Fuck China in the Vagina!!!


Nobody understands China. But I do. I fucking understand China. So listen to me.

In the next 2 minutes, I'm going to red pill the shit out of you about China. I'm gonna open your eyes. I'm gonna give you a motherfucking epiphany.

On my previous thread, some dummy posted that China has a history of never being occupied.


The last dynasty in Chinese history was the Qing Dynasty. It lasted about 300 years. The rulers of the Qing Dynasty were not Chinese. The rulers were a "barbarian" race called the Manchus. This dynasty successfully lasted for 300 years. China was OCCUPIED and ruled by a foreign race for 300 years.

Why? Why did the Chinese kowtow to the barbarians for 300 years?

Answer: Because of the alternative. Because Chinese people are deathly afraid of shit hitting the fan, because every single time shit hits the fan in the Middle Kingdom, tens of millions of Chinese people die of slaughter or hunger. Therefore, the Chinese people are inherently willing to tolerate bullshit from their authoritarian government in order to stave off the inevitable disaster that is the Chinese dynastic change.

Right now, the same thing is happening. China is on the verge of collapse, but Chinese people are tolerating their bullshit government because they're so terrified of the inevitable. But, trust me, there WILL be a dynastic change. It's absolutely inevitable. It's the nature of China to collapse, again and again and again. China has had 83 dynasties in its history. No. Make that 84, including the PRC.

China is a DOMINO, just waiting to fall and trigger a chain reaction of nonstop ass fucking.

This is the future. Be prepared.

Other urls found in this thread:


Hmm... isn't China doing really well economically? Why will it collapse?


Enlighten yourself.

Deluded Ameri-Shart thinks his 50% Africa tier nigger shithole stands a chance.

You're not really America anymore. That's why you'll lose

I have a prediction that the collapse of North Korea - as a result of a coup in reaction to too many purges - will lead to the downfall of China.

Given how paranoid Beijing is to an American garrison right next to their border, the minute the Kim dynasty goes down, the Chinese will rush in and occupy the entire DPRK. But the end result will be years of mass refugees flooding into north eastern China (ala Europe), and insurgencies all over former DPRK (ala Afghanistan). The ethnic violence and military overspending, combined with the inevitable eruption of China's housing bubble, will be the undoing to China's economy.

Don't worry we'll bury you with your beloved colonial masters in the mass graves. Traitorous nation cuckold

Because your people are about to become bedfellows with them

Nope. China is the future. Amerispics will be doomed to be second place.

Its funny all the liveliest chink shills live in cucknada, nz, australia or the USA, because they know their beloved motherland is literally the trashiest cesspool on the planet, where the very air, water and blackheart food products will kill them before they reach 50.

lol keep shilling for Mordor

stale pasta

This may be South Koreas wet dream as the cost of reunification is staggering. Educating, feeding, and finding all the norks jobs. Yikes.

If Big Bro China steps in and foots the bill... could lead to a power change with South Korea gaining hegemony in South Pacific and using their talented cyber generals who have been practicing with starcraft to take over the world.

you're a copypasta shitfag who sucks mexican cocks for bus fare.

nice pasta faggot

t. Xhao

Go back to your shithole. You won't cause what OP said is true and your ancestors hate themselves, hence moving to white Canada

Canada = Chinese clay

China is not doing well. They are building cities where nobody lives and nobody can afford just to keep their construction industry afloat. Their stock market should have collapsed but the state props it up and shuts it down every time it starts to crash.

Chinese wealth is fleeing in mass to the West, buying houses and businesses because they know the collapse is coming.

lol, stay cucked you pathetic faggot

I recognize this pasta

taiwan will be part of china soon :)

Totally. Unification is totally a meme for millienial SKers, whom collectively refer to their own country as "Hell Joseon", as a reference to their generation of financial prospect being completely fucked over by their elders. When most of the Korean-war era oldies die off, no SK party with a serious unification platform will ever get elected.

Mao's China raised this human disaster that is North Korea, its only fitting their descendants choke on it.

bump cause true btw what are your thoughts as to how they got into the position they are in now ?

