Seriously, the bullying against Canadian members of this community is getting way out of hand, especially since Canadians are some of the biggest contributors and most involved in this board.

Its not just "memes" or "banter", its vicious attacking and regardless of intentions it does demean people and hurt feelings. I can't say I'm the only Canadians man who finds it hard to take pride in his own country after having years of constant and needless attacks defaming my heritage from insecure losers here. Why not bully Swedes or Americans? Do they not have much more to be ashamed of than our peaceful country? French get bullied less than us and yet we are the purest whites in America.

Like when its not just banter, when a meme is repeated over and over again, repeated systematically, it eventually becomes a truth irregardless of the intentions in repeating it. And that isn't just jokes any more then, then its harmful!
Would you call an Canadians man a "leaf"(not true at all) to his face? Would you say to a kind, peaceful and hard working salt of the earth Argentine man that they are "not white"? Would you say those words to your fellow white brother? Are you starting to feel ashamed now? You fucking degenerate?

You’re destroying national pride, you’re dividing whites against each other, your doing the opposite of what you claim to support when you engage in this incredibly abhorrent behavior. So I encourage you to stop now.

She's pretty and I like her legs, but I get the feeling her shit colored eyes means she's a coal burner.

Weep. Fear the rake



Nice copy pasta, op.

Canadians are dipshits OP
Like you

Did they tell you what happened to the other shills

literally all you guys so is slide threads and say disgusting and retarded shit. I judge the individual by merit and the group by statistics. Your group is absolutely abhorrent.

Posting an Canadian that all the burger girls go nuts over.

top kek



I want to stick my dick in every single one of her orifices.

But it doesn't change the fact that leaf=faggot

>mah feelinz'

Leaf die pls

Day of the rake when. Sorry not sorry.

Fuck off Quebec

this is Otoni, a tumblr cammodel who came out on her blog to say SHE WOULDNT DATE BLACKS (she's Icelandic)

her SJW fans exploded.

more perfect breed-ready Otoni

rump is being so close minded like always

If you want to start rehabilitating our image, maybe stop whinging about being 'bullied'. It makes you look like the faggot you are.

Fuck off leaf

>If you want to start rehabilitating our image, maybe stop whinging about being 'bullied'. It makes you look like the faggot you are.
There is hope.

quit shooting up mosques you freakshow leafs

lmao fuck off

The weak should fear the strong, alhamdulillah!