>women cant into deadlines
>cry muh microaggressions
Women cant into deadlines
Other urls found in this thread:
> healing from toxic whiteness
kek, thanks for the good laugh OP. This site is comedy gold.
We keep breaking the sound barrier of autism over and over again at levels we thought unachievable
Why do liberals insist on creating weak people unequipped to deal with the challenges of a workplace?
Because everyone is a fragile little flower to them. Except for straight white men.
Did millennials just out autism the actually autistic? Seriously, I know people with full blown aspergers who are more high functioning than what I'm seeing in this picture.
these people will inherit the country and replace gen x soon enough, gg America I was fun while it lasted
Because these people are never going to enter the workplace. They'll stay in college until they can't get any more student loans, then cry on social media about how the government needs to bail them out from their 6 figure debt.
Something over the last week has gotten me to start using "autistic screeching" almost every time a leftist complains about anything the right is doing, and it's almost invariably said to their face.
It's just them throwing a temper tantrum. Well, you play stupid games, you win stupid prizes, like being told to quit your autistic screeching in a room full of adults who invariably chuckle at the description.
What the fuck college has students reading from a textbook to the rest of the class?
I can't wait to tell these retards to fuck off when they apply at my company after graduation
feels good to climb the corporate ladder WITHOUT a degree
Here's the rest of the comics
Happens in language courses/workshops, for example. How else are you supposed to practice proper pronunciation?
Now let's try it in a work environment!
>I need this assignment by friday.
>oh you didn't do it, you're fired
>I need you to call X and tell them Y
>oh you didn't do it, you're fired
Blogging hard here but I was the white male version of that last one on that comic. Got a B- on a final project freshman year for a presentation because I sperged out so hard even though everything else was top notch.
I took every public speaking opportunity possible in classes afterwards to get better. Nobody else would ever want to do it so it was easy to get at least 1 each semester. Even then I had people complimenting me about my performance, but I suspected it was an unspoken thanks for relieving them of the duty.
By the end of it, I wasn't comfortable but I could function fine in front of an audience and it gave me a huge boost of confidence. That confidence landed me my job during school and it serves me every day.
And that second one is bullshit because every professor is going to ask you to correct them because that's just being civil to people. And if you can't deal with people mispronouncing your name initially by the time you're in college, you have bigger issues than your professor ribbing you and giving you an opportunity to establish a connection on the first day of class.
Spot on about textbooks at least, that level of jewery is despicable
>wanting the world handing you the keys to success and wanting people who are above you to bend to your will
It's like they don't want others to be able to succeed
You can look it up yourself you damn idiot unless the (((school))) department wrote it, in which case you're out of luck
Jokes on you when it becomes illegal for you not to hire them
>b-but Trump
Out in 4 years.
Master Electrician that is currently a Power Plant Operator. The only degree that isn't screened out here is Welding related (Welding Engineering, Welding Technology, etc). Literally every other degree is thrown in the trash, even relevant ones, because we prefer to train in-house. It's hilarious to see people who have a degree in English applying for a $46.50/hr Operator job, though. We usually have a good laugh at the people with liberal arts degrees.
If they haven't spent a day getting filthy, whether that be in a manufacturing plant or a slaughter house, we don't even interview them.
>teacher doesn't call on you unless you raise your hand
I actually would like that.
because weak people are easy to control.
In my experience, textbooks were either unnecessary or easily pirated, the only one I bought was a first year maths book written by the lecturer
textbook stores are a total scam but I never met a prof that cared about you getting it used as long as you had it by the time it was needed in the syllabus. I know that some write their own books to make you buy them, thankfully I never had to deal with that shit but I'd have bitten the bullet if it was an investment towards success
>expecting the professor to poll the room every slide during a 50+ slide powerpoint presentation
make friends with your neighbor or nut up and ask, most all of them make their slides available anywho
Thoughts on people with CM degrees (mexican babysitting)?
English classes, humanities classes, etc.
Of course you would. You seem to forget what college is for. It's not for you to simply learn. It's to train you to function in the real world once you graduate, so that when your boss singles you out in a meeting or something, you don't shit your pants.
College isn't meant to coddle you while imparting you with information, they are there to train you to be kick ass, so that if you become super awesome, people are like, "Wow, that guy went to this college? I need to get in there!"
If you don't want to be trained, then stop paying money for it.
Yeah well, I suck big time when it comes to presentations, too. Had to learn to deal with it because you just can't do my job without them. So I avoid talking and prepare nice powerpoint stuff which kinda speaks for itself.
As for names, mine isn't exotic, but my last name happens to be a common forename so it happens all the time that people call me by my last name without even considering that I perceive that as rude. Again, gotta deal with it, especially when superiors or customers do it. What else? Sperg out and correct them every time and look like a retard?
there are really poorly drawn
nice microaggression you fucking bigot literally shaking atm
I'm gonna guess that you mean Construction Management degrees, rather than Certified Midwife (we've had both apply at one time or another).
