Well pol...

Well pol? How long are you going to let smug libshits destroy lives just because they shared a small joke or some political opinion online? The left finally needs to be punished for shit like this. Just imagine if it were your son getting his life destroyed over some SJW bullshit.

Conservatives are cowards. Nothing will happen and liberalism will continue to expand and take over the west.

ya thats not happening, I am not really afraid of some limp-wristed faggot commie in a dyed blue skrillex hair cut


that screenshot had to have been taken by the (((thing))) who reported the tweet. Are you Hex Girl OP? You fucking faggot LMAO

You stupid faggots got that SNL writer fired over a lame joke so yeah that dumb college kid should burn for cheering Hitler. Can't have it both ways Blumpfkins.

Holy shit!

i mean he does kind of have a point.

>Conservatives are cowards
No they just dont see the point to whine and cry on social media all day.

jews are white