it's over, Sup Forums is finished
It's over, Sup Forums is finished
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Yeah man hope they start in alphabetical order.. can't stand these degenerated taiwanese cartoon posters from Sup Forums
Sup Forums is a board of peace
yeah once Tim Wise comes after this place its over
They truly are a menace to all good people.
Can you imagine if he said this about Muslims after the Paris attack?
Like holy shit, he'd be fired and forced to leave the country.
>beta jew cuck threatening anyone at all
Wtf is y'ont, never seen or heard that in my life.
Jesus Christ
I like you..
You'll be raked last.
Fucking leafs chimp out and give the left ammunition. DAY OF RAKE should of came sooner.
come at me cunts I will exterminate every single one of you, 1488 race war now (please include me screencap cnn kthxbai)
are Sup Forumsocks gonna get v& or what
>getting worked by weeb shitposters this hard
pol BTFO
fuckin tim wise would jump on this opportunity
You spin this round and round all over your fat ass
*unzips dick*
Gonna start unironically using y'ont
>warm up the ovens.
You forget that the man in the high castle is /ourguy/.
>Sup Forums is finished
It's too l8
Far too l8 for now anyhow
Wtf, I hate Sup Forums now!
Tim Wise is a living meme.
> Not all Muslims but all posters on Sup Forums deserved to die.
Really activated my cashews.
the fake news is strong in this one
I y'ont your mom last night in her y'ont
Ban Canada just to be safe
Its in everyone's best interest
Canada has no reason to slum this Nazi hate site
That lowkey Sweden Yes thread
Surprised no one has spammed all his posts with this.
>makes a career shitting on whitey
>wants all white men dead
>lives in an all white neighborhood
im starting to honestly believe jews have some sort of legitimate ingrained sickness. the anti-white rhetoric is way too widespread to be coordinated in any meaningful way. how the fuck do all these '''people''' end up like this?
as soon as the first person in his evil white neighborhood said something to him about his hypocrisy he'd start crying about muh antisemitism the next shoa
I wish someone would shoot Tim Wise.
"You do not" using mongle speak is my trigger.
Sup Forums ceasing to exist would be the best possible thing to happen for my future, so i know it won't happen
>Sup Forums might be closer than you think..
stop posting this fucking thing.
It's been debunked 12 thousand times.
The guy who posted that shit on friday posted again during the fucking shooting and showed he was the OP.
Now that Canada is a terrorist threat, can we ban Canadians from entering the country?
You're mistaking a loud minority for a majority.
These sorts of views are the rare result of deranged minds, similar to a lot of the more extremist views espoused here.
Essentially I think it's completely fair to call out this brand of insanity, but also dangerously delusional to assume these opinions are majority held.
There are multiple chans out there.
I assume that's his point.
You all will not
Y'all will not
Y'all won't
I like how even though whites are way more peaceful than all the minority shitskins they shill for, it's as if white violence is the only one that exists. Plus half of the "white" shooters usually break the 1-drop rule. Honestly if there're a few psychos who kill some niggers it doesn't fucking matter. The group's they ignore so blatantly do much worse, and the white shooters are almost always psychotic / on meds.
what did he mean by this?
Sup Forums is a board of peace.
It's those heartless bastards at /po/ you want. They used to be on Sup Forums but they were literally too extreme for us so moot had to make their own containment board.
First most common form of terrorism in the world
Second most common form of terrorism in the world
>one bellend who browses pol shoots some suckers
>ignore the facts take down that site I dont like right wingers are so dangerours!!!!111!!!!
Tim Wise is literally insane, and I'm not just calling him a leftist when I say that
id hope it'd spread everywhere. Reddit next, and then the last bastallion of free speech. 9gag
Their analogy is a false dichotomy. They are making fun of those who blame Islam for Islamic terrorist. The difference is islamic terrorist attacks happen every week, whereas white non Islamic terrorist attacks happen every 5 years or so. Leftists don't into logic
>scrolls into SWEDEN YES!
Y'ont be doing that anytime soon.
We aren't retarded we get how contractions work.
It must be some weird Canuck thing, some hoser started saying y'ont and you were all too polite to tell them it sounds fucking retarded.
Funny, if you replace:
White with muslim, right wing with Islam and 4 chan with refugees you woulf be banned on twitter in a matter of seconds.
