He dindu nuffin
So cute, I love him
>He's an SJW
The SJW rhetoric really needs to be stopped before they kill more
All he needed was a girlfriend.
It's honestly unbelievable that he did this.
He shows no signs at all.
>liked videos
"I've modified it a little bit"
begins shooting
look closely at his skin color
he had the mark of a shooter all along
>leaf skin
fug i should have known
>i'm the first person to like this video
how fucked am I?
Fucking haunting staring into the eyes of a killer...
gave all of his videos (except 1) their first like, get at me CSIS
columbiner confirm
also good band until later half of 90's
Well, he's right that we shouldn't waste water, so if anyone comes asking, there's your excuse
"I've modified it a little bit, you'll see in a moment"
what did he mean by this?
yeah this guy definitely murdered some folks
So can someone clarify if this man was Quebecois or not?
can't you hear the accent?
fucking canadians
The guy comes off as so soft.
What the fuck, he seems like a genuinely nice guy. Not disturbed, insane or conceited like elliot or any of the other shooters with videos out there.
Maybe he was just a true patriot?
He looks autismo as fuck
canada isnt a real country
wtf I love leafs now
Holy shit that gif can stop people killing themself. Beautiful
This was a fucking false flag for sure.
>genuine love for life, taking videos of a fireplace on a winter day
>fundraises for charity and the disabled
>videos of him in the sunset
>filming nature
>filming waterfalls
They pinned it on a friendless white male autist because they knew nobody would come to defend him.
Fuck you Trudeau you false flagging piece of shit.
I thought it was one frenchie and one Arab now it was this guy alone?
expect a lot more in Canada now that they have someone who won't allow them in the US.
What happened to the other guy who was a suspect?
I knew that when he turned himself in instead of taking the easy way out.
We're all autistic.
Defender of the White Race
About this Quebec shootings. The media is mentioning Sup Forums a lot, which brings the following question: Did he even posted here beforehand about the shooting he was going to do?
As far as we are concerned, the fact that he regulary browsed Sup Forums could have influenced him as much as going regulary to a McDonalds (or whatever cuck version Canada has)
They probably drugged him, dragged him out of his house, took him to the scene with the crisis actors all set up, fired off a bunch of gunshots and woke him up there
The kid then wandered in a drug fueled haze, believing he lost control of his body and ended up shooting a bunch of people before finally giving into the guilt and giving himself up to the police
I'll say it first: Alex Bissonnette is an INNOCENT VICTIM of
Remember that folks, this shining example of a true white Canadian did absolutely nothing wrong and we must continue visiting mosques to protest them until he is released
confirmed redditor
There was a troll post on Sup Forums 2 days ago where a leaf asked when the best time to visit a mosque would be
Everyone is acting like this is hard evidence that dude posted here
I befriended a leaf I met on omegle after we found out that we both browsed Sup Forums. He was way worse than this guy like literally collected knives and had nazi flags all in his house. Sent me pics too and I can post them if you want proofz.
Should I boot up my old Skype acc to hit him up and try to get him a gf to prevent another happening like this?
You love unibrow shit heads?
So wat happened to the morocan? Did they spin it so that now it s only about 1 white kid shoting the mosque?
>Going for the kill
If a girl just agreed to be his girlfriend I bet none of this shout would have happened. Elliott Rodger was right.
That's because they needed a white scapegoat so they could keep up their "REFUGEES WELCOME" mantra
To put it simply,
It was a gas explosion
Yep. Textbook false flag.
Seems like a nice guy
>nice guy
>makes cute videos
>kills 6 people
what did he mean by this?
This was a few years ago. I'm guessing some things happened between then and he became really depressed.
>never trust a nice guy
Have u seen that face? Just look at that face. Who would date that
he's a frog. Figured he'd eat it
He's easily a 5/10. Just looks like a completely average guy, he just acts a little beta.
Seems like a nice kid.
Not one WN, NS, AR video liked...
That's because the Moroccan actually did it, but this happening after Trudeau's little stunt made them look particularly bad.
the more i watch and read about him, the less and less i think he was the shooter. something shady is going on. cbc isn't telling the whole story (cbc is state sponsored).
He made a youtube video, viewed by nobody until yesterday, about why he isnt going to do the ice bucket challenge and why he isntead will make a special altered one
Clearly autistic.
idk, could be Arabic for all I know, all sounds the same to me.
That faggot can't even put out a fire, let alone run a false flag.
kek has gifted us with a reason to imprison this faggot.
>"he dindu nuffin, he wuz a good boi!"
Fuck off.
