Mexico wants to gas the kikes thanks to Trump Mexico might get red pilled on Jews thanks to Trump
>A tweet by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu backing US President Donald Trump’s plans to build a wall along its border with Mexico has triggered a wave of online antisemitism, according to Rabbi Shlomo Tawil, chief rabbi of the Magen David Jewish community of Mexico.
>In an interview with Army Radio on Monday morning, Tawil noted that while antisemitism is usually rare in Mexico, the tweet instantly “awakened a lot of antisemitism here on the social media networks.”
>The moment the prime minister tweeted, he said, comments against Jews and Israel began to appear, with statements such as “out Jews” targeting the community. Tweets included calls to “burn the Jews,” while others called Jews “disgusting” or used more vulgar language to describe them
/Netanyahus-tweet-on-Trump Wall Sparks Antisemitism in Mexico
Holy shit Nissan Rogue for cheap!
Jews are going to be our greatest allies in the very near future.
Mexico will be an hero'd for being Antisemitic to Jews
This timeline, I swear. It's the best
>Rabbi Shlomo Tawil
I don't know what is and isn't real anymore
>while antisemitism is usually rare in Mexico
that's just because there aren't any jews in mexico
>yfw Israel nukes Mexico and Trump doesn't do anything about it
Oy vey Mexico must pay for forgetting the Holocaust!
wtf i love bibi now
monthly reminder mexico at one point tried to team up with hitler/nazis
Goy is just slang for cuck you know. Remember that.
wtf I love walls now.
>America pull the strings while Israel pay for the nukes
Has meme science gone too far ?
Kek works in mysterious ways, but He'll throw us a bone every now and then.
Why are Mexicans so angry? We didn't do anything. We just want a wall that they'll pay for.
The Mexicans were allies with the Germans in the past. Even made a secret deal to possibly infiltrate the US from the south. 100% fact. Who's the nazi now Jose?
Israeli shitposting is really a joy to read. You guys are 2nd only to the Japs.
>the next war will be fought between Israel and Mexico
I never want to leave this timeline.
It is evident from the many ethnic Germans in Mexico that they plan another calamity upon the soveriegn jewish people of Israel
I know. But in this battle against the Muslim hordes the biggest ally will be those who have the most to lose... #OpenBordersForIsrael
I guess it's time for mexico to be "liberated"
>fucking racist gringo pigs how dare the-
Kek, and these are the people leftists love to defend. The average mexican probably makes the average Sup Forumsack seem like an aclu member
Israel doesn't het it's hands dirty. That's what you are for
When will Sup Forums learn that the warmongering Jew is essentially a Nazi with another name - Zionist.
We are natural allies with our cracker eating brothers.
This is why love the jews. Why yall have to be so sneaky. You'd be adorable otherwise
>wave of online antisemitism
pretty sure online anitsemitism is at a constant level at all times.
I like this timeline so far
>tfw we can now use the jews power to our advantage
Sup Forums is reaching transcendence.
sauce? I'd love for this to be true
>USA goes to war with Mexico to protect the six million Jews in Mexico
>I'd support this
What have I become?!
t.Nissan merchant
>>A tweet by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu backing US President Donald Trump’s
Trump has the Jews on his side. He has the high ground
Mexico just went full fash.
How will liberals react?
Then why your country pay to our people to make your guns during the world war II and the cold war instead of making the wall
based merchant, fpbp
Did you forget?
It's 2017
We jews this year
We need a wall to protect the jooz from the antisemite racist Mexicans.
Zimmerman telegraph
>Mexicans want to illegally immigrate to America
>they become antisemitic when a jew supports not letting them
>illegally immigrating to the US is what passes for "red-pilled" ITT
Oy gevalt, can't let this antisemitism happen. Better make that wall 10 feet higher.
Probably WWII
Yeah, thats why some "german submarines" took out mexicans ships down
Mexico allies with Nazis, gets friendzoned cause they're a manlet country: can't explain that
So we Jews now?
There was no alliance lol
Mexicans knew they didn't stand a chance against the US and they knew that germany's promise of funding was total bullshit.
no we are the Sup Forumsumenati now
>Tweets included calls to "burn the Jews," while others called Jews "disgusting"
Why don't we all fire up our fake twitter accounts and keep pouring gasoline over this fire and make Mexico go full Nazi?
You Americans do have Spanish lessons taught at a young age right? Its time to use it and spark more violence and antisemitism against Jews in Mexico and possibly evolve this into a riot.
This is a total win-win situation right here for us.
>2nd only to the Japs
>2nd to the Japs
Japan needs to accept multiculturism
We're out-Jewing the Jews who are trying to Jew us
>Jewish community of Mexico.
>Its anti semitic to say trump isn't fit to be President
We need the wall. The Muslim hoardes are coming through Mexico.
not to mention africans and haitians.
Typical tricks, Shlomo.
Truly the master of 4d backgammon
Does anybody have any screencaps or pics of Mexican anti-semitic tweets?
Can't Flim Flam the Zim Zam
pls use and American compañy to build the wall.
totally this, i never thought i'd see the day Sup Forums would support kikes and zionists, their so clled sworn enemies. They have certainly taken over this board.
