goes to shit.

I voted for the first time this year. And it was for Donald John Trump. I went back and forth on it, but when I was in school, and I tried to talk to others about voting for him and the pros and cons, they got furious and said even thinking it's a choice is wrong. Around this time a friend of mine who was a farmer was beaten for wearing the signature Trump hat. I felt that I could not allow a force that denies me my choice and attacks people based on political affiliation could win, I had to oppose the hate, oppose the hate of the tolerant. I am a bit of a philosophy nerd, and I have just this to say to those who throw around the name Hitler and the ideology fascism as if they were a just everyday insult for people they do not like.

Fascism is far worse than just nationalism and unitary control of a nation. It deals in the ideal of a national opinion where what is a politically correct thought is dictated by the people. The opposition is often silenced by violence, and the market is heavily regulated by the state. By definition Trump is a classical liberal, he is a businessman, every batsman could fall under the traditional liberal umbrella of politics. However, the left that believes in a unity of national thought, physically hurting the opposition and silencing views not correct to the regime is more similar to fascism. However, I will not call the left fascists, as that is a heavy word to me, one with a precise definition. I know the American Left believes in personal liberty and does not support nationalism, that is anti-fascist. Therefore it would be no more than a lie to call them that.

Just as it is a lie to call me a fascist, the right wing, such as I, believe in individual liberty as well, a smaller state, and fewer regulations on the government, and systematic checks and balances in the three branches of government, and that my friend is anti-fascist to the core. So no I have no fear that conservatives are fascists.

Where is this fascism coming from? What are you talking about? In what ways is Trump fascist? Or his cabinet fascist? Legitimate questions here. What do you mean by fascism? Is securing a border "fascist"? Is putting your nation and people first "fascist"? Is caring for unborn children "fascist"? What is going on here, is there something I don't know? Who's fascist? Where is it? I need links and citations here. What are you talking about??

It sounds like you were all thinking that Hillary would have turned this country into a fascist shithole faster and/or worse. AKA liberal dystopia where everything is politically correct.

What was the main news about her that made you feel like this? Was it the email scandal, or how she deleted emails, or something else?

Personally I think he's in this partly for himself and partly for America

For himself, I see him wishing a bright and wondeful future for his children and so he, a multi billionaire, decided "Hey, I have the money and power to make the world a better place for my kids after I die" and so he decided to do so

For America, I think his nationalistic beliefs come from his strong feeling of family with his nation. He rose from the ashes of his father and was given the opportunity by this nation and so he just wants to give back

The SJWs and Left have been completely co-opted by the elites that fund the death and destruction in the world for their profit and so the Left has become nothing more than a party of blissfully ignorant folks and useful idiots whose IQs are lower than their sexual standards

Check your privilege

An advocate for larger and larger government at the express destruction of personal liberties

It was her frightening narcissism that really got me, thinking that she was above the law because she had lots of friends in high places. She was just another ring leader for the elitist circus.

Restraining civil liberties is the classical definition of fascism. It doesn't matter what you think Trump will do.

In this thread I'm asking the question if you're concerned that some of your civil liberties will be revoke. Which ones you care about etc.

And honestly I don't think she gave a flying fuck about progressive issues.

It is not their civil liberty if they are not American by law. We don't owe anyone shit.

Fine. There is zero reason to expect "fascism" from Trump's government. So far he is acting exactly as a democratically elected leader should act, which is to fulfill his explicit promises to the people who voted for him and to look out for their interests above all else. Naturally, the antidemocratic/elitist neoliberal establishment types are freaking the fuck out, and thus so are the easily influenced among the populace.

>Eventually orders a clandenstine extermination of all niggers
This is just ridiculous. That's like me saying
>Would you have preferred a nuclear war with Russia to Trump not letting in a few refugees to keep our country safe?
I'm not even gonna dignify it with an answer

Someone who disregards the 50 soverieng democratic processes we have and rally others to block roads over misinformation, like treating a 90 day block in travel between dangerous countries as if it were a permanent ban on all muslims and encouraging your mentally unstable followers to attack your opponents.

It also includes those behind the idea that protecting your own country is akin to murdering 6,000,000 Jews and invading all neighboring nations.

Self check

Also I fucked up the greentext. Rake, and so on...

>would a functioning racially homogeneous, conflict free utopia please you?

Why bother asking questions you know the answer to? Do you also enjoy orgasms?

More that we saw how ineffective Hillary and her administration was, and how anything "productive" she did went up in flames
She was corrupt to the core and played a role in too many failed policies to be taken seriously

Throw on her dumpster fire of shills, media hacks and emails and you've got an unelectable candidate

>4 posts

Okay, let's go over a few points.

>Fascism doesn't actually mean anything.
I'm too old to be posting on a Pinoy fish monger's board, but back when the Soviet Union was still kicking we both played the game of calling each-other fascists.

