Ask an alt-right jew anything

Ask an alt-right jew anything.

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Do you listen to based Rabbi Mizrachi?

why do i feel like most of you alt right jews are pretending to throw a wrench in the antisemitism of the goys?

We can be great allies.

No, but I'll give it a listen. I'm open to new ideas, my ideology isn't static.

Well obviously we don't want to be hated. I was at the hewillnotdivideus protest with my Trump hat on, but left after about an hour, after hearing about a hundred holocaust jokes. I know when I'm not wanted, but at the same time I still have my beliefs.

i want to believe there can be good jews, but years and years of seeing jew infographs and anti-white jew testimonies has made me insatiably skeptical. i guess time will tell, the alt-right is new, as are alt-right jews.

Half Jew here. Don't see why Jewish Nationalism and White Nationalism are mutually exclusive. Even if Jew didn't exist, Euros would still have to deal with Muzzies, at least Isreal helps with that. I think its the Soros types and ((((bankers))))) that threaten everyone

half Jew here. can confirm there is a tendency toward idealism and higher abstract ideological thinking. We can be good allies and venomous enemies. the key is finding the good ones who can be good allies and gassing the Marxists

would support WN

Do you believe the holocaust happened?