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God I hate reddit

Reddit is the embodiment of "subversive" normiedom.


Isn't reddit dying? I've heard people say that its users have migrated elsewhere, but I'm not sure.

Get the fuck off my board reddit trash. This board would be infinitely better if every poster on the_donald was dragged into the street and beaten with a crowbar


meh, I don't actually know how to use it, but my feed or whatever is just full of people's dogs, which is cool.

T_D is worthwhile just because it triggers the rest of plebbit so bad.


wtf I love reddit now


Lots of them go to another site called voat, but there's still tons of redditors who just go to places like /r/undelete and complain about reddit... on reddit. Complete cuckoldry.

Yes, it's dying. Thank Kek.

It's not dying, but the stock is going down I hear. Voat, an alternative to reddit (basically reddit without the cancer, and a bunch of systems to prevent cancer and shilling) is gonna be what reddit was to digg. So far it's having about as much success as 8ch, but then again 8ch doesn't really work and plebbit hasn't had cause for a max exodus. Well, they have, but since they're mostly normie faggots they haven't acted on it. They'll need to be hit over the head with a maul before they realize shit's wrong.

reddit is too big to fail.

the mods of these big social media sites can do pretty much anything they want and the users will cuck because of network effects.


It's funny before their website started dying, the most upvoted submisssions would have like 2500-5000 points. Now that their website is dying they'll have like 42,000 or 50,000 points.

The website is owned by Jews now so I'm not surprised to see them using outrageous made-up numbers to shill their content.

I'm pretty sure they just have a few admins with the ability to click and edit the points of posts so they can dictate what does and doesn't reach the front page.

how to i gift gold for this comment?

*left wingers, the most cowardly of all choices one can make. Now, I do not believe jesus christ was ever god, but, I believe in social control, as opposed to cowardly, traitorus left wingers, or lying, deceiving, jewish-tactic using right wingers.

reddit isnt a publicly traded company...

Don't come here to complain about your mother-site. We don't give a shit. plebbit faggots GET OUT.
You're just like refugees coming here bringing your own shitty problems with you, refusing to assimilate, and ultimately trying to take over our culture.

Nah, it's probably just some perl script that an intern wrote to fudge the numbers

8ch was great until they got rid of the pedos, i actually stopped coming here until 8ch became shit

ctr your trial is soon
kill yourself before they arrest you

But the rest of reddit hates the_donald

the_donald is like a Sup Forums hideout in the middle or reddit

T. James Alefantis

a website for soccer moms to coordinate practices

and if your girlfriend whittles you some artisan game of thrones earrings you can post them on reddit

if you are crippled and retarded you can make great posts there

They've always faked shit like this. When they first started it was just a couple people shilling from a ton of accounts to make it look the site was active. It wasn't. They admit to this openly.

They can't market their product so they try a ton of different things that aren't working. Advertisements are blocked by most. Reddit gold is retarded and only admins give it away for posts they agree with as a way of faking support for the shit hole. Now they are trying referrals and sponsored stories. Another indication they can't make enough money to keep the walls up in their echo chamber.


I was a hardcore redditor until I became a fan of our current president sometime just before the First Meme War. Once I saw the depth of the bias, I 100% left. Sometimes I browse (equivalent to 5% of previous usage) but I left and never looked back. No account there now.

Conde Nast, if you're wondering what went wrong, it's you.

Fuck you and Fuck David Brock.

>8ch was great until they got rid of the pedos, i actually stopped coming here until 8ch became shit



Users are getting sick of locked threads and constant echo chambers.

You know it's literally owned by Jews now, right?

Advanced Publications owns Conde Nast, look who owns Advanced Publications and is running that company

Stop being butthurt

No, it isn't. If you cancerous fucks think your shitty sub is anything like what /po/ used to be you are mistaken.

preach it

they fucked this board up beyond belief

maybe permanently

It's very pol lite. Plenty of "check out this black guy in a MAGA hat. FUCKING BAAAASED!"

IAMA the_donald mod AMA (pls dont downvote XD)

fuck off fag

Fuck off all of you reddit fags.
If you have a problem with that site, post it there, instead of making thread after thread about that hellhole here.

I swear, its nearly always an American from the_cuckhold who keeps posting shit like that or other reddit content.

