*blocks ur path*

*blocks ur path*
hey there shitlord, I hear u havent checked ur straight white cis male privilege today. any last words?

Other urls found in this thread:


*reveals concealed .45*

"We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children"
-Proceed to murder him and rapes his womyns

"Will it be man-to-man, or will you attack like a pack of filthy niggers?"

*releases clutch*

Back the fuck off??

>"Have you checked the quarterly financials?"
>He drops his guard
>Walk past him and join the scrum meeting.



"I come from a jewish family, therefore it would be antisemitic to touch me"

There are no clip size limits in this state.

Oh sweetie... A fatal mistake, my white shitlord *teleports behind him* There's still time to apologise. "GAS THE KIKES RACE WAR NOW!" *you turns around and mansplain at me, but as you mansplain at me it's revealed to be nothing more than an illusion as I appear a fair distance away* Oh dearie... you are no match for my social justice. Now die! You wasted your chance! *throws a perfectly aimed tweet at you that cuts his throat and kills him* Oh honey... fucking white male. *Teleports away*

>Canadians behind you and unsheathes my hockey stick

Nah, rape first. Let him enjoy being cucked one last time before you kill him.

tell him that he is preventing my right of free movement like a nazi wall and is triggering me

I like Michael

Is it so much to ask that public figures don't become activists? Be a libtard, fine. Make reference to it in your work where it coincides with your profession.

But when everyone takes a stand and won't deviate from it, everyone loses. No one has anything to learn from "Michael from vsauce's" political opinions. If you're a partisan, you're doing nothing but harm.

Honestly I've respected nigger science dude more as he has stated his opinions without thinking he's a prophet because he has a lot of fans.

>see assembly of jew faggots
>cross the street before I reach them
>they stare at me angrily for some reason

Conservative values set the stage for liberals to be created. My ancestors are smiling on me, can you say the same?


And then I'm biting

Full on rage virus zombie to try and scare them knowing the zombies only weakness is a headshot which liberals do not contain the equipment to do so

I would use no energy to swing or kick

All angry ree biting

This is gay on so many levels

is there something WRONG with that??!?!?!!!?!?!?!?

Click the thumbnail dumbass lol it's not him I thought the same thing. I was sad...Then happy when I saw it wasn't him

*Let my Mossberg do the talking*

At first I thought that was a Scottish accent.

*you don't realize this was just a dream*
*chains you to the current plane of existence*
*teleports behind u*
heh, nothing personal kid

I see...

Lel. Sup Forums is fun.

bess really is the best shitposter

Watching him with h3h3 and idubbz lately makes him seem pretty based.

If I was at the peak of a bad mood I would flatten him. Any other time I'd politely oblige the fella.

don't forget to take all your clothes off first.

Yes. GRIDs.

>Just keep walking in a straight line
>The bearded woman flails away like one of pic related

*pulls out race card*
scuse me guys, minority coming through

Leave this guy alone you fucking kuffir.
>t. Muzzy

We're out to eliminate you just like you "holy" book says we are.

Fuck off halal breath Mohachmed

I'd kick his ass. I grew up around niggers. being in the minority around those savages teaches you how to defend yourself.

I'd fucking destroy that numale and the fucker behind him.


Fuck you and your light chocolate ass. I'm trans nigerian, that means i am more black than you and this means something to you because you see black people as an inferior race and deem them incapable of taking care of themselves, the sort of mindset that made colonisation and slavery possible. So again please make way for the 'Oh so poor black man who needs special privileges because he is not equal'.

I'm not sure what would happen after that, does he stop the black man from passing through and therefor admits that it is he who is the real racist?

Or does he finally swallow the redpill and realise just how fucking wrong he was, how stupid he was for believing all this cultural marxist crap.

>nothing personal
t. american education

It's because the system caters to the lowest common denominator. The American education meme is gay anyhow because IQ is for the most part inherent.

You couldn't eliminate a fly kike


Check this
*unzips dick*

Hey Vsauce! Michael here.