Your degree would be worthless here. At best you could expect a wage of 14.38/hr. That's a starting wage for anyone who isn't at least a Journeyman electrician.
Agree, you look at an obstacle and either overcome it or make your peace. If you find a way that works for you and you function then more power to you.
We already have an abundance of montessori schools which have popper up here in california. These places are liberal breeding grounds and indoctrination camps. Something like 65% of elementary schools are montessori schools now in liberal CA. For those who dont know, these schools are basically homeworkless learn at your own pace shitholes.
If you can't think creatively enough to find textbooks for bottom dollar prices, that's your cross to bear. If you don't have the courage to tell the teacher to slow down (or to just write down the gist of it), that's your problem. And if you can't do public presentations, then how on earth are you going to function at your job? Will you ask the board if you can make a video that they can watch in private? If so, would you need to make a video every time someone asks a question regarding the video you made?
Stop treating college like daycare, start treating it like job preparation.
For fucks sake....
Articles like this make me want a nuclear war to start.
>everyone has deadlines, even if your "feels" get in the way
>people are going to mangle your nigger/ethnic name your entire life, deal with it
>sack up, hiding won't make your anxiety go away
>presenting information to people is an important skill they're trying to get you to practice for a reason
>the only professors who care if you bought a book used are the assholes who make you buy the books they wrote
>learn to take notes from a lecture, holy shit, how do you even get to college without this skill?
>can make college difficult
Tertiary education should be difficult.
Really? My heart just surged! What state?
I spent enough time(couple terms) at college to know that its a joke. Goddamn English teacher tried to tell me "exemplify" isn't a word
I'll stick to working for a GC, thank you.
>tfw I make $18/hour interning at a GC
When i was in my final year of community college almost half of the class failed because they didn't know the exaxt time of the final nor did they understand what it would consist of.
1/2 final is 7 page essay the rest is 60 question multiple choice.
people showed up 1 hour late and didn't write their essay. The syllabus had the date and time of the final on it. It also had the teachers phone number and email on it.
Teacher gave us a study guide a week before.
>muh special treatment
at this point, I'll say let the muslims have them. Maybe islam will teach them to be little less of a spoiled whores. And I don't even say this with the light heart, since I'd like all conservative white waifus to remain christian, just would like those liberal bitches be sent to Saudi Arabia or whatever.
All that shit on the right already happens, though? God fucking DAMN IT do they lack self awareness.
Archived link please, im sensitive about page visits
Something about victim complex, I guess.
Here you go my precious little guy
Also, Men at Work is a great band and Vegemite is delicious :)
>college due dates are microaggressions
china is going to overtake america
and this is why
>learn to take notes from a lecture, holy shit, how do you even get to college without this skill?
The professor will also allow you to view the lecture on the school website where they post the lectures or assignments or even quizzed
Kansas. That said, Federal, State, Local, and Private power plants all operate similarly.
If they like you, you can expect a test to see what you know. It's much better to say you don't know than it is to try and bullshit them to their face.
Yeah. You wouldn't make more than that until you took your Journeyman's test. Then you would shoot up to 30/hr. If you were to start as an Operator, that would never happen. Maintenance would take 3-5 years. Lineman would be around 2 years.
Lots of upward mobility, though, as there are a bunch of different jobs within the plant, and every last bit of it is seen as relevant towards your wage. Lineman, Senior Lineman, Chief Lineman Maintenance, Operator 1, Operator 2, Senior Operator (1 and 2), Chief Operator, Plant Manager, Accounting, Floor Manager, Certified at Smoke School, as well as the Welding and Electrician apprentice/Journeyman/Master, as well as a few online classes that the Plant will pay for.
Don't worry mate, we are
The funny thing is that everything on the right does happen and Liberals still think its unfair.
jesus christ are people this retarded and lack this much self-initiative? all of these, with maybe the video as exception, are acceptable.
i've never encountered a teacher who refused to repeat something if i just asked
holy fucking shit do people really believe that they HAVE to buy a book? what is a pdf or library card, fuck me
thanks for the pic my man, this really made my morning
Lol @ prepares you for real world
No it doesnt it prepares you te be an academic and thats a long trip from reality these days
If your degree isn't preparing you for work, you're getting ripped off and should either change your teacher, your major, your college, or just quit.
>tfw uni doesnt offer degree I want and only figured out what I want to do three years in
That explains your anti-intellectual agenda.
Thanks mate. Right on both accounts. Vegemite toast on turkish with a long black for breakfast is a huge pleasure
If you don't know what you want to do, you shouldn't go. Of course the colleges tell you that you should, because they make money every year that you are there, and High School teachers tell you that you should, because the vast majority of them completed their degree with about 5k of student loans if they worked part time at McDonalds during college. Worst case scenario for their experience would be that they couldn't find a job in their field, and would crash with mom and dad for a year to pay off the loans.
