I voted for Trump in the primary and the general elections, and I am a dual citizen.
I am a right-wing, American-Israeli Zionist. I'll be here to answer any questions you have throughout the day!
I voted for Trump in the primary and the general elections, and I am a dual citizen.
I am a right-wing, American-Israeli Zionist. I'll be here to answer any questions you have throughout the day!
Other urls found in this thread:
What temparature should I set the oven to?
How's your day going?
can you fit an entire sharpie up your butt
why support trump? don't you know he is like hitler that killed your people?
6 million degrees
>American-Israeli Zionist
die in a fire kike.
It's rainy here near Tel Aviv, but Israel is always beautiful. How is your day?
Trump is good for America, and a strong USA means a strong Israel. He is also a true Zionist and friend to the Jewish people.
That's the problem with duel citizenship - it's that you put one country before the other. As you've said, you're a Zionist. You don't care for America, you only care what America does for Israel. It doesn't surprise me that Jews voted for Trump because he's very pro-Israeli and is definitely a Zionist.
I don't have anything to ask though. Okay maybe this, do you accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Saviour?
Jesus is not Lord. That is idolatry.
I'm thinking about going on birthright. I've lost just about all interest in my religion and heritage, though. I just want to get a close-up view of the Israeli-Palestinian situation. Is it worth it for that?
Speaking of which, what do you make of the situation?
Birthright is an amazing experience. You don't have to be religious to have a meaningful connection to our Land or its people.
fuck off we're asking the other jew
Do you guys even care about america?
Like what is the general view of america in israel?
Do you think we're just your pawns, useful idiots for greater israel or what?
A strong america and a strong israel is great for the world.
You should see us as your brothers and sisters, not tools for your own gain.
Have you read the Talmud?
What's your opinion on leftist Jews that hate Trump?
Oh, another question. Is holocaust revisionism or denial legal there?
How come you're banned from most Islamic nations and there is no uproar?
I visited Israel for work 5 yrs ago and then went to UAE and onto Malaysia, i got the Spanish inquisition about my Israeli visa stamps, got the rough treatment in KL.
Fuck Islam, I'm never stopping off in Dubai or Abu dhabi ever again, fuck them.
Why are all American Jews whiny, leftist kikes? Did all the normal, well adjusted ones move to Israel?
best way to visit israel?
are the qts really that qt?
are muslims hated there?
do they know their place?
My great great grandparents were Jewish, can I become Jewish too?
Proud of you, OP. Don't let any haters bring you down.
I was Christened though, so idk.
Which gas chamber do you prefer to go?
Nice try, Shlomo
Doesn't the Torah or Talmud have instructions for what happens if two men share an equal amount of time building a house and can't decide who actually owns it?
They don't need you
Hey OP, how come your hat (and a lot of other peoples') has the flag on the side? Mine is the official hat, and it has the strap across the front, but it doesn't have the flag on the side.
How much longer before you push the gazans into the Sinai or the Mediterranean?
Who was your favorite Roman figure? Mine is Titus.
Deus Vult.
America is our greatest ally. We have a lot of respect for them and what they represent.
Yes, it is one of our holy books.
It's legal, but not for the purposes of inciting violence or hate.
Fuck Islam.
Leftist Jews are traitorous swine. Indeed, all of the nationalist, based Jews move to our homeland in the Land of Israel.
Israeli women are beautiful and Muslims know their place. When they act out, we destroy their homes and deport their families.
Converts are fully accepted in Orthodox Judaism if the conversion is done by an Orthodox rabbi.
I bought the Presidential Cap last year, it had a flag on the side. It was a few dollars extra.
Soon, God willing,
Cheers lad
Also, you are welcome to visit Israel and enjoy our wonderful country. I believe Americans can come here visa-free for up to three months at a time.
Thanks. :(
t. butthurt sand niggers or SJWs
Fuck off JIDF.
Do you believe in Messianism, and do you not recognize that this belief is very suspicious and seems treacherous to non-Jews?
I believe that a Jewish man will rebuild the Holy Temple, be crowned as the King of Israel, and usher in peace among the nations. I pray for his arrival every single day.
>meanwhile in eurabia
make oven jokes all you want goyim
but the bottom line is that you all wish you could live in a country when openly saying arabs shouldn't have any legal rights and having a single ethnicity is much better than faggot cuck diversity
What happens when the protests dont stop and keep going for 4 years every day?
We need to end dual citizenship. USA loyalty only, no room for other nations.
Honestly no anti kike bullshit, what is there to ask? Israel seems pretty quite at the moment and you have given no indication that you have any inside knowledge of anything. So I guess whats it like living in the middle east???
Do you not understand that this seems very suspicious? How is "peace among the nations" to be "ushered"? Will this utilize the help of the diaspora? ***
Do you see why Messianism is suspicious, and makes it difficult for other nationalists to want to ally with Jewish messianists?
Are ((you)) all planning on clearing up Syria & Iraq to make way for the kingdom of David?
>israeli talking about arabs in europe
>israeli thinks european countries are more diverse
Israel is like 20% arab you dumb fuck.