Ching chong ah so wah.

kys you insufferable faggot. Nobody wants to hear your schitzophrenic ramblings

The PRC's golden age has already passed. China's collapse is inevitable. But Chinese people are so afraid of the inevitable chaos and suffering that they're willing to prop up the dying beast that is the PRC and are willing to tolerate all the bullshit that their government feeds them in order to prevent China's destiny of collapsing from coming to fruition. Chinese nationalism is like the duct tape that's preventing the shitty broken-down PRC machine from falling apart. China is desperate, but fortunately (for them), the Chinese people are blinded by nationalism.

But it's futile...

Everyone whose specialty lies in China knows that China's time is up. Every political scientist knows that China's time is up. Trump knows it. Putin knows it. Every single foreigner that works or makes money in China knows it. Trust me, I know China, and I know that China's time is up. I know that Chinese people are in for a world of suffering. China is the most predictable country in the entire world. China has one of the longest histories in the world, but its entire history is a repeating cycle, going through the same things, making the same mistakes, again.. and again.. and again.

Those who KNOW, already KNOW.

Why do you think China is being so aggressive in the SCS? Desperation.

Why do you think Japan is militarizing again after more than 70 years? Preparation.

Why do you think the US is installing a missile defense system on the Korean peninsula?

Why do you think Trump is slowly creating a rift between the Russo-Chinese alliance?

Why do you think Trump is targeting China's economy?

China is RIP.

The Chinese people are in for a hundred years of suffering. It's their fate.

Fuck China and fuck non-white people!

China is collapsing.

China is on the verge of imPLOsion!

Let me tell you something about China.

China has had 83 dynasties. That is 83 different governments. That is 83 different revolutions. That is 83 times when the people overthrew a government and established a new one.

Lemme tell you something else about China. The history of China is violent ASS FUCK. Every single time a new dynasty was established, TENS OF MILLIONS of Chinese people got slaughtered or starved to death. Every single time a Chinese dynasty collapsed, A QUARTER OF THE WORLD'S POPULATION DIED, because the Chinese population was always the biggest in the world. In the history of mankind, more Chinese people died than all the other peoples of the world COMBINED.

Only an idiot who has never studied Chinese history thinks that China has 5,000 years of uninterrupted history. Those thousands of years were chaotic and fragmented as fuck. China has always been a chaotic dog-eat-dog Battle Royale clusterfuck. Listen to what I have to say...

China is on its last legs.

China is so damn close to collapsing.

But you wanna know what's stopping it from collapsing?

Answer: Chinese people know better than anyone the nature of China. The nature of China is to collapse and be reborn, again and again and again. But the process is extremely painful. Every single dynasty in China's history follows the same pattern. Let me use a 90 year dynasty as an example. The first 30 years is spent suppressing its rivals. The next 30 is a golden age where people thrive. The last 30 years is spent preventing its inevitable collapse, and the entire population suffering and revolting.

lol the delusions that you'll ever live to see us under your rule, is the only reason that you havent off yourself living in that carcinogenic hellhole you are crawling in.

Or maybe youre hoping you can scrap together enough pennies to run away like that oversea shill , so you can continue shitposting for the government that killed off more chinese than the japs could ever dream of.

You're reflecting. That's America not China. China is improving rapidly, our standards of living and advancement is increasing exponentially. We are spending more on education, research and technology now than ever before. We will surpass you by 2025 and retake our rightful place in this world.

Eh, it's irresponsible to say China is on the brink of collapse. If you say that now, then you have to say they have been for the past 30 years.

>China is improving rapidly, our standards of living and advancement is increasing exponentially.
what does this mean

>Defeatist shill projecting
Island inbreeding does that to mental health

Nah china's just going to buy canned air and try to ride out that smog storm

>be chink shill
>deny reality that their homeland is the very reason they dont wana go back
>find purpose in life by shitposting in anonymous imageboards, and facebook pages of Taiwanese newspapers

And Pathetic.

Why dont you stop ruining white people's housing market, and be more likeable for once.
If no wonder whiteys like the japanese more than the chinks. Thanks to chinks like yourself.

