Dating in 2017 in Massachusetts makes me want to fucking end myself.
Every young woman is like this.
Went out with two girls from Smith College and they were both fucking unbearable.
Dating in 2017 in Massachusetts makes me want to fucking end myself.
Every young woman is like this.
Went out with two girls from Smith College and they were both fucking unbearable.
When they're 35 and childless they'll have a nice mental breakdown.
Do you use Tinder?
lol, which one of the five colleges are you at and why did you bother going to any of them if you're going to be a cuntservative?
Who the fuck wants a 35 year old woman?
Omaha and Austin is like this too.
What's that on the other pad, Yiddish?
>every young woman is like this
face like a melted candle, normie sheeple politics, and man-hands?
No one. That's why they'll start going hysterical.
Yes, deleted it today though. Amount of poly/queer/feminist buttfucks has been too much.
Maybe I should play into their narrative just to get laid. I'm ostracizing myself by sticking to my beliefs.
Hey waddup massfag im sorry to hear you live in the same state as me.
The thing is these girls are smart and they all think they are smarter than they really are.
So just trick them.
Pretend do be a liberal leftie. I do it whenever i want pussy.
I can change my look to whatever i feel like as long as i think itll help me.
Liberal pussy is good as long as your name is fake.
Actual relationship? Nye impossible
seekingarrangment is very effective in Boston
if you have tight game, is 100 times better than Tinder
you realize men line up for any woman that's decent looking at least until they're in their late 40's, maybe even later if they aged well
40 yo men?
Pay the one month membership. Number farming during the first week.
Try a man in a gay league. They're mostly masc and total bros.
gl with that... If you ever want to know what a whore feels like, that'll do it.
Best to venture out into different places and just meet as many women as possible. You get good at it after a while.
Living in Massachusetts long enough will make you realize why people eventually started moving out west
Very austrian post
The bantz is well.
i have been wrestling with a moral quandary for a while now: I like to fuck, but ruining girls by sleeping with them without marrying is honestly horrible. But I still want to get laid and haven't found my perfect right-wing qt yet.
So what am I to do?
The answer:
these women don't want to get married anyway. they don't want kids. They want to be stronk independent women. You're not stealing their youth if you fuck around with them and nothing comes of it.
So that's my new sport. Try to fuck as many leftie hoes as possible. No holds barred, lies & deception encouraged.
I'm in RI. It's even worse here.
>smith college
you should fucking know better.
Maybe man, I was gonna try tinder boost. I'm really from CT but right on the border so I catch the loonies from Amherst, North Hampton and what not. Small state.
now you know what to avoid
617 here bud. If you need a wingman, let me know.
no hymen no diamond
no tattoos piercings dyed hair makeup
Move to Japan. They all want to stay home and be house wives and raise your kids.
wel mummy is 36 and i want to fuck
>Smith College
mother of god. did you at least gently nibble the armpit hair?
Send her the Zippo cat gif and type: The guy who did this owned this cat, was it just his choice?
I know the feels bro. Boston is a liberal shit hole.
Yeah to be honest first time I didn't, second time the girl was too fucking hot to say no.
But here's a quote from the dumb bitch "IF SOMEONE IS EVEN 1% REPUBLICAN I WON'T TALK TO THEM"
wingmen in Boston-Cambridge area are very flaky. I've been in the game for 2 years now. I know only tow cool dudes i met in a RSD free tour a year ago
why would you want low test mixed sons?
Drive up north of Boston and see all of the women here. At least your women are white. Nothing but Dominicans and more recently Arabs up here.
just give up retards. accept socialism and the fight against kyriarchy as the true path and maybe your fat asses will get laid too.
plus everyone knows that feminists get freaky desu
60 year old men
19 year old woman detected
You just have to hope for a girl.
that was your first fucking mistake. all the sloots are in amherst buddy. how do you not know this?
white chicks in Lowell, Woborn, and Lawrence love burnin coal. specially dominican
You mean when the men are young and attractive enough to get attractive puss, or when they age better than women and have spent their lives accumulating resources to buy attractive puss?
that does not look like the outside of JA
where was that picture taken? and in what context?
Smith college is your problem dum dum
what's your position on weed?
>mfw slamherst
actually not really i miss my ex girlfriend and she lives there but she broke up with me because i use the word faggot
enjoy your genital warts
I'm from 413-508
Maybe if you took your head out of your ass you could actually get some, user.
Nobody. That's the whole joke
>nuk e kam emërin zëme
wtf kind of shit gibberish language is this?
The cuckmeleon cometh
>Smith College
You lesbian?
i got it
This-bitches with hairy pits and stupid logic
>tfw you have successfully infiltrated/penetrated an sjw cell
UMass my dude, there's tons of girls out there who are just looking to get fucked. get over there and rub that shit in your ex's face. it'll help get over her.
thanks, that's what i figured actually. it didn't look much like the outside of John Adams which is what i assumed you meant when you named the file 'overviewja'; i read it as 'overview john adams'
At least go for Wellesley.
I hear you - I actually moved out of Mass to a red state, but there's no hope left. Just the idiocy of women in Mass have left me largely unwilling to try to get women anymore.
Sadly I still see all of their idiocy on Facebook. Not kidding, there was an unironic rant about how all evil is the WHITE MAN's fault (said by a white male) and everyone from Mass that still posts is "with refugees".
Just nuke Mass already, it's the only hope.
