Sup Forums BTFO

Where were you when Trump single-handedly crushed the hopes and dreams of his supporters with the stroke of a pen?

Not gonna lie, former Trump voter here. This is fucking hilarious watching Trump crash and burn. But in all seriousness we can't let this guy get the nuclear codes.

>Not voting for trump because you want ww3


This copy-paste always makes me lol.


Switch tactics.

>Not gonna lie, former Trump voter here. This is fucking hilarious watching Trump crash and burn. But in all seriousness we can't let this guy get the nuclear codes.

>This pasta
>People still responding to it

Trump is fucking psyop destroying liberals

he's a trump supporter larping

or the dumbest/laziest CTR employee on the planet

Sup Forums BTFO

/polgbt/ for life!

i was sipping some sage tea on the corner of sage street and sage boulevard when the news hit me

>Doesn't do a thing he never said he'd do

What a shock.

fags like OP gotta work too.

Trump should really let the fags marry, and let everyone have abortions covered by tax payers. I'll foot the bill 100% if it means less shit skins.

Imagine white women and white gays, pretty much having nothing to bitch about. Race War initiated.

Good. I absolutely do not care about gays. Not one bit. This just takes another round out of the chamber for liberals to use against him. Now they can be framed as fear mongers.

Isn't Lesbian and Gay a bit redundant?

People still fall for that stale CTR bait. Sad!


Either that account was fake news or Trump just determined the rat behind it.

Sup Forums has always been a gay, Israel friendly board. Natural allies.

Am I the only one on Sup Forums who wants everyone in America to just live together peacefully, united under the Constitution, at the end of all this?

You would know.

You mean the hopes of liberals hoping to have something else to cry over? To say there was at least one thing he backtracked on? He said he would protect the gays. All his promises are being kept. I can't wait to see that wall.

Former Drumpfthfpth supporter here. I love watching him play Crash Bandicoot. But in all seriousness we can't let him get his hands on the game shark codes.

maybe two people on Sup Forums are actually upset by this.

Trump has supported LGBT rights throughout his entire campaign. This isn't a surprise

I'm here

I love how in the NYT article it's like
>activists are unimpressed

you mean they are ass-blasted because Donald Trump is currently the most LGBT Friendly POTUS in history?


Christcuck(s) BTFO!!!

Imagine being so pathetic that you define your whole existence by what you like to do with your genitalia. Sad!

There is no end to this ride. You'll never get off.


Sup Forums without the LGBT is like Sup Forums without the Leaf posters. It just isn't the same.

thanks bro

I'm glad. I'm for gay people not being discriminated against. Less enthusiastic for trannies however but at this point they're not likely to be separated.

nothing wrong with faggots and shit, nothing wrong with AMERICANS being treated all the same whether they're niggers or muslims, as long as they work to support our country. the problem is a lot of Americans hate our country and they just so happen to be niggers, faggots, and muslims, but mostly white liberals

Someone gets it. All Americans need to unite regardless of whatever degenerate group they belong in. Every one of us has a little degeneracy at the end of the day anyway. Being American should cancel that.

What workplace protections? Haven't the gays been telling us all along they don't have any? Are you saying the gays have been lying to us? Well, no matter, they think they have none and they're being oppressed now, and the order is maintaining that. Trump does it right yet again.

Remember back in the 90's when I was considered pro-gay for simply being against violence towards them, and now I'm an anti-gay homophobe for saying the same thing? Good times. Gays are trying to wage war on the very society that gave them protection. Enjoy your refugees; the muslims give gays real "equality."

Pedophiles where kicked out of the """"community"""" in the 70s. So there is still hope that mutilation counts as a sex change could be seen for what it is. Until changing DNA becomes a thing. Who cares at that point though since it would be real at that point.