Why does everybody hate him? I seem to agree on most of his political views.
Why does everybody hate him? I seem to agree on most of his political views
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Piers, it is time to stop. This is like the 3 time I've seen this thread.
No this isn't Piers. He's on tv now I think.
>why does the everyone hate him
>see flag
>This desperate for viewers
Come on Piers, you're better than this
Piers is a Trump supporter and a hero of the new right.
Exactly. He also triggers nasty feminists just by showing his face.
If I was Piers, I would not be on some dispacable forum.
Of course you agree with his political views. How's the weather in New Arabia btw?
>Argues this kike Ben Sharpiro about gun rights, gets BTFO'd by a guy who is pro-Israel, but absolutely defends the 2nd amendment and is basically a fucking neocon
It's making me physically sick how this place is so overrun by leddit. I refuse to stick along for much longer if I am forced to defend a FUCKING ben sharpiro. Fuck off everyone!
He ridiculed himself time and time again when he had the cognitive dissonance to bring people to his show that had differing views, resort to bully tactics and claim he won the debate
His show really did tank after that because no one wanted to watch a whiny liberal.
>tfw you see another Woesposter
he was a fag about guns
Burgers hate him because of his shitty views about guns.
I wouldn't say I hate him, he's okay on some things.
He used to be an anti-UKIP fag
I reckon he's become a lot more redpilled recently. He shilled big time for his pal Trump, and as a consequence was forced to look at the political debate from the right wing-position for once.
lol seriously though
Nice shoop, sav'd.
Just on a MW-watching binge, this guy sincerely made me believe that not everyone in UK has lost their minds yet.
he hates guns and he's a britfag telling murica how it's done
I've got him on in the background right now. Dude's advice is 100% legit.
>Brit telling americans to give up their guns
Literal redcoat
>C'mon mate. Just give them up. Nothing will happen I swear. You'll be safe. Nobody will invade you or anything. We won't make you pay taxes to the crown or nuffin.
Clearly he is right about guns in that first interview. Why would you want more guns when gun crime is out of control in America? Some of you people are deluded.
Why would you want niggers when nigger crime is out of control in America? Whites can be trusted with guns, just look at Switzerland. You cucks are deluded.
>whites can be trusted with guns
Every school shooter ever.
>gun crime is out of control
England has had a few mass shootings with Shotguns, we haven't banned them though.. A guy was shot on live TV with a fucking revolver and we didn't ban handguns.
Tony Blair comes into power and fast tracks the Firearms Amendment Act because of the cucks in his home Kingdom of Scotcuckland getting shot.
It's pathetic.
You didn't have guns or gun rights to start with, hence why you were fighting for the "rights of englishmen" and representation. Idiot.
He's a cock gobbling cunt that should be shot.
Breivik was a hero killing Marxist faggots, I would give him a gun any day of the year.
All school shooters fell for the SSRI-Jew. Point me to one school shooter that wasn't brainwashed by Jewish psychologists and I will happily concede the argument. Protip: you can't.
Nice try, fag.
Based Dryden, that's how you deal with government! YOU FUCKING SHOOT THEM!
>condescending brit
>anti-gun nazi
>supports Arsenal FC
>uses "Nazi" as a derisory term
you'll be first in the ovens after the kikes, m8.
He is a blue pilled anti American anti gun shill.
He doesn't have political views. He's changed sides several times, and always after a demonstration of popularity.
nazis banned em ya dirty pom
wow, you really hurt our feelings. Keep quiet before annex you, auscuck.
Disingenuous virtue-signalling cuck-boy. He's click-bait, in human form.
>'great' britian
>annexing anyone
kek you're on the brink of losing scotland
Exactly, he's the worst kind of media phony.
Does everyone hate you, too?