Show me the video tapes of him firing into muslims and I'll believe it wasn't a false flag.
He was radicalized online. Just like what's happening to you right now.
he got Sup Forumsled
>“He was someone who made frequent extreme comments in social media denigrating refugees and feminism. It wasn’t outright hate, rather part of this new nationalist conservative identity movement that is more intolerant than hateful.”
>Sarah-Jeanne Viau, who lived underneath the apartment, said she’d never seen who moved in last fall but there was “all kinds of noises. Steps, jumps, sometimes I’d hear a piano and often yelling.”
>A couple of nights before the shooting, Ms. Viau said she and her boyfriend were awoken at 3 a.m. by yelling and loud banging from upstairs.
>Piano playing drifted down through her ceiling sometimes. “It was beautiful so I didn’t mind it that much,” Ms. Viau said, noting the melodies would last late into the night.
>Michel Kingma-Lord, who grew up with Mr. Bissonnette in the Cap-Rouge neighbourhood, said he was “shocked” by the news that his erstwhile friend was suspected in a mass shooting. The two had grown apart in recent years, but spent many happy hours collecting minerals together as boys, scouring the schoolyard for bits of quartz.
>some scrawny, angel-eyed kid from which the most martial photo is of him shyly sitting before his chessboard got somehow hold of a AK in FUCKING Canada and massacred muslims precisely at the height of the trump Muslim hysteria
I don't believe it for a second.
It's not even a false flag at this point
It the plain old scapegoat trick , fitting the bill of "the enemy" perfectly
I would've loved to push a button killing all Muslims years before I found Sup Forums, I doubt that.
false flag
>internet radicalized alex
>internet was invented by government
>banging and yelling few nights before the shooting
>Alex got kidnapped by the RCMP, dragged out of his bed and throw into the party v&
>blindfolded, and released at the mosque after their Moroccan plant shot up the place
Reminder that Sup Forums doesn't radicalize anyone. Been coming to Sup Forums for nearly 11 years now and I'm nowhere near this fags level
>1 subscriber
This explains everything
Day of the Rake is upon you, Leaf.
i love his sexy supple lips
He seems like a sweet young guy, I'll place my bets on the Moroccan scum doing it.
>undercover infiltrates Sup Forums after Sup Forums exposure
>undercover claims identity of said lone shooter
>lone gunman forced to obey Allah shooter
>Allah shooter is merely witness
>lone shooter screams Allah Akbar, after posting waterfall videos, shoots 6 people injuring many others
>Allah shooter is held as witness for 12+ hours
>No information released for 12+ hours
it's from before he got redpilled
I didn't make any videos and had 3 subs, pretty sad.
>open this gif
>to me the butterfly symbolizes this one girl I met online
>I start thinking about her
>start smiling
>zuccbook messenger chat bubble pops up on my screen
>its her
>she sent me a message
Wow. I don't know what to say but meme magic has to be real. Kek must be telling me that she is the one. Too bad she lives a million miles away.
It wasn't an AK...absolutely prohibited by law for everyone...no exemptions...
reminder it was France's fault
Eye witnesses were saying 2 gunmen.
Now its a lone shooter. Suspicious.
I love life too, that's why I want to eradicate shitskins. So if there are blatant marks of a flase flag, that's not one of them.
Honestly all this guy needed was a fucking gf or just an intro to the Mani sphere. The reason the majority of us get radicalized is because we're sexually frustrated to the point where we blame the world around us.
Meet a grill in person
tree point five meelion
They say that every mass shooting then it turns out it was only one
>likes pages of sprite and fallout4
>posts on Sup Forums
nope, this doesn't add up.
The Moroccan was trying to help the people who got shot and ran when police arrived. Cleared of charges.
That's what was confusing for me to read too.
Ask the eye witness and they all say there were two men and one was yelling out snackbar before shooting. now it's just one beta white guy.
That's some sample size you've got there.
SJWs must be stopped.
Well the video of him shows him to be articulate and insightful into the worlds goings ons. He showed some mild contempt for water wastage with the popular ALS ice bucket crap. I mean don't get me wrong the guy appears quite gentle and sweet but he has political leanings in this video, along with articulation and an insight as I said. It's possible he did lurk Sup Forums. But I just don't get the killer/psychotic vibe from him at all. Elliot Rodgers, sure. Luke Magnotta, sure. This guy? Nah.
How many people have visited Sup Forums and how many have shot a place up?
damn you americans are dense.
Yes that's a clear Québécois accent. Not the thickest ive heard, but there's no doubt this guy is from "La belle province"