Who else browses Pol in public while wearing MAGA hat?
Not a Protip: I'm doing it in LA
Who else browses Pol in public while wearing MAGA hat?
Not a Protip: I'm doing it in LA
Bump for some chubby manlet staring at me while I give his girl the look.
Dunhills, nice.
not a teenager anymore and edgyness is less cool when you're an adult.
Yes I've done shit like this. Man I love wearing a MAGA hat in liberal areas. Nobody says shit, but you can tell they feel awkward about it. Also it's always high energy when a rare Trump supporter sees you.
>tfw no comfy coffee shop to shitpost from
Good thing I'm moving soon.
>WHOS A Moron HERE /pol???? ARENT I SO EPIC xxDDDD fug fug meme's amirite guys! hahahahahahah
No rat poison no carcinogens and fine cut = my temp alternative to quitting It's a question not a pissing contest I'd be doing it either way
Try not to get those frilly knickers in a twist
It's true, they all just get really awkward, few crazy sjw every now and then tho
Who cares just show me your dick
good goy!
Ha ha, you edgy little faggot.
>browsing Sup Forums in public since it's a known terrorist site
whatever pussy I always openly go on pol in class in socal
no one likes you
Dunhill fine cut, nice. Pretty based for an LA degenerate.
smoking is so degenerate. you repulse me
Uhh those aren't americcan spirits are you sure your'e from LA
>fancy coffee cream design
>thin cigarettes
>baby blue lighter
>thin, compact laptop
Female confirmed, post tits or gtfo nao
Yes agreed
you realize the barrista probably spit in your hyper sweetened candy coffee right?
>in public
Do you take a seat next to someone and literally shove your laptop/smartphone in their face? Because otherwise most people don’t give a fuck what you’re doing. I personally make a point of not staring at other people screens because I think it’s fucking rude and would only demonstrate to others what a moron I am.
Sometimes I browse while on lunch at work. Doesn't matter to me, im not out to make a spectacle of me being on Sup Forums. You sound like an edgy 19 year old.
Wtf is going on with your cup?
Def not a female, these aren't thin cigs noob, they are civilized cigs, and the lighter is random punjab provided it
>faggy expensive coffee
Neck yourself
>ignores my post
great work detective we might have a live one
Idk there's that video of that Mexican bitch and her cuck harassing that guy in a Maga hat in the apartment community area
I like my Amsterdam Shag from Stokkebye. It's roll your own, but tastes great and saves a shit ton of money.
It's this shmancy new coffee shop down the hill from my house, all the cucks correlate here
Wow user you are brave
Go to lax international and do it
You're so cool. Wow.
27th post best post
No one cares op
why is there chocolate on the OUTSIDE of the cup? how u sposed to bring that up to ur face without getting chocolate all over yourself?
Also, is that Chrome? On a Mac? Forget MAGA and pol, this is fucking retarded.
Wait are they still protesting at LAX?
I got a drop top, I'll ride around blasting a Trump mix of best speeches or something
I thought it was over?
I'm surprised you haven't been arrested yet for having cigarettes in public view
>smoking Dunhill
>posting from a coffee shop
>please read my blog :DDDD
I knew what it was.
I felll for it deliberately.
Also kys
Apparently no one knows, literally asked them just now because I've made mine a mess
nope.. I'm the asshole out front on a loud Harley laughing at your beta fag ass.
Cringebait. You woman
To quote a friend of mine, "I don't care. I've licked butthole. I hope she did spit in it."
Having a Harley and a smaller dick than me is not cooler than being me and having a penis as large as mine
Trust me goy trust me, you trade that Harley in a second of what it feels like to be me and hook up with a fine chick whose last dude looked badass and had a Harley and a tiny dick
You have no idea
>(((cancer sticks)))
Absolutely degenerate.
I do, nobody gives a fuck here because nobody know 4channel, as long as I don't open nazi pics is safe
Can't block up your money sniffer amirite Shlomo?
you're a fucking madman!
What about the pedo and bbc threads you cringey fag
I do this at a Portland University
Wait that was real chocolate? I thought it was just the cup designed to look like chocolate.
i've only been to prague whats it like out side the city there?
What about the big black dick threads?
take your penis fantasy elsewhere faggot
Apple user, gay drink, not Marlboro reds
GOYS it's Nutella sorry it's not chocolate
It's a fucking Nutella cappuccino & no there's no safe way to drink it apparently the Nutella is everywhere by design with no way to cleanly drink it
Is there any decent looking MAGA hats? doesn't have to be a baseball cap, the red ones are terrible looking desu.
yet you're here too homie
that's I only read pol, int, his co and maybe a
>Browsing Sup Forums in public
>With a MAGA cap
>And Dunhill 100s
Truly, a new patriciate is rising
I wish there was a coffee shop near me that wasn't overwhelmingly liberal
But I live in Baltimore
Mah nigga
Nutella cappuccino. That was OP's first mistake.
Dude get outta here with that mess
No, Sup Forums still has random pedo and bbc threads that show up on the catalog. You new?
This is true
If you mean one that doesn't make you look like an autistic fashy...no...they all do.
>the look
What in the god awful fag shit is in that mug???
To be honest any noob who doesn't know that the trick to giving any girl 'the look' is to give her the look RIGHT BEFORE she gives you the look then look away then while she feels stupid and can't believe you weren't looking st her casually catch her looking at you with a 'oh wow didn't see you there' face
I seem to have a very rare official TRUMP MAGA hat in camo made by kati. I ordered it in November of 2015 and I don't think they continued making them. The shape is way better. It's the highest quality baseball cap I've ever had. Made in USA.
Sup Forums ? sure from time to time got a few but the amount of shit is not that much
haha which coffeeshop?
i used to live in east hollywood and i miss going to sabor y cultura. also love civil coffee in highland park and copa vida in old town pasadena
did a refugee make your cappuccino?
I was browsing pol while at the masjid on Sunday. Had to turn my brightness down so allah doesn't abandon me
Cool coffee faggox
Nice try Truedeau (you using your American spy network now?)
really made a cappuccino and set it all up with your fagbook and fagsticks to take a picture and post it on Sup Forums?
you are a fucking faggot. period.
No Starbucks make you sick (true fact that has nothing to do with their CEO being a cuck)
They use products that literally make you sick and have never come under scrutiny b/c of libs so Starbucks literally ruins enough food in their display case per day to feed half of America via all their stores and their sanitation and quality policies are shit because it doesn't matter ppl go there like robots
Got salt'd
Literally sat down to browse pol and shit post for freedom and said to myself damn I wonder if any pol faggots got balls as big as me or are they all in a dark cellar
So true. Catching her looking at you is best.
I browse pol during class in far left shithole uni. One of these days I'm going to end up getting shanked walking to the remote parking lot at night.
Dude I'll be in China next week, can't wait to know what it feels like to be a giant for the first time in my life
Why is your mug melting?
>buying the tobacco jew
i do this minus the maga hat but i ordered one like a week ago
still not here
The young ones need knowledge more than ever these days
take pic of yourself with maga hat and time stamp
Whatever. I can relate, being up in liberal gay area.
I'm not autistic, so count me out.
I went to a kebab shop one day and browsed Sup Forums while I ate. There were a few Muslim families that walked by me. Idgaf.