Where are my Texas Bros at?
Texas Thread
Victoria here.
That mosque that was burned down ended up raising $800k in just a couple days.
Well what else did you expect?
Didn't think it'd be that much that fast, honestly.
Islam is the second biggest Religion here
The Saudis have a lot of cash
I guess I should have expected it, considering it made international news.
I didn't even here about it. Another thing I didn't hear about was the protest at the airport. Funny.
Middle of nowhere West Texas reportin.
I saw a negro today! Whole town is talking about it.
mcallen here
zero niggers in sight, feels good man.
Did you tell him niggers aren't welcome?
Are you telling me they can talk now?
South Texas beaner standing by. You guys won't believe the shit Mexican news are talking. Can't wait for the reinforce 100ft tall wall.
Looking forward to Abbott giving our sheriff the boot. God I fucking hate Austin.
Wylie here. What's good?
361 reporting
What's it like living in a border town?
Oklahoman here. Send help we are dieing
Oh yeah man. They never shut up.
corpus christi here
It's like Mexico but less crime.
Brownsville here
Just started seeing a few in past few years and they've been mostly doctors and pharmacists
Not sure where they're coming from
Austin 512 checking in. Any bros want to hit up the Salt Lick?
>tfw texan
>tfw houstonian
so close
I thought it was the other way around. Damn. I was thinking of bugging out there.
Tarrant County 817 Represent.
Austin bro here I work downtown. What about you?
let's just say I didn't see the first nog till I was 15 when I went on vacation to vegas.
everyone is either hispanic or an old white person, not much crime compared to chicongo and most people are hardworking.
postan texas memes
Olive heard Oklahoma city is doing ok but Tulsa is shriviling
Which one of you lives in Metric Boulevard Austin?
>There's a lot of Muslims, but way more illegals.
>tfw saw a ninja at the supermarket the other day.
They honestly scare the shit out of me. Whenever one comes into view I get taken aback, like looking at a gore pic or something.
Tyler here. Still rich and white. Except for me. I'm just white.
I went out to OKC last year to visit the church. That town is spoopy man. There's a weird aura about it.
Fort Worth reporting in.
Anyone got any work for me??
Houston a good place to live? I'm trying to work in one of the refinerys out there.
South Austin. Close to Slaughter/Circle C area. Currently stationed in San Diego ATM but I'm coming home next month for 2 weeks
They were selling cookies in front of my HEB like little ninja Girl Scouts man.
Republic National Distributing Company.
Dallas here.
I hate it. I miss East Texas. I miss the woods and I miss the quiet.
Not a single night goes by that I don't hear fucking cops or an ambulance.
>corpus christi here
Water drinkable yet?
Ayy Dr pepper and shiner beer
I live relatively close. Why?
It's the meth
If you don't mind being surrounded by Muslims and Mexicans. The weather sucks and the traffic is terrible in some places but not too bad in others. Most people drive two hours a day in this town minimum.
Used to be affordable but rent has been steadily going up.
I'm looking for someone.
Hey bro I also live in mcallen, I don't remember the last time I saw a black person.
>I hate it. I miss East Texas. I miss the woods and I miss the quiet.
Parents are from Dallas.
I was born and raise in god forsaken piney words of East Texas.
I left and won't go back.
Cost of living is pretty low for a big city, nothing like California or New York. I like hot weather, but if you can't tolerate it then summer you should pretty much stay indoors the whole time.
Should ask the other user. I'm out of state right meow
probably but i dont really care
college station here. anybody else?
Carl's Jr is better; sorry partner but you gotta take the red pill. WaB burgers are huge and the fries are great, but the taste of the burgers themselves is meh
That shit is still going on?
I grew up about twenty miles from Jefferson. Lived in Texarkana, Marshall, and Longview.
Work is good here, but I'm not cut out for the city. I miss the trees.
I've heard that they've had to stop playing "deep in the heart of Texas" at workplaces because everyone stops and claps.
Plano here
Not gonna lie
Lovin me all this asian and paki food.
I don't mind the heat so much I just want to have a winter too.
they're only up north
zetas forever
That's a damn lie. Carl's is blue pill.
Just get the Watachicken Sandwich.
Just make sure you live upstream and not in the vicinity. Air and water quality near the ship channel is poor. Unless you work in a lab it's basically hazard pay.
t. former Shell employee
I'm in Austin
It's hell here. It's a comfy enough city but everyone's hippie as fuck.
what the fuck are you talking about nigger
Currently in Spring but spent most of my life in Brownsville/McAllen. Please remove the spics, they're ruining everything.
I live in the southeastern suburbs of Houston it's pretty nice compared to the city which is completely infested. Knowing people who work in the oil and gas industry or energy sector, work is good but it's on and off with gas prices.
I hadn't heard that. Why wouldn't you stop and clap?
Well it's been anywhere between 55 and 75 degrees for the last few weeks. It can occasionally get colder though. Don't expect snow.
>probably but i dont really care
Went to the HEB one morning.
15 minutes after opening.
Car lot was full and people were wheeling out multiple carts full of water.
I'm 15 miles outside the city.
Carls jr chicken ain't got jack on Whataburger strips or bites.
Or the holy grail of breakfast food (served 11 pm to 11 am)
The honey butter chicken biscuit
I hate how hard it is to find work down here though, what do you do to make $$$?
maybe. need a new mayor now
That is some pure horseshit talk right there.
Tell me about it. All the people I knew in Highschool are at Tech right now and flooding my jewbook with the liberal shit.
What's the fucking deal with southeast asians and donuts?
Why do so many gooks own donut shops? At least half of the donut shops I see, regardless of what town I'm in, are owned and run by gooks.
I've been here twenty years. I want the fuck out.
I think it was mostly aimed at factories where people are using their hands at the time
I go to school in corpus christi
Its ok i guess
Anyone live in or near San Antonio? I was contacted by their police department recently and I am considering becoming a cop there.
Houston. And there are alot of mosques particularly in the southwestern part of the city...where I don't go because it's shitty.
What you guys are experiencing ain't hippy.
Hippy was fine back in the old Austin, old fuckers just wanted to smoke pot in the woods naked and be left alone.
What you have now is commie refugees fleeing the People's Republic of California.
That's a whole different kind of beast.
Do you know anyone that lives there?
CS for spectrum atm, used to work teller at a bank but got fired.
But you can like, visit Alex Jones whenever you want.
Lots of Mexicans so be ready for gang related shit.
I heard it's cheap to live there.
I literally live 3 minutes from this.
I shit you not brothers.
Fuck me right?
Oh, yeah that could go really bad quick in some places. Shame.
Houstonfag reportin
Collin County reporting in