Is society falling apart?
Is society falling apart?
Yes! And it's a beautiful thing to behold.
Only for the ones that are on the streets protesting.
The right wing will do that
No, sage shill threads.
Not really, once these protests get very violent then it will be, Trumps playing 4D texas hold'em with these faggots and he holds all the cards
Just needs another good violent push or two
Not that I am saying anyone should do anything drastic
Definitely don't do that
Yup, my town is already getting a militia ready
Society hasn't fallen apart until there's literally Hitler
Yes all the NINGEN must go.
I love this ahah
Peak oil + Debt is growth is global economy + social unrest over stupid, nearsighted agendas left and right. Knock out the trucking empire and the electric grid and we're fighting over the canned food at the grocery store.
sorry were they upside down
Do you people live in 100% white rural areas and can easily live off the land or something?
Yes, I've lived innawoods my entire life.
well I'm in a white suburb but being a minority in this state will probably get me killed eventually
I feel like our society is going to hit a point of no return in the next 50 to 100 years. I wish I could have been alive 50 years ago to see what the "autism" of that time was. Today it seems like non-issues (transgender/lgbtqrstuvwxyz/the rights women already have/etc) are more important to people than issues based in reality. I love the technology I have and the people I hang out with and thank god I am in Texas. I don't know how people put up with this shit in other areas of the US and civilized world.
Do you guys think there will be a falling out in the future with the PC autism that is consuming the minds of people and the media today?
where the fuck do you live. asking for a friend
>tfw working at mostly mexican fast food place while going to a college where the administration were talk trashing trump without shame
Soon the war will start
>leave urban centers fast desu
It's like a non-stop happening
I've genuinely never felt happier in my life
my body is ready
is it finally happening..?
There hasn't been rioting yet.
I will laugh if Bannon just destroys the GOP while the Democrats keep a strong coalition and gain dozens of governorships by 2018 instead of destroying both parties though.
No wonder they'll try to find an excuse for martial law.
>tfw I can go to the post office or town bank and talk about supporting Trump without fear of being accosted.
pls dont be kidding, if repeating integers its happening and im not sleeping for 3 days preparing
same, I also live inna northern state. If the shit goes down before winter ends and I have to go innawoods I'll just say my prayers and jump off a bridge or something cause I aint gonna make it somewhere warm. Stay safe northern bros
who /prepared/ here?
post bugout gear
Fuck political correctness, fuck lefts, fuck antifas, fuck globalism, and Jews. Society have gotten too far, thanks to obama's year-long in the office.
Kinda surprised Sup Forums wasn't talking more about this shit after Trump started his purge earlier but I guess that happens when you live in a fantasyland. Enjoy it while it lasts fellow keks.
But I want the war...we all do
>soceity failed us
I'm not kidding
>war is happening
youve made my night user
i hope i run into you somehow in the midwest
No. Malevolent algorithms agitate you with negative news stories and those very media outlets are fueled by the outrage. In a world of instant communication (smartphone) we've fallen into a spiral of anger and stress as we're fed the narrative that society falls apart. In actuality the earth still revolves and all the vegetation still breathes and the animals hunt in the night and the world lives on. You need to disconnect from the internet and go see the world for its beauty and recognize your place in it.
Liberal society is. The rest of society is doing just fine.
You won't see me then
It's been falling apart for decades.
good luck to you then
i wish you the best
damn i wish i was american sometimes
Where's your spoon and grenades?
Society has already fallen apart. What's we're seeing is what happens when someone tries to stop it from falling so fast.
yea, but I like watching liberal cities fall apart
Dude militias are already being formed and prepping
>being this late
>citation needed
i just needed to know for sure since i have to go to my storage quickly then
otheriwise im fine on my own
just an oldfag vet
So poker in space?
It's happening soon
Truly the best timeline, I get to die a painful death and spend the last minutes of my life screaming in agony as a bunch of ice heads kill me for my loaf of bread
Truly the best timeline..
thank you friend i will soon know peace
I believe that Maine is putting up a militia. When I went there was only one black woman in town. It's insane how you guys can go to a store while the windows are down, doors are unlocked and the engine is still going.
I hope to god you protect that level of communal comfort.
My god the delsion the left has put themselves under.
There is no Democratic party anymore, they are unironically trying to elect a black Muslim to lead the party. It's over.
Nothing will happen under Trump the same way nothing happened under Obama. The Democrats win or lose next election and we just repeat the same shit for the rest of our lives back and forth with a few light happenings sprinkled in between.
>they are unironically trying to elect a black Muslim to lead the party.
so? we already had one as president
>tfw you're American but don't own any REAL firearms
I feel like a Leaf, senpai.