I want you goys to think of the lunacy of all this for a second. People from Mexico are going full stormfag mode because they are no longer able to sneak into America for the gibmedats. It shows how detached from reality most taco bowls are and what low regard they hold their own country in.
oy vey!
Fuck the kikes
In all seriousness I think we redpilled the Israelis. Remember when the IDF tried to shill here all the time?
I really think they finally said fuck it, these goyim are hilarious, we can't slide them anyway.....maybe we should just back these goyim. They want to remove kebab and don't give a shit how much we bomb the Palestinians.
I'm sure the Jews that were assigned to pol had a lot of fun after they got over the whole holocaust denial and gas the kikes thing.
Holy shit is Trump /ourguy/?
Backgammon, used to play that all the time as a kid, almost forgot it existed.
it isn't like the jews over here are """good people""", they are greedy as fuck and rather rude.
>but the wall is making them angry
not quite, many people are aware of fence that prevents centracas from coming into 'merrica, what they're sort of mad about is that cheeto guy wants to make this place pay for it despite NAFTA having screwed over this place and the national businesses. I guess they have become so accostumed to: if i fuck ip up here i'ma go to burgerland n shiieeet dawg, they will get over it and move on or starve to death, there's no other way, the globalization era is over.
Bibi putting some skin in the game, sacrificing some Jewish interests (reputation in Latin America) to suppprt American Nationalism on the principal of equal treatment for his own races Nationalist ethno-state. If we can get him to counter-signal and attack Leftist diaspora Jews then we will truly be living in a great timeline.
Just think, if you hadn't been suggesting to them that they could just come to burgerland, we wouldn't be demanding you pay for the wall to stop them
Israel is greatest ally. We must reclaim Jerusalem
>is trump Sup Forums's guy?
he hasn't screw over the kikes so i don't think he is until he does (which is very unlikely, he loves them)
Americans are fucking retarded as fuck.
What's based? America has been attempting to control Latin America for the last century and Trump came along and fucked it up. Now it seems Mexico will join a Chinese axis, fucking bravo Trump.
But Hispanic Jews are in Spain and Argentina not Mexico
Nationalist Jews.
I'm all for Jews staying being the power state in the Middle East and staying the fuck out of everywhere else in world politics.
TFW the Jews start fighting all of the wars we start for us
Wtf Bibi is my Jewfu now
Lol watching Jews wage war with eachother in order to appease the White man is entertaining as fuck. I have yet to see Bibi deny the Holocaust. Are the Jews the new goyim now?
I don't know who's jewing who anymore.
Doesn't Bibi think Hitler was tricked into gassing the 9 trillion by Arab Muslims? What's he up to?
Bibi literally said that Hitler did nothing wrong before (((they))) forced him to retract. We know where the man's heart lies.
>2017 Buying a NISSAN
that's the point, and what some of your burgers agree on:
1.- US comes with: YOU GO FULL GLOBALIZATION OR ELSE (Gortari was a fucking greedy fuck to begin with, so it wasn't difficult to convince him to sign)
2.- Burgers' jobs get outsourced to chinkland or mexico, getting screwed over in the process, while lots of mexicans living in the countryside go broke and either mve to bigger cities or US
3.- NAFTA continue making the cuntry more depdendent on the US and now, all of a sudden, cheeto guys wants to get rid of him and build a wall on his southern border to prevent any more illegals from coming in
From an objective, doing so is good in the long term because those guys would be forced to think before doing anything that might get them into trouble, at the same time trump getting rid nafta would force our politicians to do the right thing and start investing in national industry and infrastructure, the problem here is that those fuckers refuse to see the reality and would rather drag this place into the abyss than actually do something for the people of this country for once (that's the reason they hate trump's guts: he is taking away from them their gold mine). Trump operates on a level of: we have to take care of my people (white peopl) instead of keeping doing what globalists want, while our guys still think we're in the globalization era, something absurd when we consider what has happened and the total chaos that brings about moving shit tons of people to places where they shouldn't be.
>believes we told them to go there
no, they went up there because they wanted to, the government ddidn't give a damn and now they're upset and somewhat nervous because trump's got them cornered and they can't do shit about it because they can't lay a fingr on him. It's the only thing they know: fuck up your own people and let others invest while you turn a lind eye to what is happening in your own country, besides you live in your ivory tower.
He didn't say Hitler did nothing wrong, he went full retard and said Hitler was controlled by PALESTINIANS who forced him to genocide the jews.
This is some JIDF shill shit right here.
Leftists hate Israel already. This is just adding fuel to the fire.
T T Thanks for calling out the jew bro.fucker almost got me
This will melt normie brains
It's in your country's best interest to control the world.
>falling for mexicans will join china
our politicians may be greedy and sort stupid, but they don't have a deth wish to do something as suicidal as that. They don't want a cuban missle crisis 2.0 or something of the sort. Also, signing a trade agreement with those fuckers would be harmful, chinks ruin everything they touch
>implying americans want to keep interfering with other countries' affairs
wasn't that what trump wanted in the first place? although when you consider he is a kike lover, it might be just a matter of time before he starts pulling jewish tricks on everyone.
>Toyota Masterrace
That's not how you spell Subaru
Fucking kikes