The fuck is wrong with society?
The fuck is wrong with society?
Is thus real? If so, treason.
>to dinner
what a nice lady.
Fake tweet put out by the left to attempt to get the right to share it, only to be proven wrong.
Idea is to promote the idea that right winters are the center of fake news.
Don't fall for it.
>Sup Forums
>Not lying constantly.
Pick one.
MAGA camps when?
Normal poster here. He really does. Stop role playing for a few minutes pol
>for speaking
>in the USA
seems legit
>The fuck is wrong with society?
>How can I blame liberals for everything right wingers do wrong?
There is going to be a civil war/armed conflict. Not doubt about it.
ALWAYS ask for sauce
Inciting assassination isn't the same as free speech
but she just tweeted it
>gas the kikes, race war now!
Sup Forums: WOO!
>kill the president!
You would know Moshe
For a call to assassinate the president yeah
He needs to be impeached
meh. go ahead and try it. she'll just say he needed to be taken out of office.
Switch tactics. The impeachment narrative isn't building steam.
>He needs to be impeached
Word, not even joking anymore.
At the very least it's sedition
>Shitposting on a Laotian canoe enthusiast forum versus saying "We need to literally kill the President!" on social media with your name attached
Remember when they didn't care about us? Remember when they laughed at Trump and the alt-right? Well, they ain't laughing now.
First they ignore you,
then they laugh at you,
then they fight you,
General rule when concerning twitter posts; as it is stupidly easy to edit and create fake authentic posts with inspect on pretty much any browser always ask for a direct link to said post or archive in case of potential deletion.
If you don't you fall pray to the fake news peddling jews.
>the stupid dyke formally evokes the curse
I'm signing off on the orders to have her accidented as we speak