Umm Guys?

Anyone else feel like they shifted Timelines? What the FUCK is going on.?
>Chaos Everywhere
>Sup Forums is in Nationals news
>Trump is starting to act Fashy
>Half the country is avoiding Starbucks
>Media keeps lying
>More and more Normies are swinging to the FAR right
>Literal White Nationalists in the Presidents Administration
>Mexico and Canada LITERALLY SHAKING
>Police are almost completely Militarized
>Trump Supporters about to be rallied into Militarized Units
>Leftist Massacre can happen any second now
>China becoming Huge threat, admits Trade War is inevitable
>Russia is about to be on our side
>Europe is falling faster than before
>Trump admin investigating Voter Fraud in election, Anywhere between 2-9 million illegals voted along with dead people, And Trump is still President which means he won in a landslide in both arena, popular and electoral
>Sup Forums manifested itself IRL sat the HWNDU stream
>Left wingers are either becoming full blown commies or are being radicalized to the Right
>Political Correctness is dying

Other urls found in this thread:

Like you couldn't see any of this coming for the past several years? Where exactly is the shift?

I feel like KEK is shifting me into the Chaos Timeline. Anyone else feel like this?

Idk man, I thought it was going to be Hillary winning, I thought this was all going the end of the US. Trump might actually pull this off. has a parallel universe theory that they've clipped some good evidence for. I'll post a couple of the good ones from show notes in a minute.

>>Media keeps lying

There are no brakes.

>Trump is starting to act Fashy

Literally enacts the bare minimum of security checks/refusing refugees and everyone spergs out.

(((MSM))) what's left of the Dems and "spontaneous " protests are going to try their hardest to destroy everything

Why did you sodomize him with a bayonet?

what did he hear

You're literally irrelevant

It's called WINNING

Keep smashing that W


Maybe "kek" doesn't quite know how the timelines work, and he's trying his best to get the right one, but keeps getting down about things. It might be better tomorrow.

>2-9 million illegals voted
>potentially 9 million illegals voted

Existence of ayyys

It's a revolution. They tend to be messy and you can never tell how they'll turn out.

Big number right? Well, now you know.
Reminder: 12 Million Illegals were counted a few years ago, AND LET ME REPEAT....COUNTED. During the 2016 and even now there is potentially more than 12 million illegals all together. Probably close to 20 mil by now. That's why Trump is the last chance.

4th turning mutherfucker. Gen Z gets all the fun, I'll be 30 when shit probably starts kicking off. Too old for everything

I'm pretty sure it would end with slaughtered leftists in this scenario

parallel univese clips

These are raw clips used in show 895 which was a great one. If you want the commentary you're going to have to go to the show.

Bow to our timelord Trump! Sent from the distant future to right the wrongs of our future to destroy the evil plans of the Zions. When the Trump Pence call there will be a brand new day for America and all.


The real question is what is it about the existence of ayyys that causes all Presidents to age extremely fast

do you have the Don J Trump time traveler?
The one about john trump?

We've clearly in a butterfly timeline from future time travelers modifying history to save the species.

What is a butterfly Timeline?

That's the one thing I would honestly like to remain ignorant on lol.

Good stuff thanks

>Leftist Massacre can happen any second now
If you do it you have to go dressed up as cowboy from an old western movie.

we need to rewrite "Erika" into "America"

I think it was a book popularized by this movie staring ashton doucher

>More and more Normies are swinging to the FAR right
normies love to mindlessly follow their leader, and Trump is their leader now

Im high too user

the jews are preparing for nwo

We've been switching timelines since Nov. 8.

I swear, I feel like I'm going to wake up in 1942 tomorrow.

This is what happens when you summon the God of Chaos. What the fuck did you think was going to happen?

The world is going to end, but not before we see the entire western globalist elites crash and burn. And as they go down, they'll take the whole damn ship with em.

Oh dear.

cern says that there is a huge risk they can destroy our planet in a split second with the machine causing harm to the universe. Its possible i wouldnt doubt your statement.

