>Live in a house with many windows
>About to go to bed, walking into dining room
>Between my house and my neighbor's house there's a little pathway that leads from my front yard to my backyard
>2 Windows about 6 or so feet off the ground
>See some shape at the window (lights were off, couldn't see much)
>Think it's a raccoon, turn on lights to scare it away
>Flip on lights, it's a fucking guy looking into my house
>He's wearing some sort of mask with a hoodie, really couldn't tell any distinguishable features because as soon as I turned on the lights he books it
>Immediately run upstairs to my room to get my SKS (only gun)
>Fly back down the stairs with rifle in hand, bayonet fixed
>Check backyard, clear
>Check pathway, clear
>Go out to front porch, look up and down the street
>See some guy running down the street wearing a hoodie
>Quiet, suburban street, sound traveling easily
>Rack the bolt, loud as hell and echoes through the street
>Runner slows down, turns around, sees me standing on my porch with a rifle and fixed bayonet
>Turns back around and starts running faster than before
>Make sure all my doors are locked, draw the curtains
Fucking hell, what now? Not sure if I should call the cops because the guy is long gone by now and I couldn't see any features of his face, and being Chicago suburbs I'm worried they fucking fine me or some bullshit for "brandishing" or some stupid shit.

First time this has ever happened to me, and this is NOT common where I live.

>What now?
Gas the kikes. Race war now!

Leave it be, the pussy aint coming back

Go to /k/. None of the pussy complacent fucks here will be of any help.


In Texas if someone invades your house brandishing your firearm is nothing. Chicago on the other hand...it might be like California where it's best to shoot to kill so they don't end up suing the shit out of you.

chill the fuck out son

you scared him, let that be the end of it

>bayonet fixed

Shoulda shot him when you had the chance desu, desu.

I don't know what it's like in chicago but yea, call the cops and stay woke

> SKS (only gun)
Anyways, I wouldn't worry about it.
He won't be back tonight, he'll wait a few days until you're lulled into a false sense of security.

this isn't /k/ you dummy

In all seriousness, think of investing in a home security and/or surveillance system. If an intruder enters your house you have a right to shoot him, end of story.

Call the cops anyways, tell them which way he ran, dont mention gun maybe? (depends on law) theyll go around patroling and the guy will probably see some cops and know it is for him, hell get scared more, never returns

Wrong board kiddo. Should have taken the shot either way.

he was ready to banzai chrage my friend

Maybe it's antifa

A criminal isn't going to go to the police because you scared him away when he tried robbing your house. You're fine OP

>didn't take the shot
I'm sure /k/ would have been more disappointed than us

Better lube your booty OP. Should have shot him when you had the chance.

Yes OP you should call as that helps the cops keep track of crime. Glad you made it ok also
>Not having tactical hearing protection

Its like you want the EEEEEE.

Not if he likes his butt hole firm. I don't know what the law is in your nation but that is very much illegal here.

I'd tell the cops. at least where I live they will have a patrol through the neighborhood throughout the night

Here's the deal, you may have fucked up big time. He now knows where to steal a gun.

Get a sidearm with you and carry it all the time, be ready to sacrafice some window

Can you booby trap?

He was already running away, if I shot if get fucked up and down with lawsuits

Good job OP

>bayonet fixed

You got anything on your house that might stand out like a Trump sign? Got Kids? I would file a police report just so it will be on record.

Stay vigilant brothers.

Next time fire the gun
Or get a shotgun with a loud ass pump.
That is what truly makes an armed robber shit their pants.

Also have a gun for every room you shitpost from.

Definitely post on Sup Forums so that the CIA can take care of the rest

Call the cops, I'm sure the idiot will try casing other houses in your neighborhood. Much higher chance he'll get caught.

Since you didn't kill him when you had the chance he's just going to go rob someone else's house. What a wasted opportunity.

its permanetly attached to SKS so nbd

You spooked him.

nah you'd get charged with murder

this, youre a bad neighbor

He probably is laughing you have a sks and knew it would jam

Remember, in self defense shootings dead men tell no tales

Know the laws in your area and act respobsibly

>Bayonet fixed

Seriously go buy some cheap hand guns.


Report it to the police (call non-emergency line) to establish a paper trail

This wouldnt be a good idea in most neighborhoods, although normies would probably mistake it for a firecracker

It's ok user, it's not like we were having any political discussion here anyways

How's Libya since the threat downgrade?

LOL so I shot him in the back 50 feet away I swear your honor it was still self defense!


the only time a home invader should hear you rack a shotgun is when you're chambering the next round

Be careful with shotguns for home defense, many aren't drop-safe

This actually happened in Texas and it was ruled justified

That's why I said know the laws in your area and act responsibly


Call the cops
No need to tell them about the gun part.
Go to sleep

You should always shoot to kill. And if you lift your firearm it's because you are going to shoot, to kill.

