Why is the left so obsessed with rape now?

Why is the left so obsessed with rape now?

pussy control, it's their method of keeping cuck betas in check with the liberal army

I'm pretty obsessed with rape now, it's the only thing that can make me cum.

Are they really now?

So they are finally questioning why Germany's rape crimes have gone up since accepping refugees?

Fuck no. It's 50 god damned shades of degeneracy book.

Secretly rape fetishists. Makes them excited to think its everywhere.


The problem is getting raped by the people you really want to though.

An overwhelming majority are virtue-signaling, but it's entirely possible that some minority genuinely finds it kinky (many do, check the research) and understand that the more taboo it is, the hotter it is.

Some percentage of radical feminists are bona fide sluts who understand that, on some dimension, they are three wet holes to stick a cock into. I know this because I browse their kinky tumblrs when I fap.

It's actually very funny, the same tumblr users who post about their mouths being used as ashtrays or urinals will write walls of text about postmodern 3rd-wave feminism and how important it is. Really makes you think.

fucking kek

Grade A satire. good job, inverted colors switzerland

They should be. The average black man thinks of rape twice an hour. Quadruple that for white men.

The fact is the world is hardly safe right now and we need to constantly remind everyone the dangers of men/rape.

ptsd from the election rape

because you have to keep whites afraid of sex and minorities fucking all the time



Feminists seem to be the ones who treat the alphas and betas the most differently.

Most women would just wish betas wouldn't be so beta. Feminists want their betas to be turbo-beta. Both want alphas.

This. First they outlaw prostitution, then they expand the definition of rape and allow women to withdraw consent. Then they can use sex as a weapon.

>Calls my post bait
>baits me with bait image

wew fucking dude weed man leaf

the two primary camps are
>Those who don't get any
>If I support this will I get some?

>let arabs in
>concerned with rape

The people they really want to will be the strong handsome man who doesn't fall for their shit

they cant get it, so they attack it

why do you think the modern women are such bitches? they can't get chad, but they also don't want to support themselves. so they latch onto some poor beta orbiter and project their own insecurity and chadlessness to the guy, while simultaneously taking their resources

its obvious shit people.
see: Elliot Rodger


me too senpai

i wish i were a muslim refugee in europe, i would be raping so many european sluts and getting away with it every time

Hmmm... wonder why?