That isn't going to be your experience. if you don't know what you want to do, you shouldn't be there.
>bottom can't write fast enough
>not using audio recorder which is in every fucking phone
>or just write down keywords so you don't have to write down EVERYTHING
it's not a fucking dictation, for fuck's sake
Oh, yes, because everyone in the state is more or less the same, right?
Fuck off with your broad strokes bullshit, and have fun earning a degree that will have you taking coffee orders from other students who don't know shit about the word or what a cup of coffee is actually worth.
This is some deep, thought provoking stuff.
This is why we're overtaking you in enrollment numbers at your own schools outside of bullshit degrees like gender studies.
Yeah I know that NOW, but its too late. I was already geared to go because of making applications in high school and my friends and everyone else doing it so I thought it was just the natural course.
Thankfully I just switched my original major to my minor so no loss there and I just need to focus on transferring after this semester but it really does hurt being so behind my friends who are probably ready to ditch me entirely due to different political opinions and interning out of state
Here's what I did while I was at school
Fuck your friends and focus on your own life.
They have their life, and you have yours, and while it may seem like everything is going their way, just know that they're dealing with shit that you probably have no idea about.
>that verdant nigger
homie low on melanin
The "crippling anxiety" ones always piss me off. For starters it's trivial to get anti-anxiety medication as a short term solution and the only real long term solution is stress inoculation from exposure to the source of the anxiety i.e. going out and doing stuff. God forbid you have to exercise the slightest bit of willpower to force yourself into doing something uncomfortable.
>It's only for a shameful reason when White people refuse to vote. It's not shameful that Native candidates aren't running. it's not shameful that an illegal immigrant knows what he is doing is against the law. It's not shameful that your daughter was such a fucking slut that she popped out a child out of wedlock, and that the father isn't taking care of them, and it's not shameful that the black guy committed a felony in the first place.
An excuse for everyone but the caricature of the White Male (although that specific reasoning tends to be more liberal reasoning, in my experience; conservatives tend to give a shit about their community, rather than just voting to take money from other people to take care of their community).
If your friends are ditching you due to political opinions or your moving, they aren't your friends. One friend that I had years ago is literally at the northern border of North Dakota. Another is in Maryland. I'm at the southern border of Kansas. I still talk to both of them at least once per week, even with my 3rd shift work, wife, kid, and local friends.
when i was interviewed for my current job they kept asking about my degree and how it was relevant, i just told them I had dont the job before and had a bunch of ideas on how exactly we can do things better. The degree was as irreverent as the suit i wore
Hello, fellow Brownbackistaner
>be womyn
>be aggressed at a micro level
> Anxiety and agoraphobia
Fat anxiety fuck here.
I showered, I got dressed, and I walked down to the polling booth.
They literally have no excuse not to have vote.
Someone correct me if I'm wrong but if she spent more time working on her assignments instead of drawing comics and bitching about assignments wouldn't she not have to worry so much about the deadlines?
I hated presenting shit and having to answer in class, but I sucked it up god dammit.
How the hell do these people function in real life? And why do you need the professor to point out that you can get a book used?
Are they using the professor as a surrogate for a parent?
I wish that fuck would stop running.
Not gonna lie, former Trump voter here. This is fucking hilarious watching him crash and burn. But in all seriousness we can't let this guy get the nuclear codes.
kek niggers can't read.
no, they are due dates.
they supposed to make you uneasy.
Boy, I sure can't wait to fire every single person in every one of those panels!
Daily reminder that white women need to be beaten back into the stone age
So what im getting is that voting is bad because
>i could use that time to make money
America doesn't get payed leave on voting day? any permanent employ gets that here.
>Illegals should be able to vote
>Criminals should be able to vote
>Ill win regardless
last one is actually a real reason not to vote
>called k_ _ _ _ instead of e _ _ _ by 90% of the people I meet
>not once have I thought they were microaggression me
>completely understand that they sound similar and that the one they call me is much more common
This only strengthens the white man.
>Why do liberals insist on creating dependent people
>Out in 4 years.
Kansas is eternally Koch'd. When he leaves one of his disciples will take his place.
>college is haaaaaaaaaaaarrrrd!!!!
bottom left is bullshit
you're just be listening to the same kid blowing off the teacher all fucking day
this is why school is so shit
>finish taking notes ready to move on
>50 questions that have already been answered
>lose all interest in class
Ride goes on.
>read to the class
Clearly written by someone in a community college. They'll probably kill themselves if they ever get to the point where they have to do a presentation.
Leftist philosophy in a nutshell.
>nigger can't read
can't make this shit up
so classes that dont matter at all