No fucking exceptions.

>Cock your gun
>He runs back torwards you

Did i read that right? Makes no sense

>Shoot shot in the grass outside
>Rack the next round

I dont see the problem here. That is the ultimate fear tactic since you
>Know how to use it
>Have more to use
>Clearly know hes there
>He has no idea where you are in the house that you know

>not constantly wielding your gun and instinctively shooting him in his no doubt nigger face

/k/ is the gayest board on the planet

it's literally all tryhard autists pretending they're tough

Listen to this ISIS child soldier, OP.

He has a lot more training than you

at least while he's home.
notify the police you've seen someone wandering around your neighborhood late night and this time you caught him looking in your windows wearing a face mask and hoodie and he ran for it.

Do not mention what you did with your gun, it's not relevant.

>>Shoot shot in the grass outside
>>Rack the next round
unlawful/reckless discharge of a firearm can be a misdemeanor or a felony if you live within city limits

again, do whatever, just know what your rights are and don't screw yourself or other gun owners over


>this is NOT common where I live.

d o u b t

OP done fucked up
>now perp knows theres a gun in the house
>he will come back when you aren't there

also don't dial 911 at this point it's not an emergency, call the regular number.

if they ask why it took you so long to call tell them it was shock.

K. Sounds comfy as funk

for stuff like this it's fine as long as it's real. Sometimes people don't think right when they get spooked and this sort of thing just happens. will probably get pruned in 5 mins tho.

Sounds just like Sup Forums without CREW and hwndu threads

Lock your rifle up when you aren't home. Tight.

From Lagrange. All nigers that walk our streets are criminals. I pay taxes so they are removed. Good work.

spotted the felonious nigger who got his right to purchase a firearm revoked

This smells like stale pasta, therefor I am saging


nah they don't have our cool haircuts

Breivik is right. The only universally legitimate self defense argument involving a gun was "I was in fear of my life." And it's VERY hard to prove that if you do stupid shit like shoot to wound, shoot someone in the back, or ``execute'' someone by shooting them in the head.
Magdump, center mass. Simplest and easiest defense. Trust me, you'll do exactly this in a real scenario anyways.

youre a huge faggot for not calling the cops immediately after going back inside. It would be pretty easy for them to spot a lone man in dark clothing running down the street. You could have just given them the street name and direction he was headed and they would have been out looking for him. I'm sure he ran out of breath at some point and stopped to catch his breath and just slowed to a walk, probably not even half a mile from your house.

Easy pickings for cops out on the hunt

Set up some mantraps, nailboards rigged to drop like hat on a burglar stepping up to windows.
Foot pressure triggers.
Noise traps you set at night when you get to bed.
Look up Ragnar for specs, vietcong had some good antipersonal rig theories that work.
False pathway bricks or stones with pungee double clamps to lock a creepers leg in. Study pol, this problem is not new, and many solutions tested from history.


>/k/ is the gayest board on the planet

It's true, its full of fucking brownie fags, tranny degenerats and faggots. Its so fucking bad. I used to love /k/ and /out/ but faggots spread everywhere. Sup Forums is slowly becoming it.

To quote trump about chicago: "What the hell is going on?"

Its a matter of time until the faucet if gibsmedat is twisted counter clockwise.

La Grange Park is where this happened. Just talked to the cops, they said they had another incident just like mine in Brookfield a little earlier. I'm going to just sleep on the couch with the rifle tonight to be sure.

idk mane, shooting to maim then letting them bleed out only to stitch up their wounds just as they're about to, nurse them back to health and then shoot them again just as they've stockholm syndrome bonded witchu is pretty underrated.

get a treadmill so youre ready to give chase next time

You're alright in my book, Lybia.

>La Grange Park

Shitcago surrounding areas , make sense. Get the fuck out of there already

>Be me
>Living in peaceful suburb
>Decide to have a evening jog as usual
>Running for a bit
>Hear a loud bang behind me and pain erupt in my side
>Glance back to see a half naked man on his porch with a rifle
>Run for my fucking life

You legit probably just shot a jogger

>Chicago suburbs
>dangerous black people
Lmaoooo you fucking wuss that breed of negro just wanted crack money he couldn't have hurt you.

If you would've shot him you'd have been given life in prison so good on you for not pulling the trigger.

No gunz fag detected. He said rack the bolt as in put a bullet in the chamber not shoot it jesus.

>not keeping your weapon within reach
you deserved to miss out on your first blood

Are you really, user?

Chances are that was a wild nigger, which strays into Sup Forums territory.

Get some locks for your windows and buy a handgun you can sleep next to.

The bolt was a good decision though. Even if it was unnecessary, it lets him know you are armed and since he started running faster it means he believed you actually considered shooting his filthy ass.

All you have to do on an sks is flip it out. They come stock.


Sup Forums seems to be mostly lolbertarians pretending they're shills nowadays.