Lol I didnt know it actually made it out of Sup Forums, but the Time Traveler copypasta made it to the normosphere.

you are now aware that Don's namesake "John Trump" his uncle, was the MIT professor that lead the investigation into Nicola Tesla's research / stolen notebooks after tesla's death.

yeah, blocking military allies from entering the country and punishing law abiding green card holders retroactively after running a bigoted campaign tends to do that.

(((They))) set us up for a new cultural trend every 8 years when there's a new President, except this time around there is a very strong counter-culture and their candidate lost the election.

you realize that all he did was reathorize enforement of a law enacted and signed into law under obama, right? It was also enforced under obama by EO, for 6 months in 2011 (double the time trump authorized it).

its controlled oposition, that's it.

This isn't anywhere near chaos.

When the electricity is off for more than 72 hours, you'll see some chaos.

This is just children throwing temper tantrums right now.

One could only dream..

they might turn off the electricity and fuck the economy because trump won. They made the shit a bigger mess lets make it almost unfixable is the attitude of these psychos. Trump is inda the middle man he wants money but he wants these fucks dead or in prison for life

What? No, Trump IS the revolution. Bannon is the revolution. There is something going on that is big. HUGE. As big as 1776. It has only just begun. There may be a bloodbath. Who knows?

>Trump is starting to act Fashy
Nice try CTR.

ITM brother

There is a ~100 year cycle. Its basis is demographics caused by the baby boom/bust. We cycle between left and right philosophy in this cycle. The left is "emotion > logic", the right is "logic > emotion". when society is younger it is more left due to lack of experience, when society is older it is more right due to experience. Women are more left because they have less neurons in the cerebral cortex than men. Women voting swings society more left.

When the baby boom causes a subsequent economy boom governments collect more tax and get more in debt because they assume every economic problem is fixed and past problems wont return. The boom creates wealth and the faith in wealth protecting their old age stops dependency on children as a safety net for old age. Contraception and abortion etc rises.

The lack of children causes economic decline. Governments "solve" this with immigration. The continual economic decline increases immigration until it disrupts society. Tensions rise, international tensions rise as countries fight over debt, dwindling markets and resources. Governments start propaganda about all internal problems are caused by external agencies. This propaganda eventually is believed. Wars happen. Infrastructure destruction and wealth destruction resets the economies, building and baby making start again. Economic expansion occurs, baby making stops, eventual decline happens again.

100 year cycle. We are at approx 1917 in the cycle. You can now see the future and why nationalism is rising and why Trump is seen as Hitler. We are just reactions in this repeating cycle.

We just passed peak left, now we head right until about 2050.

We aren't changing timeline, the pendulum has changed direction. Get ready.

ITM from Fema region one

How can we prevent the Left from claiming control again? If we know the cycle, can we stop it?

holy shit ops right, remember the 3 penises that europe had denmark sweden findland theres only 2 penises norway and sweden, denmark is a tiny island now

im serious look at a map

>you have six months in office before you die

We gas the bikes

I ain't clicking that shit faggot

Fuck you that shouldn't have been funny.

But Trump isn't going to even stop the mass immigration.

we cant stop it. But we need to make 8 years.
It took that long to go from bush/mccain to realize we didnt want bullshit lifelong party slob politicians and got trump (ron paul still would have been ideologically purer), and we only just barely did it.

so we need to pump trump for 8, and get the left to realize the only way they can compete is with a center-left nationalist.

A call was received

Serious question, who are the white nationalists? I know there are nationalists and I remember Laura Ingraham in her debatable "salute", but other than that I've got nothing.

>mfw /polgbt/ and not sure whether to be happy or scared

Basically both.

Jesus Christ why did I laugh

Regardless of what your opinion is on Brittany, she is one of us.

WHO is the faggot that robbed her tonight??

>with a center-left nationalist.


can I get a quick rundown on this guy?

>the right is "logic > emotion".


Nigger are you fucking retarded??? I don't think you even know what a fascist is

War is coming digits confirm

People are finally waking up.

the right is pure logic.
the left has been floating on identity politics for 8 years. The party platform has no ideological foundation.

