How do you feel about this?
White women aren't how they used to be. They started forming their own opinions and working and simply haven't recovered. Will aryan + honorary aryans be the next generation of the white race?
How do you feel about this?
White women aren't how they used to be. They started forming their own opinions and working and simply haven't recovered. Will aryan + honorary aryans be the next generation of the white race?
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i'm just saying
it seems to be our only hope at preserving the white race
Dated Ukrainian and Hungarian chicks. Nah, gooks are not my things
but did you date any that sought to secure the existence of the white race?
You can't secure the white race, if you dilute it with asian shit
you simply don't understand
we would not be diluting the white race, but creating the next generation of aryans to fight against the coalburning and degenerate society.
A race is only as strong as its men, and hapa men cannot interface effectively with this world
Hitler hated racemixing and banished Kalergi from Germany for being a racemixed pro-racemixing mongrel
Enjoy your ban
>A race is only as strong as its men, and hapa men cannot interface effectively with this world
HAPAS =/= east-aryan + aryan men
hapas are beta cuck nerds meets meh asian girl
two different races entirely.
Fuck off mongrel shill
>t. hapa in denial
What about Balkan women, they are mostly pure Illyrian. They clean, cook, and pop out white babies like crazy. My favorite would either be Albanian or Macedonian women.
with Donnie in office the lesser sex cant form opinions so theirs no need too use the slant eyes for cooking and making more more Aryan soldiers
>What about Balkan women, they are mostly pure Illyrian.
I'm laughing
>white babies
So much this. Have some pride for the white race!
East Aryans are better than white women (coalburners).
Holy shit please stop I'm going to break down crying oh god why are you painting such an awful dystopian image for me
And that´s a real white man.
All you have to do is meme the reinstatement of the natural role of women and the associated feminine forces that are most vital to a healthy family unit, and society.
You should probably start by respecting them and not pretending they are objects that you can simply replace with an updated, slanty-eyed model...
Asian women are the future for the white man, mixed babies will one day conquer the world.
the aryan children will fight the offspring of coal-burning white whores and we shall win like we have historically
I'd still go for fair Middle Eastern
as long as your offspring join the army of new aryans
>asian woman
kek they're no better than white women. The difference between them is that a white women will fuck a chad for free, an asian women will fuck anyone for a hundred bucks. They are literally feminine jews, they have no souls and will fuck you over whenever it financially benefits them.
They also age like raisins and can only achieve beauty through plastic surgery. They hate being housewives, are shit at sex and have no ass or tits. Literally no benefit to an asian women.
I like it the other way around. I'm into cuckolding and I love it, when my girlfriend fucks Asian guys. Can't help it
> dating a 3/4 Vietnamese 1/4 Chinese
> mfw she is the most redpilled woman ive ever met
> but those genes
I'm at a loss. Do I dilute my Mexican genes?
Hnnnnggggg. Korean gf checking in. Best choice I ever made.
Bro, asians are inferior to Hispanics in every way. Native Americans are the natural progression and the most recently evolved human species-right after asians. Combined with superior Visigothic (and sometimes moorish) genes, Mexicans are literally master-race tier. Although, i admit that Aryans are the master master-race, Mexicans don't trail far behind. Asians are meh. They are robots, not people.
im cool with that. can we import allot of them from thailand?
Abandon, don't dilute hers.
No thanks familiam.
if any of you fags are white and are dating anything other than a white girl you should kys.
>wanting a generation of hapas
That is likely purposely impregnating disabled people; do you really want their children to live a life of misery, suffering and woe?
I can't abandon. After I showed her some Latin flair she literally can't hop off of me. Time to go conquistador on her ass.
My weakness
>dilute my Mexican genes
Mexican is already pretty diluted.
good job, our eventual kids will fight together against this degeneracy
kek! This. Whenever I see some whitey with an asian woman , i can't help but think about someone getting a generic product in place of the real deal, except this analogy is kind of shitty. It reflects poor character more than anything else because asian women don't care about WHAT you are like, but mostly WHO you are in the scheme of society. Hence, asian women are in poor taste. You cannot rely on them to like YOU- only your position in society, usually manifest in a racial-like hierarchy. I have nothing against them. I only regard their superficiality as petty and even below niggers. That is why i regard many of them as robots and not people. Also, i think white women are warmer and more loving. Sure, they can suck, but they suck authentically. When they break apart so to speak, you can see the mechanics of it all. When asian women fall apart, you get a molten and formless piece of dough. Do any other anons relate to this feel?
Weebs really need to be purged
aryan men looking for east-aryan men =/= weebs
don't kid yourself, degenerate
Why haven't asian-white mongrel states like Kazakhstan conquered the world yet?