We are not your friends, Trump was in our best interrest, but you are not.

Keep pushing that shit and you will see more and more hate towards your flag, till you are on the same level as leafs.

There is an entire backend system meant to do just this. The CEO of reddit was caught editing posts that were critical of him.

You have been banned from participating in /r/pol. You can still view and subscribe to /r/pol, but you won't be able to post or comment.

Note from the moderators:
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If you have a question regarding your ban, you can contact the moderator team for /r/pol by replying to this message.

Reminder from the Reddit staff: If you use another account to circumvent this subreddit ban, that will be considered a violation of the Content Policy and can result in your account being suspended from the site as a whole.

I was a hardcore reddit user until about 2 years ago when everything seemed to go off a steep cliff - migrated here, love everything except the autism I have now

I noticed that too. The top post of all time had 16k upvotes.

Then one day, out of nowhere, fucking every other post had 20k+ upvotes.

Reddit is corrupt as fuck.

>taking the bait

have you considered that maybe "hardcore" users such as yourself helped precipitate the fall off the cliff?

and that maybe your presence and those like you may only serve to damage other online communities?

there is a reason reddit is garbage

(it's the redditors)

What i mean is thats what most of the userbase were therd for and when they banned that there were only a few people left, making it shit


Yeah, whenever I tell Redditors from the_Donald to fuck off they go "YOU ARE LE CTR. XD NO Sup Forums USERS WOULD HATE THEIR BESTEST ALLIES. XDddd" It's not that I disagree with their voting choice but with their cringey and unfunny internet culture.

I find it particularly annoying when subreddits like r/science or r/philosophy have such heavy moderation. The people on these subreddits congratulated themselves for being critical thinkers and yet there's a lot they can't handle.

For instance, racial realism is always banned on r/science.

reddit is the essence of bluepill

Reddit is pretty much dead unless you're an extreme leftie. The #1 post right now is from fucking /r/pics of the Obama AG cunt Trump fired.

They went apeshit on The_Donald, and basically spez realized he couldn't flat out delete them, so he allowed SJW mods to go ape shit with censorship and basically ruin anyone that dared post in TD. If you post anywhere else, you normally get downvoted to hell because "Oh this guy posts on The_Donald. Fucking Nazi". Basically comment stalkers.

Reddits dead in 3 years tops. The final nail in the coffin will be the 2020 election when Spez finally deleted The_Donald right before the general election.

lol, I deleted it a while ago

> Sup Forums is the site of free speech and mods are only removing childporn.

said no one ever

>le hardcore 4chinner

say my name

Honestly, it's just gotten to the point that all the ancillary interest boards are joining in on the liberal virtue signalling fuckfest(top rated posts in history porn being refugees from the Soviets or some other shit) and the admin posts some tearjerker letter today about how unamerican immigration restrictions are(like we didn't massively restrict immigration in the past). This along with hugboxes generated by the karma system demonstrate fully that Reddit is or has become a place to reinforce fucked ideologies approved for by 14 year olds. Fucking /r/latestagecapitalism is full of literal commies, and people upvote posts supporting literal Marxism.

I can tell you this:

The fundamental difference (meme quality aside) between Sup Forums and the_donald is this:


T_D on the surface supports israel and defends dindus because they want to maintain the image of not being racist or anti-semetic, offenses which could get the sub banned ( a la coontown).

So while the userbase mostly is redpilled, they pretend to like muzzies, jews, nigs, et all, because they want to maintain the image of not being hateful in order to boost their credibility/image with the rest of plebbit as well as not get shut down.

the reality is, that 70% of the users are actually pretty based.

alright, man

keep this to yourself

it doesn't really matter. the internet isn't real.

Practically the whole thing is Sup Forums reposts, and what isn't is pure cringe

>/po/ used to be

No, it isn't. The_Donald is scum.

>Hey guys, we're a pro free speech board! We don't censor like the rest of Reddit. Here we can ask uncomfortable questions about Islam.
>Oh, cool. What about Judaism?

They never actually say where those other places on reddit are where you can go to discuss things.