But I'd still love to see Brady win this Sunday and meet with Trump at the White House to further make the libtards REEE.
Yeah I guess man, I'm just kind of at the point I don't really give a shit about casual sex and want somebody I can actually tolerate. Broke up with the past 3 girls I've dated because I got fucking bored of them.
pls be gay
i didn't name the file... i just took it off google and deleted it
Anyone from NH, would like to move there if I'm ever able to find a job where I can relocate there.
I heard it's like the only non-liberal place on the upper East Coast, and I really miss the woods desu
>living in Assachusetts
anyways tho I live in a smallish red state and I still see idiotic SJW crap from women my age. sure it's likely worse where yall live, but it's considered normal now
fortunately im a huge homo so I dont have to worry bout finding quality qts/wife material. I feel for you straightbois tho (srs)
>smith college
there's your fucking problem
i dated a girl who went into smith a jew whore who came out a lesbian jew whore
cut off all of her beautiful hair because "it's too sexual at smith"
fuck that place, it's insanity
but that would mean having to convert to homo master race, few have what it takes to do that
if you're looking for decent women and not just casual sex, i'd recommend staying away from tinder.
i've had a few off tinder and never have i met up with anyone that i would be willing to bring home to my parents.
good luck Sup Forumsack
You brought that on yourself m8
I've met some very nice girls from BC, kind of sheltered and very catholic, but they were all right
Waddup 508.
I got a good kek out of that.
Hows boston? I remember going there as a kid and it was fucking amazing. Everything from the sites to the smell or just the culture in general was fucking perfect. I'm going to go there one day.
no way dude they usually end up 35 and single mothers
Massfag here,
Starting to work to move to NH as fast as possible, can't stand this bullshit anymore
You mean New Northern Mass? I have family up there.
When I was younger it was great, the White mountains are beautiful and they really took "Live Free or Die" seriously.
Now it's been infected with Mass transplants that are shitting it up. Nashua is a hellhole and it along with a lot of the other NH cities have a huge drug problem - heroin especially. The Mass libtards moved up there the past 10-15 years or so because of the scenery and brought their liberal policies with them. That's why it barely went blue this past election.
There are still some parts that are redeemable, but they won't be the large cities (again, avoid Nashua). The rural parts are still very redpilled and free up there. Sig Sauer also operates out of Exeter, so if you like hunting or firearms in general, there's surprisingly a big following up there.
Yeah, New Hampster's alright. Portsmouth is one of the coolest towns in the country. Everyone in NH looks related because John Paul Jones did so much fucking that he bleached the whole place. Lots of trees, mountains, weed, rednecks, cute little towns. Just avoid Manchester like the plague it is.
I know how you feel, dude.
Not OP, but I'm a former Umass Boston student taking classes at Massasoit now because I wasn't getting anything out of the campus life.
Massachusetts fag here and can confirm that it is impossible to date in this fucking state. Women are all bisexual feminists who just hate white people.
Hell today in college class the proffesor asked if its true women are paid less than men. All the women raised their hands and I started laughing
>hatred in their eyes
Oh boy
Iv found they prefer to be challenged.
most are sub sluts that will go back on their ideas if your dick is good enough
OP you gotta meet tolerable girls to hang out with, maybe with your own place and/or hobbies as bait. Befriend them, meet their friends, befriend their friends, and keep going deeper into the circles until you find tolerable single chicks. I'm not saying it'll work, I'm saying it's the only system that will work in MA. All the good chicks are homebodies, they'll only look at you if their friends say you're a good guy.
The bait I used to get in was taking one night stands to play badminton near my place (no roommates). Bitches fucking love badminton because they all think they're good at it.
Southern NH is liberal now, NH went to Clinton.
Too many MA fags moving to cheaper NH areas desu.
Ayyy used to be 508, now I'm close to where route 9 hits 495
Those last two are ruined, they're working on the first.
>Those last two are ruined, they're working on the first.
Jesus christ. I think i'm gonna have to see for myself but this is a let down.
I don't think you understand how easy women in their 30s are.
NHer here. I like it. Too many drugs though. Avoid going to Hampton beach in the summer too much Mass trash go to rye, new castle or maybe north hampton beach
>never say no to anyone
I'm sure she'd say no to me.
oh hey it's that one autist with that fetish with the chick
Hampton is a shithole, and all of their arcades are run down as fuck. There is also to many niggers and naked liberal chicks runnin around
is my mum
>Only one person in the world has a fetish that involves a woman.
I know what you mean, but it made me smile
Where do I find them?
Live in middle of nowhere sub 2000 people for all surrounding towns within 45 mins. Consider yourself lucky.
the northern beach that doesnt have the boardwalk is fine in my opinion though. I did like going to that shooting gallery as a kid, i think the lady that ran it died last year
McDonalds and Burger King
How many nigger fights have you seen this year?
Yeah she was raped by like 20 muslim dudes and only three were found. They cut off her ear and stuck it in her mouth with a message saying "Allah praise"
pussy isn't worth that level of self degradation.
I want an actual relationship. But the women here are fucking insufferable. Absolutely fucking awful. Braindead fucks. Goddamn!
>dating college girls
That's your problem.
or she had a stroke....
You've seen nothing, OP. I'm in Eugene, OR. It's literally a desolate wasteland of single mothers and blue haired shims. I've come to the conclusion that I'm going celibate monk-mode until I GTFO.