Because Mongol/Slav/Turk offspring a shit
The future man will be tall, slanted light blue eyes, Golden-Blonde hair, naturally fit, intelligent AND creative.
Chinese girls look for building a family and a serious relationship most of the time.
>Also they like to be dominated in bed.
whats with all these race mixing propaganda on here.
its on the porn threads and everywhere. fucking cut it out cunts.
Get one of each.
white women for wife/babbies
asian women for concubines/pets
how hard is it for you faggots to understand?
you obviously only deal with limp wristed faggot white boys. office nerds in IT and retail
blue collar men are real men.
>no tits
>no ass
Just like white men
>breed with Asian
>birth autist school shooting mongrel
Hitler is our leader now?
They won't. We have plenty of mixed arabs here. They are like niggers, they double down on their arabity instead of becoming white.
You're a selfish weak-minded beta and YOU are the problem, You can no longer consider your self a man you fucking pansy cuckold faggot.
nearly every single white female can be saved, especially the young and impressionable college aged woman.
Women are Malleable, if you can't gradually influence them towards your side, then you're a bitch that does not deserve to breed.
It fills me with rage whenever I see some supposedly "cosnervative" "traditionalist" white person deriding white women and promoting their revolting gook fetish on here. If there were ever a race war you'd be the first to Go.
I woud gladly slice your retarded gook wives throat, and then rip your balls off and shove them down your throat
When I date a white woman, it's always a hassle for her, like she is sacrificing something for me and got nothing in return
When I date an asian girl, she is always eager and happy, like she gained something important just from being with me
Continue dreaming. Finding a good woman is hard enough that we don't need to att hebephiliac grooming to the mix. White women are lost, and you either date a girl that has fucked 5-10 dudes minimum before you (gross), start your hebephile grooming plan and be a creepy fuck (18-year olds have already fucked several men in Sweden, often), or marry a pure virtous family-oriented asian.
Do we really need these threads everyday?
until we come to an agreement. is this not better than threads worshipping coal burning white whores?
Post white girls that don't burn coal then.
if you're a fucking loser then go get a ukranian prostitute or fuck off to asia and never come back
>not wanting to breed with superior-IQ Asians to breed super-intelligent descendants
forgot pic.
hitler wasn't alive to witness the new generation of east aryans. he would understand if he knew
I'm going to post this on every "muh asians gurlz" thread I see.
Mexicans are already a mix of Spanish and Native American so yeah go for it
how do white women compete with pic-related?
I'd still fuck it
Fuck that is crazy right side looks like a jpop star with a very young looking face.,
But I don't want an asian GF D:
Did the white man flee his home when the enemy invaded?
No, he stood his ground; where he lived or died.
left side is make-up too to make her look old
ITT degenerate subhumans
No they'd be weebs and fags...
remove Yeri
>pol fags who say this never been to Sup Forums
weebs hate 3d girls. they only want 2d
If Asian women are the new white women you cucks need to stop getting pissy about white women preferring black men over whites. You're both guilty of fetishizing a race for their hyper masculine/feminine features.
>honorary aryans
no such thing, asians are shitskins.
To be fair, this isn't an Asian exclusive thing. Asians and White Women just happen to be the only ones that have gotten it down to a science.
you forgot the text
>only for 50$/each
below your image
go away shlomo
Israelies are OK as long as they aren't religiously Jewish - many of them are literally Europeans that moved there after WWII. Lebanese christians are good too. The rest suck, especially saudis.
real ones
There is nothing "nah" about what I said. Nothing wrong with white men choosing Asian women, but you guys should stop getting bent over white women choosing blacks over you if you decide to prefer gooks. The hypocrisy is blatant.
Honestly, i want to marry a Spanish woman. Simply for the sake of fucking the spanish i think. How loose are your women Yakoob?
You forgot
enjoy your Hapas.
These aren't whites therefore it's still race mixing and only helping whites to die off. You beta neets need to go back to your /r9k/ board.
Also Honorary Aryan just means you're supported by Hitler, It doesn't mean you were actually white. He even gave some Jews that status.
The only Asians I'd date/fuck or Japs, Koreans, very few Chinese. I wouldn't bang the jungle asians (there is this one Viet Cong girl I know that I would for sure screw tho). I DEFINITELY wouldn't touch the filipinos.
Nope, I'll stay here and have three hapas.
I'm tired of the men here acting like they are nationalists whenever there are threads about Aryan women dating blacks when they are race traitors themselves. You are just as to blame for the white race dying as white women are. White women don't choose you because white men aren't masculine anymore, it's why they are downgrading and acting pissy towards all of you. They are tired of white men acting like women. This is why they don't appear "feminine" anymore.
Arthur shouldn't go back to punching the shit out of your sister?