When fascists openly claimed the label of fascist and used fascist imagery, there was still no solid agreement on what it actually meant. Hitler, Mussolini, Franco, Codreanu, Mosley, Petain, Rockwell all had cutting disagreements on what fascism was. Fascism was then smothered in the crib, and has since then been used as a boogeyman for anything remotely authoritarian.

So, with this out of the way
>What are you actually afraid of?
Since fascism is a useless term that has been re-purposed ad nauseam, let's actually go through a few things that fascism is usually associated with.

All of these were distinctly American virtues since the cold war. I don't see how this changes much; if anything this is a reactionary adjustment. Better yet, what exactly is changing and why does it scare you?

And finally
>A coup
Why would the establishment through a coup against itself? All the institutions of concern are in the same hand. It would be the status quo overthrowing the status quo to assert the status quo.

Oh so you mean the ones that already where. Its incredible how much can be done under the table. This is the main reason Trump is in office.

diffidently her stance towards our border security. i honestly don't believe a lot of the "white Genocide" shit on this Bord and i don't even really care about that but the fact of the matter is that EVERY country needs some type of border security to know who is entering out state. without something like that i cant consider our nation and being rational

considering the only people bringing up fascists/antifa/le trump supporters white supremacists are all dumb liberals no

Libtard here. He's not a fascist. He's an economic neoliberal in every way except free trade. The only thing vaguely fascist about him is his call to reinvigorate industry, but he intends to do this by stimulating the market rather than ceasing it, so even that can't be seen as fascistic.

What are your feelings about (initial) signs of restraints placed on the press?

I know you probably think mainstream media is lying, but I'm curious if you'll admit the possibility that it's a proto-fascist move. Just the possibility, however remote.

I'm not challenging your choice by saying that this would be the outcome.

I'm just asking if you're willing to admit it could happen.

And - if not - what are the reasons you think it won't? I'm genuinely interested, not interrogative.

and even if trump becomes a fascist.this shit isnt going to do work in america,not with the amount of guns we have

I don't see signs of restraints being placed on the press. That CNN feels entitled to a certain level of access is not the President's concern.

Am I reading your answer as "No, I'm not afraid, because I've seen absolutely no signs of fascism?"

Do you expect to see any? If not, why not.

the U.S. has had many advantages. We're surrounded by 2 oceans, have the worlds leading (nevermind China) economy, and have an unmatched, dominating military power. We have been able to tolerate incompetent leadership for a long time.

Trump is showing the country actual leadership and decision making. Most people are not comfortable with this and some want to think it's fascism.

I don't think he'll become a fascist. He's been a New York liberal for the past several decades and he's shown no signs of fascism.

Try to not confuse pragmatism with fascism.

Okay, what does Fascism mean?

>signs of restraints placed on the press

hu? when he do somthing like that?

Hell no she didnt. She thought the social engineering of the last ten years would give her a garantee win. So she pandered to the weak willed and brainwashed and the elites got a system shock, people havnt been buying their bulshit in the numbers they expected.

Also keep in mind >200 mil americans didnt vote. Most of us are working class, and agree with trumps policies, we're just have no interest in arguing with or placating the autistic screeching.

Where do I even begin... it's not constitutional? Trump has no reason to do this? There's no way an operation that big would be kept a secret and people would prevent it en masse? Even during World War II FDR sent the Japs to internment camps, he didn't have secret police running around and killing them. You're literally making the Hitler comparison without mentioning his name. It's retarded. He isn't going target a specific group of people, he has no reason to, he's just being strawmanned as a racist when he really isn't (at least not more than Bush, Reagan, etc).

And I'm saying all this as a person of middle eastern descent.

No. Like how Obama failed to implement socialism, no one in the up coming decades has any reasonable ability to implement fascism.

The USA will be a republic for at lease 4 more years.

Left-wing politics in general, I would have felt the same for any Democrat. I thought their denial on racial realism and their immigration policies was going to fuck this country up big time.

I'm letting you decide.

I'm not challenging anyone's choice in this thread. This thread is not for the average Sup Forums shitpost. I just want to try to understand how people see Trump's authoritarian tendencies.

People think enforcing the law, and protecting the country from potential terrorists is facist.

You're on the wrong board if you're looking for reasoned, level answers about why Trump may be fascist. I don't really know where you could go for that kind of discussion.

This thread is not about calling Trump a racist. Rather the opposite. I'm just trying to see Trump supporters' opinions about why they're not concerned about a hostile takeover of the government, one that might eventually lead to your disfavor.

And if you don't think it will happen, tell us why.

Press antagonizes Trump non-stop. Press: Trump has an antagonistic relationship with the media, this is "proto-fascist"! Dipshits nod sagely.

Tell that to the people blocking the road to the airport. I'm tryna see Grammy but can't get to my plane

i like how everyone is very skeptical of your intention of actually having a discussion

>its not constitutional

lol,at this point.the constitution is a worthless piece of paper.if americans bothered to care about the constitution they wouldnt of elected obama

No, let me put this bluntly because you clearly didn't understand.