Keep sucking on that legacy that hasn't been relevant for 2,000 years.

Canada has a couple of tiny locations with majority Chinese populations. This leads them to think they're relevant.

why do taiwanese kiss white ass so much lmao. no self respect whatsoever. when your country is hated it means you are powerful and dont bend over for others

China is literally the future.

China will always be second place. Thats the best they'll ever get, with a work culture thats entirely based on exploitation, pollution and plagarism. If there were no white people around, China will be stuck in Qing dynasty since they cant invent shit.

China is a bubble waiting to burst. Currency manipulation only works for so long.

Canada's cities are just doomsday bunkers for the wealthy oriental

You shit talk China but without them you'll be way less richer. They make everything cheap and afordable from electronics to mugs to solar panels to anything. If only their government wasn't so cancerous they would be worthy of number 1.

China isn't hated. China is a warning to others on how not to do just about everything.

Every 50 years that place implodes. It's like clockwork. They haven't accomplished anything worthwhile in 500 years because some retard burnt their navy.

I live in my own country, i dont need to kiss anyones ass. Taiwanese try to be civilized around other nationalities, THATS self respect. But apparently the chinese concept of self respect is literally defecating in the public, spitting like a camel, and trashing every tourist spot they can get their grubby hands on.

Keep your chinese respect. People hate you because you act like animals, not because they fear you.

And when are you getting that canadian visa?

Lol, enjoy being on that list Zhou. Reported to CSIS.

>They make everything cheap and afordable from electronics to mugs to solar panels to anything.

Yes, by not giving a shit about the environment, the people that work in the factories, and the quality of their products.
They're the best at planned obsolesce.
I'm sure somebody has the Sup Forums screenshot about how shitty China is to do business with.

Based Taiwan is like the respected Tang dynasty that everyone wanted to work with and didn't hate despite being enormously powerful. If you people still ran China it wouldn't be an unlivable shithole.

DESU you guys never deserved the Opium Wars, that was pure globalist bullshit.

did you know that 20 years ago china was africa level development? the etiquette reflects that. im sorry that 3rd to 1st world economics and manners in 20 years is impossible.

Same fucking copy pasta for past week. Fuck off shill!

yeah we all heard that excuse before, but you seem to forget right after WWII, Japan, Korea and Taiwan all turned to africa-tier nations, but even then their mannerism werent as uncivilized as their chinese contemporaries.

My grandparents generation witnessed the KMT takeover right after the japanese left, and they all universally despised the niggerish behaviors of their chinese "liberators" (spitting, looting, raping). The chinese is essentially the worst traits of jews and niggers combined.



9/10 posting, this triggers the Chinaman

It aint the clay your parents moved there for, it's the white Culture. And that's something you'll never be able to steal and mimic, like 95% of the rest of your 'high tech'


Stay mad at Taiwan lol China

Shadow banking.

See documentary How China Fooled the World

Fuck I think they've taken it down from YouTube.

If you're actually Chinese

Why are you here?

I-Is it India's time to restore its glory?


its on daily motion

Should be a no brainer desu. China has a fondness for civil wars and it wouldn't be a stretch to think one is brewing at all times. Though to be fair, Europe wasn't exactly peaceful over those thousands of years you speak of.
Hope the new empire is less retarded and purge the commies.

>KMT takeover
are you Taiwanese ethnic?

Sure but you can't deny they are essential to western wealth and to the world. Drumpf can bully China but it will hurt the world badly.

of course. We along with the HKers and just about anyone whos unfortunate of being china's neighbor, are just too woke to the awfulness and deception that country produces

And why should I care about the chinks?

bump even though its overcooked


Fucking True-China bringing the fucking bantz.

>china hate thread
>no qt asian pics/nudes
>no chinksaresubhuman.webms
What a failure of a thread

again bump because Sup Forums doesn't realise these mongol ANT PEOPLE are the real threat

also seeing as your a pasta spamming faggot, op:
please be informed of this new meyme: the "le ant people" meme
okay; thank you

Acording to Thomas Sowell Spain is the poorest country in western europe because they were essentiely like saudi arabia of today. They got tons of gols from south america so they didn't have to develop human capital like other western countries. When the gold was gone so did the wealth. Your reaction?


