This is one of the few addresses listed online for Sam Hyde:
That address also belong to a lawyer named Fred Hyde:
The town Ridgefield is the next town over from where Sam attended his private highschool
57 Main St
Ridgefield, CT 06877
(203) 894-1412
Leave personal information out of this. This is how Sup Forums gets a bad rep
What are you talking about? We have great representatives.
OP is probably a plant trying to start conflict and division within the shitlord ranks
Probably works for Brock and CTR
OP probably trying to create reasons to ban Sup Forums
Who the hell cares?
I bed Fred's really proud of how good his son is with the computer.
Sage this fuckboi thread. Hyde is a goodguy
>CTR is trying to dox Sam Hyde
Be carful faggot, maybe we'll look up to.
enjoy your vacation, doxxing faggot
Samir Bin-Haiid is from a broken home. He doesn't know his father.
fuck off reddit, we're not your personal army.
sam hyde's a champ, love the guy. Don't hurt my Sam.
Get a real job.
Your deadbeat father
Sam will actually kill you if you mess with him.
He's fucking crazy.