Couple Will Leave U.S.A. (for real they claim) Because of Trump

“Make me an offer,” says Jeff Yeager with a sweep of his arm, taking in the sylvan Accokeek, Md., spread he’s putting on the market and is eager to unload. Because this man is getting out of Dodge. Leaving the United States. Escaping Donald J. Trump.

Yeager, a self-employed writer, and his wife plan to spend the coming year roaming the globe in search of a new home where they will live for four years. Or possibly eight.

“Trumping out,” Yeager calls it. Sort of like extended political camping.

“When the devastation of the election hit,” he says, “we thought, ‘Let’s just leave and travel, travel, travel and see where it takes us.’”

He did, however, send a multi-page manifesto of 30 indicators that could prompt him and his wife to change their country of residence. (He said he has “hundreds of friends” considering a similar move.) “Warning Indicators of When It’s Time to Flee a.k.a. Don’t wait until Kristallnacht” include the creation of “a national registry for Muslims or other vulnerable groups” and Washington “unilaterally withdrawing from free-trade agreements (as opposed to following amendment procedures within those agreements).”

Recalcitrance in children certainly is a thing.

I hope Oscar Yeager stays.

Not gonna lie, former Trump voter here. This is fucking hilarious watching Trump crash and burn. But in all seriousness we can't let this guy get the nuclear codes.


t. rural and suburban retard?

>tfw you realize 99.99% of other nations don't have lax immigration laws like America and you just can't walk in...especially when you are fat, ugly, straight and white

Good, Trump will win by 2 more votes in 2020

>willingly living along side niggers and kikes

who the fuck would take you