Who was our guy in history?

I think Andrew Jackson was our guy
-Killed the natives
-Said fuck the (((banks)))
-Took on the elites
-Drained the swamp
-Was a mans man
-Fought 100s of duels

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Gee, I wonder

Man was a goddamn hero.

I'd say Teddy Roosevelt would be a close second, although he was kind of heavy on the civic nationalism.

Stop trying to force this shitty meme. Hitler was the worst thing to have ever have happened to Europe.


Oy vey shut it down!

no u.

my all-time fav is george washington

>bigtime leader
>not afraid to use negroes as slaves
>supports anglo nation building
>in favor of carrying guns

>On January 30, Jackson was attending the funeral of South Carolina congressman Warren R. Davis at the United States Capitol. Lawrence originally planned to shoot Jackson as he entered the service but was unable to get close enough to the President. However, when Jackson left the funeral, Lawrence had found a space near a pillar on the East Portico where Jackson would pass. As Jackson walked, Lawrence stepped out and fired his first pistol at Jackson's back; it misfired. Lawrence quickly made another attempt with his second pistol but that also misfired. It was later determined that the weapons he had chosen were noted for being vulnerable to moisture and the weather on that date was humid and damp.[2]

Lawrence's unsuccessful attempts were noticed by Jackson, who proceeded to beat him with his cane, very brutally. The crowd (which included Congressman David Crockett) eventually intervened and wrestled Lawrence into submission.

They're not giving you enough hotpockets for this, bonger.

>murdered anglos on christmas to win a patriotic war against tyranny

he's most definitely /ourguy/

As far as Americans, it would have to be either Andrew Jackson or Thomas Jefferson.

>yfw Jews still hold a grudge and purposely wanted Jackson off the $20 bill because of what he did to the (((banks)))

wtf are you talking about son? you might just be out of your element.

Roosevelt was a badass. Hunter, fisherman, marksman, served in multiple wars, practiced boxing wrestling and jiu-jitsu, busted up the trusts and monopolies conserved wildlands... a man of the land and it's people.

Andrew Jackson is an American hero. Every president should strive to be like him

>I'm more related to the founding fathers than you'll ever be

How does that make you feel?

TR would have kicked the shit out of Jackson

Damn straight. He should have been pres during WW1 instead of Wilson. Fucking Taft draining the vote.


at least I'll never be the eternal anglo

ok. so under harsh conditions some people died. not the same as old george waving a stun gun and gutting people

Homeboy was woke
Eh...he was undeniably a man's man, but if he had gotten his way during his Bull Moose days, the US would have ended up looking like any country in the current-day EU

Exactly, dumb cunt. I pity you


christ sake dude read just a little more


I am actually of anglo descent and can trace my lineage back to some New Hampshire politician that was alive around the time of the Revolutionary war, I was just memeing you and you took the bait really hard. Sorry

Urban II

>I w-was only pretending


>invaded every based country excluding Russia at the time
>caused the destruction of thousands of years of white history

There is probably more anglo blood in America than you realize

Anglo is the largest demographic in America then German then Irish

Why are banks bad, exactly?

Real reasons please, no emotional commic BS.

Banks themselves arent bad its just the people that usually run banks are bad, the international banker types.