Decisions on procreation

Hey faggots.
>be me
>get diagnoses with cancer few days before christmas
>talk to doctors
>its in your liver, inoperable
>research online
>can live up to 10+ years if monitored (am 29 atm)
>dont tell anyone from family
>wat do
I know this has little to do with politics, but I have come to appreciate the insigt some of you faggots (sometimes) can give. And I am honestly conflicted what to do before I drop dead.
Would it be ethical to have children at this point, knowing the chances of me seeing them grow up are quite slim?

Other urls found in this thread:

Get rekt and take over the world

Bump for inner sadness

shit man try to make everyday the best possible. Talk to women and try to get a wife and kids.

you can cure your cancer, research more

>alkaline diet
>bitter almond kernels (apricot pits)

you're gonna make it

And leave wife a widow and children at their most fragile without father? Bad idea.

Day of a rake can't come soon enough.

rape a slut, kill a nig, make the world a lil better

or wither away like a bitch

What were your symptoms

1.) Accept
2.) Fight, Fight Fight

You can make it and live way past that. Just don't give up so soon!