Based taiwan setting the record straight.

Law and order
Clean people
High technology
Highly educated
Beautiful women
Rich culture
Freedom of speech

Dirty people
Copyright violations
Illiterate populace
Ugly fuck-for-money whores
Cultural wasteland

Be careful what you're poking with sticks. They got Russia and India backing their ass, not sure if even the best military tech could save you from such horde.

>when your country is hated it means you are powerful and dont bend over for others.

I guess we're paying to tribute to sand niggers and nigger niggers from now on. Fuck off chink. Can't wait till your kind turn over to cannibalism out of sheer desperation. It's time you insects were put in your place.

Communism is just a political front. With country so big, it could be devastating to have multi party system, besides, how well it really works these days? What comes to manufacturing and industry, they're more capitalistic than America itself.

>democracy and freedom of speech
after 50 years of the white terror, in which taiwanese intellectuals were jailed under their government, no different from mao
>rich culture
they just try to immitate japan.


Chinas millitary is a joke. If america declared war on china most of their soldiers would not report for duty because they know it's certain death. Especially when they would be getting phone calls and texts from the americans telling them to stay at home to avoid certain death.

fucking gold

Kys race traitor. You're Chinese and that's all you'll ever be.

You'll never be independent.

t. 外省人 on vacation

Communist propaganda well parroted you finnish cuckold.

seems like you are behind the times by about 5 years. china is in no way doing well.

Well, even if it is, how you're gonna have a war with tens of millions of soldiers? Even if they would be worse than America's army? EU would be cucked into a help probably. If there's suddenly 500 000 soldiers landing in USA, after EMP or some shit, that's hard to bite. Then another 500 000, why not 1.5 million?

>says the faggot islander sucking burger cock to starve off being blown into pink mist by Chinese ballistic missiles

>China is on the verge of collapse
It's really just not. It may have a high level coup but it will be quite smooth historically speaking
There's no dynasty so how can there be a dynastic change

That's a fact. Check your stuff before shouting those propagandists sentences.

lol chill you sound butthurt


They also buy lots of land, houses and businesses in these areas usually with cheap loans from China...So if anything are spreading their power everywhere

You really have fallen for the china meme haven't you.

Any war with china will be fought IN CHINA. America has airbases in okinawa and japan and pretty much rules the air and outer space. It's also allied with japan and sk and taiwan and india and europe. A american war with china would be a 20 on 1 tag team beat down.


At least Japan has a culture

>white terror
>committed by nationalists chinese so corrupt that mao convinced most chinese to throw them out of china

Yeah, its a good thing those chinese ruling days are over in taiwan. And we dont want them back either.

Its rich you say we imitate japan, when china arguably has the largest population of weeabos of any countries. Hey thanks for the free manga sites btw

Sorry, its not Chiang the Thief's Taiwan anymore. We will can always choose to be a non-Chinese. Go back to China you wanabe chink.

I can attest to chinese immigrants buying up stuff over on the west coast. Tons of exchange students driving expensive ass cars and living in nice places in expensive parts of town. When I went to a city college over here they had a drop box where they would all post tests/answers and every single one of them would use it during tests. Also they eat alot of mcdonalds

I really do think America will collapse before China does

I've heard that and I guess probably every opposed army knows that Achilles heel of Free and Braves. They're Always, Always fought their wars abroad, unless they've been fighting with themselves. If you do it otherwise, there's gonna be a great advantage in fights.

That's some quality posting right there

>we can always choose to be a non-chinese
>"trumpu-chan pleasu helpuru usu ~~~"

> "Native Taiwanese" still butthurt about the White Terror.

Funny. My grandparents met while working for the National Security Bureau. You can attack 荣民 all you want and continue to cry about 黑金 but let's face it, you will never be independent.

>always with the blowjob accusation
The only thing thats a fact: is the fact you still wont go back to China. You are a living proof to everything I stated. So keep the dick sucking words coming, its all you have.

Very civilized. 5000 years civilization. so wow

Times a changing

Real China is right.