How do rain drops stop ocean waves? They don't.

If humanity is smart nuclear war risk might end the world war part of the cycle. That still leaves the economic over capacity (automation adds to this problem). We need to decouple from needing full employment (let automation do the work, UBI). We need to smooth out baby making... financial incentives, artificial wombs?

We need to recognise the cycle and train people to not do the cycles natural reactions.

Other thoughts appreciated.

>yfw Sup Forums will forever be in world history books after 2018

What are you? Fucking gay or trans?
Because I don't believe it is about assfucking or being gay.
Men have been fucking each other in the ass for thousands of years. Nobody ever gave a flying fuck about assfucking. However, in the 20th century faggots started. People who are unable to be anything else but gay.
So they talk, act, dress and behave like faggots.
They run around in pride parades, speak with a voice that isn't there and don't do anything worth of being called a men.
Alexander the great fucked other men in the ass, but he still managed to make macedonia great again.

Why put kek in quotations? Are you a shill or something?

Malias penis is already bigger than Michelle's.

I would like to point out that national socialism solves most of these issues.

ALERT serious question here did the movie drive come out in 2011 cause i swear to fuck it didnt

Fascism only became a thing in the 1920s. Communism only became a thing in the 1880s.

This is a new thing. It doesn't have a name. It isn't something from the left or the right. It's a new thing from a new place.

angry vince is angry

Go on?

The dissolution of the soviet union lead to economic prosperity and a mini boom in the 90's, we've been riding that wave for a long while now. It has basically come to a halt, people are feeling it in their wallets, in creativity, in inventiveness. You're going to start seeing economic crashes that make 2008 seem like nothing, you're going to wish it was 2008 again. You're going to see crimes rates go back to 1980's highs. You're going to see the slow choking death of an economic giant. We have no corpse to feed off of anymore and so we starve.


>Trump Supporters about to be rallied into Militarized Units
>Leftist Massacre can happen any second now
>Political Correctness is dying

I know I'm hard 24/7 already

Honestly back in the real world Hillary run against Jeb, won and started a nuclear war that left only a pocket of survivors
Trump is probably a time traveller

>The party platform has no ideological foundation.
Yes, you're right. But to say the right is "pure logic" is ridiculous. Look at Sup Forums for example. Do you honestly think every post here is fueled by 100% logic? There's no emotion behind the reasoning?

Very few members of society actually take the time to study philosophy or math and even learn what logic is. And no, as a professional mathematician I can say, logic is not inherent in human thinking. Humans have the capacity for logic, but Hume was right - they prefer emotion at every step. The right is no exception. Don't make the same mistake the left made in thinking they had the logic highground.

Well. Lucky us. Or should the living envy the dead?

I've never seen such a successful forced meme as the bogshits right after the election. Finally opened my eyes to the three-letter interference here.

a big guy with a big jaw
and with an even bigger influence....


Social program for the promotion or prevention of breeding and having extra labor in the form of automation with out the need for a survival income while inducing an incentive for innovation to increase the general standard of living.
Is it perfect, no, but all systems need to adapt to change.

Its hilarious, the cover of Time Magazine, the most blue-pilled periodical in America, refers to the pussy hat protest in washington as "the worldwide movement"

I haven't heard a peep about it this week. its dead already.

Thanks Agent er I mean user.

Really? The K.. guy, the Russia chicken. All shitty memes tested by them here

We are in John Titors time line.

OFC, the arguments made here are mostly emotional appeals. Because that is the level of discussion, but the emotional appeal will be backed up with the pragmatic approach used to reach the conclusion.

The closest thing the left had to logic since I've been alive was an appeal to (scientific) authority.

But I do agree, that not holding trump to ideological principals is dangerous, and could be very devolutionary. I'm glad that trump stepped back on the waterboarding for this reason. Although I understand where he's coming from, it shouldnt be policy.

>instead of refuting a claim i obviously don't agree with here is a picture of people laughing

whos them

We dr pepper nao