Why did Drumpf win instead?
Why didn't the underdog win, Sup Forums?
Most people are sick of politicians and believe the middle class has been being gutted for decades. He was an outsider who shot from the hip and called it like it was, even attacking fellow Republicans, which was refreshing. You had a sense he really didn't believe in conservative social values and was placating the Republican party, which was comforting to know he wasn't some right wing nut on social issues. He was different, entertaining. He said much of what Sanders had to say about Clinton and the government.
He quickly started losing me after he backed out of the debate with Sanders. Then the judge thing. Other stupid stuff started spewing out. Then the Pence pick, to cater to social conservatives. Then I started to realize that he in fact does probably believe what's coming out of his mouth and that it's not just to appease social conservatives. I realized he's a blowhard who's making it up as he goes along. All bluster and bravado, which I gravitated to during the primaries.
I despised every other Republican candidate but Kasich.
He had my vote up until about late May, early June.
I was never really a Trump supporter by any means, but I was also very anti-Hillary. That is, until I saw that Trump is fully in favor of the stockpiling and eventual use of atomic weapons.
Hillary may be a lying, cheating, criminal or whatever you want to call her, but Trump is the first candidate that I've been legitimately afraid could end the world as we know it. Nuclear weapons are the most devastating things ever created by mankind, and they certainly should not be controlled by an egotistical sociopath.
He's that kid on the playground that slings shit and has fun doing it but if you sling it back he turns into the biggest god damned man child out there.
I dont want someone who turns into an even bigger idiot when someone "disrespects" him.
This infographic may help you understand.
Hahahahaha this shit is comedy.
1st post best post
3rd post best post
4th post best post
> Clinton has a 99.9999999999999999999% chance of winning
> Underdog and treated unfairly
You know we have ids right?
If you switch trump and hillary this image is accurate
It annoys me that there are people who unironically believe this.
>MSM and the system were against Clinton
because you have to be human, not HUMAN to win
look at this copypasta shilling going on here WTF, hello CTR
Just a quick reminder to anyone who successfully convinces someone to change their mind: BE COOL ABOUT IT. If a former Trump supporter says he's no longer their candidate, don't tell them "I told you so." Don't brag about how you knew all along. Say "cool, I think you made the right choice."
This goes for life too, but it's especially important in politics.
Get off this board CREW
I'm with you 100%
I never really liked or supported Trump, but what made me completely hate him was his acceptance of the Purple Heart that was given to him by a Veteran. His reaction to receiving the medal, and just how he treated it as a "Prize" and not actually thinking about what that Veteran had done to receive the Medal and not thanking him enough or just having any real sympathy for what that man did for his country. He should have given it back to the man! I just had no respect what so ever for Trump as a human with a heart after that.
Wasn't necessarily a die hard fan, but I was really trying to keep an open mind this election. I went to both Bernie and Hillary rallies, and was really excited to see Trump too.
The final straw was most definitely the rally. I'm not sure what I expected, but Trump's rally was so...disturbing. His words inspired hate. The people around me were openly hostile and saying vicious things against minorities, women, and Hillary Clinton. And Trump seemed to revel in it. Someone who is so gleeful in hatred is not someone I want as a leader.
EDIT: Thank you for the gold and the (mostly) positive comments everyone!
Has all of the writeup in that magazine that was supposed to be released if she won been uploaded to the internet yet?
They were, but she still doesn't realize that.
ahahaha you dumb faggot
Hillary Clinton
That entire picture needs to be reversed. It screams cognitive dissonance. If it's a real political cartoon, I now fully believe liberals make up their own historical facts.
Wow you really changed my mind.
because clinton cheated sanders out of the primary and had simultaneously helped trump. look up "pied piper candidates" in the podesta emails.
sanders would've won.
Are you fucking high?
>The system
>Mainstream media
Implying both of those were not totally wrapped around her finger
>Mainstream Media
To this day they have literally nothing positive to say about Trump, forcing people like me, who would otherwise gleefully criticize him, to defend him from their non-arguments and petty dick measuring. Every media shill has been talking shit about trump out one side of their collective mouths, while fellating Hillary with the rest.
>"The System"
Hillary is and was part of "The System." Trump was a fucking outsider. Hillary manipulated "The System" to steal away the Democratic Party Nomination. Whether she would have legitimately won it over Bernie is a moot point, because she blatantly fucking cheated anyway, and by all accounts, paid him his 30 silver for cooperation.
Are you not fucking aware of when Cruz and the rest of the upper RNC establishment came out and said "Vote your conscience" instead of "Vote Trump?" They couldn't have been more for Hillary than if they just came out and fucking said it.
Seriously triggered.
Hillary was deep in the systems pockets and corruption oozed from her pores, Trump was seen as an outsider and not controlled by any political system.
Instead, he's just batshit insane.
holy fuck kek.
too bad this wasn't blessed by digits
I have as of recently seen people say that the media isn't being as hard on Trump as they should be and that talking about "both sides" shows that they're for Trump. Some people are delusional as fuck.
honestly, how some people can say that the mainstream media was more of a hurdle for hillary than it was for trump is fucking hilarious.
Trump played it well because he not only jumped his(significantly larger) hurdle, he used it as a springboard, but fuck if they didn't try to destroy him at every step of the way for ratings.
>I'm with you 100%
nice upboat xDDDDDD
When will CTR leave my Cantonese shadow puppet forum?
>the mainstream media was against Hillary
In what universe? In what timeline did this happen? Certainly not this one.
It was really nice of you to agree with yourself there OP! Next time go to Sup Forums if you wanna carry on a conversation with yourself.
Can someone please give me proof the media was NOT on trumps side?
Dumbasses, all publicity is good publicity.
If they wanted him to lose like they wanted Hillary to, they'd ignore him like they did Hillary.
trump was literally on the news every minute of every day, Hillary got almost no coverage at all, i hardly knew she had rallies because the media never fucking showed them to me, instead we just got all of trumps dumb klan rallies.
I'm tired, i might continue BTFOing Sup Forums later if i feel like it.
>all publicity is good publicity
the MSM certainly doesn't think so
Publicity is always good. No publicity is always bad. They NEVER covered Hillary unless it was launching the email torpedo at her.
fake news
Trump was the underdog
the eternal shill
neck yourself OP
use the unshooped cartoon faggot
nice bait OP
you know that and I know that, but that doesn't seem to stop them from genuinely believing that another smear campaign and constant rage against him will get more people on their side
>t. Hillshill
Because he's President now and they forgot to stop shitting on him.
Trump doesn't need the media to dog him for the next 4 years.
If the media really was on Trump's side you wouldn't have them literally give Hillary the questions before the debate, there wouldn't be ``moderators'' literally fucking crying while asking Trump questions, and they certainly wouldn't have to put a negative spin on everything he says and does.
If you seriously believe that the MSM is for Trump, you're sitting there with your eyes and ears covered screaming, 'LALALALA.'
>S.S. womancard
>Okay Muhammad Bin-Fasil Al-Khalifa, your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to infiltrate the hacker known as Sup Forums's deepweb internet forum known as Sup Forums, and sow dissident among its people.
>on and you'll get 50 cents every post!
>what? How could they ever know it was you? They always post as Anonymous lol
You've been had, CREW shill. Give up the jig!
hillary is the real winner tbqh she got more votes than drumpf
people here just seem to really hate Drumpf, I don't know what to tell you.