>My dream of a White America is not nostalgia. I know that we can never return to the past. But I also know that if we are ever to move forward again we have to get rid of this racial mess which has engulfed America. I know that no multi-racial society can be a healthy or stable society. Some people who agree with me that the present racial situation is untenable and can only become worse under the government's present policies nevertheless cannot conceive of rectifying the situation. They believe that once a country has been integrated racially it cannot be un-integrated. But it can be — although the process of un-integration is likely to be a very painful and bloody process. It is likely to require a civil war much worse than the one we went through in the last century. It certainly will disrupt the lives of everyone involved. The soft couch potatoes and the trendy consumers would much prefer to avoid the disruption, so that they can continue their TV- viewing and their consuming. Even people made of somewhat sterner stuff are horrified by the prospect of straightening out our racial situation. But we must do it. We must plan for it. We must not refuse to think about it just because it will be difficult and unpleasant. We are in our present mess because we failed to act when action would have been far less painful.
what did he mean by this?
Matthew Torres
Trump has no chance whatsoever. Countless lawsuits have been brought up against him, politicians have rightfully criticized him, and he continues to behave like a dictator. His immigration policy will almost certainly not hold up in court.