Also wtf is “y'ont“ ???
it's more likely a bastardization of y'don't / you don't
imagine lacking this much self awareness
I wish they would shut down Sup Forums. The ensuing chaos of all the NEETs starting spew out in to normie sites and memeing hard would propably destroy the internet for normies.
Are we being baited by syrupfrog news?
>tim wise
KEK, is he even relevant anymore?
>the anti-white rhetoric is way too widespread to be coordinated in any meaningful way
Surely just a coincidence
>You're mistaking a loud minority for a majority.
t.Schlomo Silverstein
Pretty bigoted, famalam.
How can anyone be so heartless?
y'ont get away with talking to canadians like that
>Round innocent people up without a trial and put them in camps
Where have I heard that one before?
He's a Jewish diversity expert and racist who openly hates whites while living in rich 97% white city. Here's a video on his 'open letter to white people'.
Go ahead and try it Tim Kike.
literally no one is listening to this faggot
pick one
Come at me bro
Sup Forums loves people of all diversities but we especially love Jews.
No one ever says that. The guy made it up himself for some stupid reason.
I feel like you could get the same effect by LARPing as leftists and triggering normie right wingers or people with common sense into the red pill.
Hell if we could infiltrate leftist circles, in mass arguments we could expose leftist arguments by shilling the most extreme points or what the movement truly wants to accomplish.
We could put in some controlled op. like Alex Jones and make the Left look as insane as possible.
Has false flag written all over it.
i/m fucking dying here. my sides are out of control
>Trump elected president
>Can't false flag in the US anymore
>Right wing terror attack in neighboring country
Do muslims even lurk here? Let your presences be known if you are a muslim!
>...oh y'onk like that? Well then...
means he is saying it is hypocritical for "the right" to call for the same with regards to Muslims.
Shame that we are just calling for an application of the law and pushing free speech like crazy in the face of
- Islamist silencing tactics (killing you)
- (((bolshevik))) shaming tactics (muh 6 gorrilyon)
rather than getting our
- Stasi units
haha administrators please delete this post :3 i was joking false flags are a real thing lol yolo time to go get swole at the gym (: gonna bench press 1500 pounds without a spotter wish me luck xoxo
The traditional enemies of free speech. And yet another example of moronic lefties not understanding that this stuff can go both ways.
of course not
eating skittles is haram, i'm pretty sure the goatfuckers aren't browsing a site full of trap porn
>every single al-qaeda member and every single isis member likes flatbread and rice. therefore, round up all the people who like flatbread and rice.
the internet was a mistake
What makes someone type this when they could just use commas instead of 3 periods
What happened to the Moroccan/Tunisian suspect?
Shit we going to fema camps guys
>Calling them fucking leaves genuinely makes them go berserk
just wise drive a yellow van?
>it's morally wrong to round up Muslims just because some of them might become violent terrorists
>we should round up Sup Forums users because some of them might become violent terrorists
left-wing logic.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but why do fags love communism? Didn't they use to execute you if you where a fag back in the old soviet countries? Or at least they where largely discriminated against?
>Those ellipses
1st Amendment, fucker
Fags aren't useful, and they have no work ethic. Therefore gibs.
I never seen Sup Forums be this stupid before. How can you guy's not see this entire fucking thing is a trap to kill Sup Forums made by bridge/ctr what ever the fuck. That "manual" that got leaked a bit ago? It's to throw you off. This will only be the beginning, And you will see the pattern and realize I'm right. Just take a look at some of the posts up right now..
What the fuck is with our guys hitting people in CHURCHES?
Seriously fucking pathetic shit.
Fucking Breivik is my guy, not these retards. Breivik is a genius who stopped a generation of nation-destroying leftists by nipping them in the bud.
I am proud to be associated with that warrior but this guy and Roof are fucking PATHETIC.
inb4 mosque not a church. It's a religious worshiping site.
Yeah that free speech shit gotta go; especially satire.
Has Sup Forums ever been BTFO this badly?
with the climate as it is you know it's reasonable to presume malfeasance on the part of SJW types
I find it hard to believe Sup Forums is retarded enough to go after the symptom and not the source
False equivalence. This is the response they want.
No one is ROUNDING UP MUSLIMS. They are WILLFULLY coming here.