You have to define fascism if you want me to disprove or approve that your concerns are valid. Otherwise this conversation can't go anywhere because fascism can mean virtually anything at this point. If you don't want to, then you have to at least have some point of concern.

What exactly are you afraid of?

Fascists, no. Kikes and Saudis, yes.

a car weighs more then a person.its cuck's like yourself that are the reason these protestors get away with the shit they do

So far Trump supporters have been pretty candid about why they feel the way they did.

To clarify, I'm not a liberal either - I'm just trying to understand Trump supporters' view of what's happening right now.


just a regular guy here

too late

I can't tell if this guy is a wannabe Socrates or a 'journalist' looking for some choice quotes, but either way, I'd pull out.

I'm asking about your concerns, not mine.

It sounds like you don't think there's a trace of fascism either going on, or which will happen. Why - is it your definition of fascism?

Again, not accusative - just curious how you view things.

ahh I see. well the media will be the media and will always have a left leaning bias although i don't think it should be that way and i agree with Trump calling this out. it seems like standards of trying to report fairly on news has slipped further and further away

>about why they're not concerned about a hostile takeover of the government,
Fear mongering bullshit.

Not only did he do internment camps, but he also turned away the boat full of Jew refugees. The weird thing is that people are comparing Trumps immigration policy to that, yet they still dick suck FDR.

I was on the fence for an incredibly long time. I did not like either candidate. Sometimes I considered voting for Gary Johnson or writing in Bernie Sanders. Trump's locker room talk really rustled my jimmies, and I allowed it to because I have ignorant family members on my dad's side that think it's okay to talk like that.

Then the Wikileaks articles from John Podesta's email hack and revelations about Hillary's messages came out. She purposely had the ambassador to Libya placed in danger and killed due to some personal beef. The CIA agents that died with him were just collateral damage. And Podesta is involved with Satanic ritual spirit cooking, and that pizzagate stuff. All of this came out at totally the last minute before the election. Watching Rachel Maddow use the entirety of her show to shill for Hillary minute by minute was the final nail in the coffin. So I voted for Trump and now I am watching liberals' heads exploding on my Facebook newsfeed 24/7.

>Supports Trump
>Isn't Fascist

You guys were so close. We /Reich/ now.

I feel like you keep changing your question/point... Anyways I'm not concerned because he was democratically elected and our checks and balances system has worked fine for a little over 200 years. He isn't anybody special. The only thing really that separates him from the previous presidents is that he lacks political experience and has added many non-politicians to his cabinet. He's probably more likely to be impeached than be able to actually pull off a "hostile takeover", whatever that means

Neither. I don't claim to be some "intellectual philosopher." I work at a fitness center IRL. Nor am I doing this to write about it.

But your paranoia in anonymously revealing your opinion is interesting.

Well said.

He's not a facist unless he trys to take the guns.

We don't know what's happening. Trump so far is simply reversing policies that have led America to an identity crisis, which was on the verge of morphing us into another EU cardboard cutout.

We won't know what will happen until, retrospectively, Trump's term is nearly over.

As far as how we each feel about what he's doing? Honestly, as a Trump voter, it sort of felt wrong to see innocent people taken out of the country to their shithole homes. Trump used them as pawns in a bigger game than most people have the energy to look into. I simply have faith that he knows what he's doing on levels that we can't always know or see.

All of the presses access to the president and the whitehouse is a traditional transparency olivebranch from the govt, its not a right.

Theyve been abusing their powers so obviously that access needs reviewed. The clearly biased press has shown itself as untrustworthy, liars, and instigators of civil upheaval through their propoganda. Lugenpresse indeed.


I am a negro and I support Trump.

Also the US literally cannot have a dictator president. In order for the president to be a dictator, he will need to bribe at least 1/4 of congress so they don't impeach him Even if he does, the term limits will make sure he is gone after not too long. The president will need to bribe almost all of congress to change this.

just because cnn says to be scared isn't how i live life and i also voted on the bases of my state PA not on the bases of commiefornia etc. so just because etc x amount of ppl are upset in urban echo chamber city centers isn't my problem :"/

>The weird thing is that people are comparing Trumps immigration policy to that, yet they still dick suck FDR.
It literally amazes me to this day how some liberals can think like this

America has always been racist. It's still "racist", albeit a lot less. Sure, this past week America has been more "racist" than a few years ago, but holy hell we've come so far in the past 100 years. I highly doubt one president, who is almost universally opposed by both parties and a large portion of the population, is going to suddenly impose genocidal policies and change the attitudes of millions of people into believing in it. All this fear mongering makes me so disenchanted


>supports trump

>us literally cannot have a dictator president

>spent 8 years with a president who ran the country like a dictator and probably supported him because hes a nig nog

k then