Bless you brother
Have you been invited to Trump's cabinet?
God willing, we will reclaim every milimeter of our ancient Land. God promised the Land to us, and Arabs have no right to rule over it with their Sharia law.
t. 20% muslim minority and growing country
user I don't hate jews but I dont want the U.S to be in the middle east or funding the middle east at all
why is this bad
At least we put them in their place, effectively segregate them, and keep them away from our women. That is more than any European can say.
Come fight me, you neo-nazi bitch.
Why keep building settlements if it means sooner or later the West Bank will be annexed, making Jews a minority?
I want this for you too and I don't believe in anything.
>That's the problem with duel citizenship - it's that you put one country before the other.
This. Always will be the issue with a place like America. Yet people never understand and still get antsy every time that fact is proof?
Revoke your U.S. citizenship now you fucking kike.
>for now
What age did you move there? You've done your military service? What's your job. Try and be honest for a change.
I would tell you to meet me outside of Tel Aviv, but we both know you'll never leave your sheltered little SJW bubble, you traitorous faggot.
>at least keep them away from our women
t. low IQ mizrahim shitskin whos only employment prospects is JIDF.
Good one, Chaim.
Israel has their Arabs mostly on lock down
Also Druze are counted in that figure but they hate Arabs.
אחמד שלוש קפה הפוך.
Also, when will Jews apologise for killing Jesus?
as a Christian I am taught by the word of God in the new testament Israel are called by God to live His laws as a Light to the nations but since the coming of Christ and His rejection by Israel as a whole 9despite the few who from among them followed) Jews are spiritually blind to Jesus being their Messiah
I have seen many Israelis expressing vitriolic hatred toward Christians.. is this venomous antipathy toward Christians the norm in Israel?
>At least we put them in their place, effectively segregate them, and keep them away from our women
you know america used to be like that before you fucking jews pushed desegregation and third world immigraiton on us
jews are scum and zionism is just a different side of the same shekel
Stuff like this is why I still dislike regular Israelis.
They have Palestinians on lock-down, 20% of actual Israeli citizens are Arabs, something kikes on Sup Forums always gloss over.
Do you ever get naked under the covers and pretend you're having sex with a ghost?
Druze started the Lebanese civil war by killing Christians and then blamed it on Palestinians. Druze have a history of persecuting Christians in Lebanon for centuries. They are not to be trusted.
Is it true that you enjoy Zyklon B more than oxygen?
It will be funny once the Islamic fascists finally fuck your shit up and it results in you both dying.
We must reclaim Jerusalem and Constantinople.
how's your new colossus coming up?
Why do so few of our people understand that destroying white society will only lead to dune-niggers wiping us out?
Literally no one else has ever given a shit about us but whites, and yet so many jews are trying to destroy them.
>Teudat ole
lmao who are you trying to full? Post your passport. It also looks like you don't know hebrew judging by the writing.
>tfw no israeli qt
damn why didn't Hitler finish the job, what a fucking noob.
>Promises answers
>1 post by this ID
It's a legit Hebrew guys!
Answer me this, why didn't the jews forgive all debts for the year of jubilee?
Nice try, Nathan.
together we will make america great again.
Answer my questions you fucking kike animal. You responded to the meme replies but not to my actual serious questions. Fucking answer me right now or by God, I'll forcefeed your bacon wrapped foreskin down your giant kike animal nose.
eat shit nigger, all dual citizenship people (we know the majority in congress are israelis) need to be removed from the cogs of american politics. gas yourself kike
He's not Israeli the thing on the right is not a passport it's an "immigrant visa" to Israel. The bitch is trying to fool Sup Forums.
I wonder why no one of the israeli flags pointed that out yet.
>It doesn't surprise me that Jews voted for Trump
They didn't.
Trump did better with hispanics than jews.
Leftists who oppose this
Israel is a racist apartheid state who has illegal Jewish ONLY settlements
in the west bank where the border walls are wrapping around them inside
Palestinian land in an obvious land grab.
This is why terrorism happens and why the rest of the west gets blowback from it.
Israel builds these settlements on top of Palestinian villages that they have bulldozed by the military.
If you support Israel you are not a leftist. End of Story.
Hopefully, we will annex the West Bank and deny the Palestinians citizenship.
We will never apologize for killing Jesus because we did what we felt was right at the time. We don't hate Christians; in fact, Evangelicals are some of our most treasured allies. That being said, we view Jesus as an idol.
Sadly I dont think its coming up =( but our left wing goverment founded a space programm lol. The corruption is real
as a muslim i agree
good to know we can found some common ground zionist friend!
The Teudat Oleh on the right is proof that I am an Israeli citizen. I became a citizen less than a year ago, so I won't get my passport for a few months.
You understand that the Arabs are literally your OLDER brother.
Literally by birth rite of being Abraham's first born we already have more than enough claim to all the land.
Welcome brother in arms.
Join us in crushing the Muslim scourge!!!
Also, when you double cross us the ovens will be waiting.
So ... just like Islam?