Every discussion forum is controlled by kikes like (((u/davidreiss666))) and are heavily controlled tolerance zones.

t_d are our useful idiots

Unfortunately it sort of backfired as many of them come here now and they've started shilling "civic nationalism" among other cancerous ideas...


please god please fucking stay there

again, you nerds do not understand the damage you've caused this board. this was legitimately a great place for a decade. and now it's like the b-side shit gets shot back here days after it ought to have been thrown out.

and the terrible internet guy shit

you dont realize how hated and unwanted you are. you are a sore thumb

You realize Reddit's traffic has gone up 20% year over year for the past 10 years, right?

I'm just triggered because I live on a college campus and these people are fucking real to me, Reddit is basically an internet liberal arts school.

If they keep that shit up, they are going to feel the consequences.
Its only a matter of time before Sup Forums takes active action against the_cuckhold.

underrated post


Sup Forums may have been stupid and autistic in the past but it was never as bad as the forced rivel nowadays.

Is that r/books? Everyone there reads dimestore drivel anyways.

>Complains about the influence of reddit on Sup Forums
>Keeps talking about subreddits
You are the problem.

Well said, Fox

gas them all

Go back to Plebbit, faggot. I only know about r/books because /lit/'s Top 100 brought newfaggotry.

nah it's the social scheme.

too much power is concentrated in a few people, who aren't generally held accountable like they would be here
>hurr dont like me being a huge faggot mod, maybe you should make your own subreddit

also upvotes tend to circlejerking, and any dissenting opinion is immediately silenced, before being banned. It's an absolute shit site.

[spoiler]I still go there though[/spoiler]

stupid and autistic, yes. but it was predictable, easily-ignored, and temporary

for months now it has just been a mess

look no further than the embarrassment of this bogdanoff meme and that's just the most recent one

(((Reddit))) is a Jewish company that is owned by the Jewish Newhouse Media company.

we know how it works and why it is shit

please continue to still go there and don't look back

Bogdanoff meme is a forced psyops I'm convinced

All at once there will be a flood of bog threads, like 20 of them. It's ridiculous. Mods ought to permaban for it

Hey now, reddit is still good. r/gonewild and the rest of the gonewild subreddits are pretty informative.

You have to go back.

I could not care less about where you found out about it, just keep it there.

But reddit does not sends their best, they send creatures from the_cuckhold, jew loving faggots, pro-race mixing traitors.
It is time to cleanse them from Sup Forums before it is too late.

You tried to sign into yesterday
>the screencap showed Quebec shooting posts

you can't stop me from coming here :^)

You could say I Read it

Edit 1 :thanks guys

edit 2: Thanks for the gold stranger

edit 3: I wish I was aborted so I did not have to come here for attention to justify my worthless existence

it's a forced meme and the power of autism

take the bogpill

i know

i can only ask that you stay in your lane

Fuck you CTR II

>he fell for the white nationalism meme


It's not a meme. Large parts of Sup Forums were unironic White Nationalists before you fags came here. There were NatSoc generals. They were cringey circlejerks but they existed.

> he fell for the "Sup Forums is not racist" meme


damn. Sup Forums on target again.

A fucking tampon

This shit is why you don't use Reddit for general-purpose discussion and entertainment.

I go there almost exclusively for space news and pictures of naked women with very muscular thighs, and I have a grand old time.

>he fell for the "race is real" meme

there are stupid, violent people of all races. Just look at this quebec shooting.

Austria has always been a nation of immigrants. There is no reason that Austria, or any European country, should continue to be Euro-supremacists. It's 2017, for goodness' sake.

I'm just amused that your ID has klAN in it.

>But reddit does not sends their best, they send creatures from the_cuckhold, jew loving faggots, pro-race mixing traitors

Implying that isn't the best Reddit has to offer.

>the_cuckhold """""bantz"""""

>there are stupid, violent people of all races
>better keep repeating this bullshit or otherwhise the niggs will club me again

>There is no reason that Austria, or any European country, should continue to be Euro-supremacists.
Importing hordes of shitskins and mudshits is the reason for the recent surge of far right partys all over Europe, the same goes for you too, but keep shilling for that multikulti bullshit and you will see the violent reactions.

> For fake sake it is 2017, where is John "I like to watch niggers fuck my wife" Oliver when you need him to explain me the world

>Austria has always been a nation of immigrants
Not every immigrant is worth the effort.
White Europeans, no problem.
Shitskins and mudshits, better open the camps again.